require 'rake_helper' describe 'gitlab:uploads rake tasks' do describe 'check' do let!(:upload) { create(:upload, path: Rails.root.join('spec/fixtures/banana_sample.gif')) } before do Rake.application.rake_require 'tasks/gitlab/uploads' end it 'outputs the integrity check for each uploaded file' do expect { run_rake_task('gitlab:uploads:check') }.to output(/Checking file \(#{}\): #{Regexp.quote(upload.absolute_path)}/).to_stdout end it 'errors out about missing files on the file system' do create(:upload) expect { run_rake_task('gitlab:uploads:check') }.to output(/File does not exist on the file system/).to_stdout end it 'errors out about invalid checksum' do upload.update_column(:checksum, '01a3156db2cf4f67ec823680b40b7302f89ab39179124ad219f94919b8a1769e') expect { run_rake_task('gitlab:uploads:check') }.to output(/File checksum \(9e697aa09fe196909813ee36103e34f721fe47a5fdc8aac0e4e4ac47b9b38282\) does not match the one in the database \(#{upload.checksum}\)/).to_stdout end end end