class ProjectServices < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedProject include SharedPaths When 'I visit project "Shop" services page' do visit project_services_path(@project) end Then 'I should see list of available services' do page.should have_content 'Services' page.should have_content 'Campfire' page.should have_content 'Hipchat' page.should have_content 'GitLab CI' end And 'I click gitlab-ci service link' do click_link 'GitLab CI' end And 'I fill gitlab-ci settings' do check 'Active' fill_in 'Project url', with: '' fill_in 'Token', with: 'verySecret' click_button 'Save' end Then 'I should see service settings saved' do find_field('Project url').value.should == '' end And 'I click hipchat service link' do click_link 'Hipchat' end And 'I fill hipchat settings' do check 'Active' fill_in 'Room', with: 'gitlab' fill_in 'Token', with: 'verySecret' click_button 'Save' end Then 'I should see hipchat service settings saved' do find_field('Room').value.should == 'gitlab' end And 'I click pivotaltracker service link' do click_link 'PivotalTracker' end And 'I fill pivotaltracker settings' do check 'Active' fill_in 'Token', with: 'verySecret' click_button 'Save' end Then 'I should see pivotaltracker service settings saved' do find_field('Token').value.should == 'verySecret' end And 'I click Flowdock service link' do click_link 'Flowdock' end And 'I fill Flowdock settings' do check 'Active' fill_in 'Token', with: 'verySecret' click_button 'Save' end Then 'I should see Flowdock service settings saved' do find_field('Token').value.should == 'verySecret' end end