class Spinach::Features::ProjectIssueTracker < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedProject include SharedPaths step 'project "Shop" has issues enabled' do @project = Project.find_by(name: "Shop") @project ||= create(:project, name: "Shop", namespace: @user.namespace) @project.issues_enabled = true end step 'change the issue tracker to "GitLab"' do select 'GitLab', from: 'project_issues_tracker' end step 'I the project should have "GitLab" as issue tracker' do find_field('project_issues_tracker').value.should == 'gitlab' end step 'change the issue tracker to "Redmine"' do select 'Redmine', from: 'project_issues_tracker' end step 'I the project should have "Redmine" as issue tracker' do find_field('project_issues_tracker').value.should == 'redmine' end step 'I save project' do click_button 'Save changes' end end