# This is a pre-release of a Helm 2to3 migration template to facilitate # the migration of Auto DevOps releases to Helm 3. # # To use, set the CI variable MIGRATE_HELM_2TO3 to "true". # For more details, go to https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/autodevops/upgrading_auto_deploy_dependencies.html#helm-v3 .helm-2to3-migrate: image: "${CI_TEMPLATE_REGISTRY_HOST}/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/helm-install-image/releases/helm-2to3-2.17.0-3.5.3-kube-1.16.15-alpine-3.12" # NOTE: We use the deploy stage because: # - It exists in all versions of Auto DevOps. # - It is _empty_. # - It precedes any Kubernetes deployments. # Users on older versions of GitLab can include this template without adjusting their stages. stage: deploy needs: [] artifacts: when: always expire_in: 1 week paths: - helm-2-release-backups/ before_script: - mkdir helm-2-release-backups - apk add jq - export TILLER_NAMESPACE=$KUBE_NAMESPACE - export HELM_HOST="localhost:44134" - nohup tiller -listen "${HELM_HOST}" >tiller.log 2>&1 & - helm2 init --client-only script: # check for releases - releases=$(helm2 ls --output json | jq -r '.Releases[].Name') # back up entire namespace if the user opts into it - | if [[ -n "$releases" && -n "$BACKUP_HELM2_RELEASES" ]]; then echo "Backing up releases" kubectl get configmap -n "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" -l "OWNER=TILLER" -o yaml > "helm-2-release-backups/$KUBE_NAMESPACE.yaml" fi # adopt manifests from each release - | for release in $releases; do chart=$(helm2 ls "^$release\$" --output json | jq -r '.Releases[0].Chart') echo "Adopting Helm v2 manifests from $release" # some resource kinds must be listed explicitly https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/42885 for name in $(kubectl -n "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" get all,ingress,daemonset -o name -l chart="$chart"); do kubectl annotate -n "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" --overwrite "$name" meta.helm.sh/release-name="$release" kubectl annotate -n "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" --overwrite "$name" meta.helm.sh/release-namespace="$KUBE_NAMESPACE" kubectl label -n "$KUBE_NAMESPACE" --overwrite "$name" app.kubernetes.io/managed-by=Helm done done # migrate each release - | for release in $releases; do echo "Migrating release: $release" helm3 2to3 convert --ignore-already-migrated --release-storage configmaps --tiller-out-cluster --tiller-ns "$TILLER_NAMESPACE" "$release" done .helm-2to3-cleanup: image: "${CI_TEMPLATE_REGISTRY_HOST}/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/helm-install-image/releases/helm-2to3-2.17.0-3.5.3-kube-1.16.15-alpine-3.12" stage: cleanup environment: action: prepare before_script: - export TILLER_NAMESPACE=$KUBE_NAMESPACE - export HELM_HOST="localhost:44134" - nohup tiller -listen "${HELM_HOST}" >tiller.log 2>&1 & - helm2 init --client-only script: - helm3 2to3 cleanup --skip-confirmation --release-storage configmaps --tiller-out-cluster --tiller-ns "$TILLER_NAMESPACE" .review: environment: name: review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME rules: - if: '$MIGRATE_HELM_2TO3 != "true"' when: never - if: '($CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == null || $CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == "") && ($KUBECONFIG == null || $KUBECONFIG == "")' when: never - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH' when: never - if: '$REVIEW_DISABLED' when: never - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH' when: manual review:helm-2to3:migrate: extends: [.review, .helm-2to3-migrate] review:helm-2to3:cleanup: extends: [.review, .helm-2to3-cleanup] rules: - if: '$MIGRATE_HELM_2TO3 != "true" && $CLEANUP_HELM_2TO3 == null' when: never - if: '($CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == null || $CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == "") && ($KUBECONFIG == null || $KUBECONFIG == "")' when: never - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH' when: never - if: '$REVIEW_DISABLED' when: never - if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG || $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH' when: manual .staging: environment: name: staging rules: - if: '$MIGRATE_HELM_2TO3 != "true"' when: never - if: '($CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == null || $CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == "") && ($KUBECONFIG == null || $KUBECONFIG == "")' when: never - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH' when: never - if: '$STAGING_ENABLED' when: manual staging:helm-2to3:migrate: extends: [.staging, .helm-2to3-migrate] staging:helm-2to3:cleanup: extends: [.staging, .helm-2to3-cleanup] rules: - if: '$MIGRATE_HELM_2TO3 != "true" && $CLEANUP_HELM_2TO3 == null' when: never - if: '($CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == null || $CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == "") && ($KUBECONFIG == null || $KUBECONFIG == "")' when: never - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH != $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH' when: never - if: '$STAGING_ENABLED' when: manual .production: environment: name: production rules: - if: '$MIGRATE_HELM_2TO3 != "true"' when: never - if: '($CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == null || $CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == "") && ($KUBECONFIG == null || $KUBECONFIG == "")' when: never - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH' when: manual production:helm-2to3:migrate: extends: [.production, .helm-2to3-migrate] production:helm-2to3:cleanup: extends: [.production, .helm-2to3-cleanup] rules: - if: '$MIGRATE_HELM_2TO3 != "true" && $CLEANUP_HELM_2TO3 == null' when: never - if: '($CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == null || $CI_KUBERNETES_ACTIVE == "") && ($KUBECONFIG == null || $KUBECONFIG == "")' when: never - if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH' when: manual