formatLink = (str) -> "![" + str.alt + "](" + str.url + ")" $(document).ready -> alertClass = "alert alert-danger alert-dismissable div-dropzone-alert" alertAttr = "class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"alert\"" + "aria-hidden=\"true\"" divHover = "
" divSpinner = "
" divAlert = "
" iconPicture = "" iconSpinner = "" btnAlert = "" project_image_path_upload = window.project_image_path_upload or null $("textarea.markdown-area").wrap "
" $(".div-dropzone").parent().addClass "div-dropzone-wrapper" $(".div-dropzone").append divHover $(".div-dropzone-hover").append iconPicture $(".div-dropzone").append divSpinner $(".div-dropzone-spinner").append iconSpinner $(".div-dropzone-spinner").css "opacity": 0 "display": "none" dropzone = $(".div-dropzone").dropzone( url: project_image_path_upload dictDefaultMessage: "" clickable: true paramName: "markdown_img" maxFilesize: 10 uploadMultiple: false acceptedFiles: "image/jpg,image/jpeg,image/gif,image/png" headers: "X-CSRF-Token": $("meta[name=\"csrf-token\"]").attr("content") previewContainer: false processing: -> $(".div-dropzone-alert").alert "close" dragover: -> $(".div-dropzone > textarea").addClass "div-dropzone-focus" $(".div-dropzone-hover").css "opacity", 0.7 return dragleave: -> $(".div-dropzone > textarea").removeClass "div-dropzone-focus" $(".div-dropzone-hover").css "opacity", 0 return drop: -> $(".div-dropzone > textarea").removeClass "div-dropzone-focus" $(".div-dropzone-hover").css "opacity", 0 $(".div-dropzone > textarea").focus() return success: (header, response) -> child = $(dropzone[0]).children("textarea") $(child).val $(child).val() + formatLink( + "\n" return error: (temp, errorMessage) -> checkIfMsgExists = $(".error-alert").children().length if checkIfMsgExists is 0 $(".error-alert").append divAlert $(".div-dropzone-alert").append btnAlert + errorMessage return sending: -> $(".div-dropzone-spinner").css "opacity": 0.7 "display": "inherit" return complete: -> $(".dz-preview").remove() $(".markdown-area").trigger "input" $(".div-dropzone-spinner").css "opacity": 0 "display": "none" return ) child = $(dropzone[0]).children("textarea") formatLink = (str) -> "![" + str.alt + "](" + str.url + ")" handlePaste = (e) -> e.preventDefault() my_event = e.originalEvent if my_event.clipboardData and my_event.clipboardData.items processItem(my_event) processItem = (e) -> image = isImage(e) if image filename = getFilename(e) or "image.png" text = "{{" + filename + "}}" pasteText(text) uploadFile image.getAsFile(), filename else text = e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain") pasteText(text) isImage = (data) -> i = 0 while i < data.clipboardData.items.length item = data.clipboardData.items[i] if item.type.indexOf("image") isnt -1 return item i++ return false pasteText = (text) -> caretStart = $(child)[0].selectionStart caretEnd = $(child)[0].selectionEnd textEnd = $(child).val().length beforeSelection = $(child).val().substring 0, caretStart afterSelection = $(child).val().substring caretEnd, textEnd $(child).val beforeSelection + text + afterSelection $(".markdown-area").trigger "input" getFilename = (e) -> if window.clipboardData and window.clipboardData.getData value = window.clipboardData.getData("Text") else if e.clipboardData and e.clipboardData.getData value = e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain") value = value.split("\r") value.first() uploadFile = (item, filename) -> formData = new FormData() formData.append "markdown_img", item, filename $.ajax url: project_image_path_upload type: "POST" data: formData dataType: "json" processData: false contentType: false headers: "X-CSRF-Token": $("meta[name=\"csrf-token\"]").attr("content") beforeSend: -> showSpinner() closeAlertMessage() success: (e, textStatus, response) -> insertToTextArea(filename, formatLink( error: (response) -> showError(response.responseJSON.message) complete: -> closeSpinner() insertToTextArea = (filename, url) -> $(child).val (index, val) -> val.replace("{{" + filename + "}}", url + "\n") appendToTextArea = (url) -> $(child).val (index, val) -> val + url + "\n" showSpinner = (e) -> $(".div-dropzone-spinner").css "opacity": 0.7 "display": "inherit" closeSpinner = -> $(".div-dropzone-spinner").css "opacity": 0 "display": "none" showError = (message) -> checkIfMsgExists = $(".error-alert").children().length if checkIfMsgExists is 0 $(".error-alert").append divAlert $(".div-dropzone-alert").append btnAlert + message closeAlertMessage = -> $(".div-dropzone-alert").alert "close" $(".markdown-selector").click (e) -> e.preventDefault() $(@).closest('.gfm-form').find('.div-dropzone').click() return return