Feature: Project Commits Comments Background: Given I sign in as a user And I own project "Shop" And I visit project commit page @javascript Scenario: I can comment on a commit Given I leave a comment like "XML attached" Then I should see a comment saying "XML attached" @javascript Scenario: I can't cancel the main form Then I should not see the cancel comment button @javascript Scenario: I can't preview without text Given I haven't written any comment text Then I should not see the comment preview button @javascript Scenario: I can preview with text Given I write a comment like "Nice" Then I should see the comment preview button @javascript Scenario: I preview a comment Given I preview a comment text like "Bug fixed :smile:" Then I should see the comment preview And I should not see the comment text field @javascript Scenario: I can edit after preview Given I preview a comment text like "Bug fixed :smile:" Then I should see the comment edit button @javascript Scenario: I have a reset form after posting from preview Given I preview a comment text like "Bug fixed :smile:" And I submit the comment Then I should see an empty comment text field And I should not see the comment preview @javascript Scenario: I can delete a comment Given I leave a comment like "XML attached" And I delete a comment Then I should not see a comment saying "XML attached"