module API module APIHelpers PRIVATE_TOKEN_HEADER = "HTTP_PRIVATE_TOKEN" PRIVATE_TOKEN_PARAM = :private_token SUDO_HEADER ="HTTP_SUDO" SUDO_PARAM = :sudo def parse_boolean(value) [ true, 1, '1', 't', 'T', 'true', 'TRUE', 'on', 'ON' ].include?(value) end def current_user private_token = (params[PRIVATE_TOKEN_PARAM] || env[PRIVATE_TOKEN_HEADER]).to_s @current_user ||= User.find_by(authentication_token: private_token) unless @current_user && Gitlab::UserAccess.allowed?(@current_user) return nil end identifier = sudo_identifier() # If the sudo is the current user do nothing if (identifier && !( == identifier || @current_user.username == identifier)) render_api_error!('403 Forbidden: Must be admin to use sudo', 403) unless @current_user.is_admin? @current_user = User.by_username_or_id(identifier) not_found!("No user id or username for: #{identifier}") if @current_user.nil? end @current_user end def sudo_identifier() identifier ||= params[SUDO_PARAM] ||= env[SUDO_HEADER] # Regex for integers if (!!(identifier =~ /^[0-9]+$/)) identifier.to_i else identifier end end def user_project @project ||= find_project(params[:id]) @project || not_found! end def find_project(id) project = Project.find_with_namespace(id) || Project.find_by(id: id) if project && can?(current_user, :read_project, project) project else nil end end def paginate(relation) per_page = params[:per_page].to_i paginated =[:page]).per(per_page) add_pagination_headers(paginated, per_page) paginated end def authenticate! unauthorized! unless current_user end def authenticate_by_gitlab_shell_token! unauthorized! unless secret_token == params['secret_token'] end def authenticated_as_admin! forbidden! unless current_user.is_admin? end def authorize!(action, subject) unless abilities.allowed?(current_user, action, subject) forbidden! end end def authorize_push_project authorize! :push_code, user_project end def authorize_admin_project authorize! :admin_project, user_project end def can?(object, action, subject) abilities.allowed?(object, action, subject) end # Checks the occurrences of required attributes, each attribute must be present in the params hash # or a Bad Request error is invoked. # # Parameters: # keys (required) - A hash consisting of keys that must be present def required_attributes!(keys) keys.each do |key| bad_request!(key) unless params[key].present? end end def attributes_for_keys(keys) attrs = {} keys.each do |key| if params[key].present? or (params.has_key?(key) and params[key] == false) attrs[key] = params[key] end end! end # Helper method for validating all labels against its names def validate_label_params(params) errors = {} if params[:labels].present? params[:labels].split(',').each do |label_name| label = user_project.labels.create_with( color: Label::DEFAULT_COLOR).find_or_initialize_by( title: label_name.strip) if label.invalid? errors[label.title] = label.errors end end end errors end # error helpers def forbidden! render_api_error!('403 Forbidden', 403) end def bad_request!(attribute) message = ["400 (Bad request)"] message << "\"" + attribute.to_s + "\" not given" render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 400) end def not_found!(resource = nil) message = ["404"] message << resource if resource message << "Not Found" render_api_error!(message.join(' '), 404) end def unauthorized! render_api_error!('401 Unauthorized', 401) end def not_allowed! render_api_error!('405 Method Not Allowed', 405) end def conflict!(message = nil) render_api_error!(message || '409 Conflict', 409) end def render_validation_error!(model) unless model.valid? render_api_error!(model.errors.messages || '400 Bad Request', 400) end end def render_api_error!(message, status) error!({'message' => message}, status) end private def add_pagination_headers(paginated, per_page) request_url = request.url.split('?').first links = [] links << %(<#{request_url}?page=#{paginated.current_page - 1}&per_page=#{per_page}>; rel="prev") unless paginated.first_page? links << %(<#{request_url}?page=#{paginated.current_page + 1}&per_page=#{per_page}>; rel="next") unless paginated.last_page? links << %(<#{request_url}?page=1&per_page=#{per_page}>; rel="first") links << %(<#{request_url}?page=#{paginated.total_pages}&per_page=#{per_page}>; rel="last") header 'Link', links.join(', ') end def abilities @abilities ||= begin abilities = abilities << Ability abilities end end def secret_token'.gitlab_shell_secret')) end end end