class OmniauthCallbacksController < Devise::OmniauthCallbacksController Gitlab.config.omniauth.providers.each do |provider| define_method provider['name'] do handle_omniauth end end # Extend the standard message generation to accept our custom exception def failure_message exception = env["omniauth.error"] error = exception.error_reason if exception.respond_to?(:error_reason) error ||= exception.error if exception.respond_to?(:error) error ||= exception.message if exception.respond_to?(:message) error ||= env["omniauth.error.type"].to_s error.to_s.humanize if error end # We only find ourselves here # if the authentication to LDAP was successful. def ldap @user = if @user.changed? # will also save new users gl_user = @user.gl_user gl_user.remember_me = true if @user.persisted? # Do additional LDAP checks for the user filter and EE features if @user.allowed? sign_in_and_redirect(gl_user) else flash[:alert] = "Access denied for your LDAP account." redirect_to new_user_session_path end end def omniauth_error @provider = params[:provider] @error = params[:error] render 'errors/omniauth_error', layout: "errors", status: 422 end private def handle_omniauth if current_user # Change a logged-in user's authentication method: current_user.extern_uid = oauth['uid'] current_user.provider = oauth['provider'] redirect_to profile_path else @user = # Only allow properly saved users to login. if @user.persisted? && @user.valid? sign_in_and_redirect(@user.gl_user) else error_message = if @user.gl_user.errors.any? do |attribute, message| "#{attribute} #{message}" end.join(", ") else '' end redirect_to omniauth_error_path(oauth['provider'], error: error_message) and return end end rescue StandardError flash[:notice] = "There's no such user!" redirect_to new_user_session_path end def oauth @oauth ||= request.env['omniauth.auth'] end end