import { s__, __ } from '~/locale'; export const GRAPHQL_PAGE_SIZE = 30; export const initialPaginationState = { currentPage: 1, prevPageCursor: '', nextPageCursor: '', first: GRAPHQL_PAGE_SIZE, last: null, }; /* Error constants */ export const POST_FAILURE = 'post_failure'; export const DEFAULT = 'default'; /* Job Status Constants */ export const JOB_SCHEDULED = 'SCHEDULED'; /* i18n */ export const ACTIONS_DOWNLOAD_ARTIFACTS = __('Download artifacts'); export const ACTIONS_START_NOW = s__('DelayedJobs|Start now'); export const ACTIONS_UNSCHEDULE = s__('DelayedJobs|Unschedule'); export const ACTIONS_PLAY = __('Play'); export const ACTIONS_RETRY = __('Retry'); export const CANCEL = __('Cancel'); export const GENERIC_ERROR = __('An error occurred while making the request.'); export const PLAY_JOB_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE = s__( `DelayedJobs|Are you sure you want to run %{job_name} immediately? This job will run automatically after its timer finishes.`, ); export const RUN_JOB_NOW_HEADER_TITLE = s__('DelayedJobs|Run the delayed job now?');