# == Schema Information # # Table name: services # # id :integer not null, primary key # type :string(255) # title :string(255) # project_id :integer not null # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # active :boolean default(FALSE), not null # properties :text # require 'spec_helper' describe BuildboxService do describe 'Associations' do it { should belong_to :project } it { should have_one :service_hook } end describe 'commits methods' do before do @project = Project.new @project.stub( default_branch: 'default-brancho' ) @service = BuildboxService.new @service.stub( project: @project, service_hook: true, project_url: 'https://buildbox.io/account-name/example-project', token: 'secret-sauce-webhook-token:secret-sauce-status-token' ) end describe :webhook_url do it 'returns the webhook url' do @service.webhook_url.should == 'https://webhook.buildbox.io/deliver/secret-sauce-webhook-token' end end describe :commit_status_path do it 'returns the correct status page' do @service.commit_status_path('2ab7834c').should == 'https://gitlab.buildbox.io/status/secret-sauce-status-token.json?commit=2ab7834c' end end describe :build_page do it 'returns the correct build page' do @service.build_page('2ab7834c').should == 'https://buildbox.io/account-name/example-project/builds?commit=2ab7834c' end end describe :builds_page do it 'returns the correct path to the builds page' do @service.builds_path.should == 'https://buildbox.io/account-name/example-project/builds?branch=default-brancho' end end describe :status_img_path do it 'returns the correct path to the status image' do @service.status_img_path.should == 'https://badge.buildbox.io/secret-sauce-status-token.svg' end end end end