module SharedDiffNote include Spinach::DSL include RepoHelpers step 'I cancel the diff comment' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do find(".js-close-discussion-note-form").click end end step 'I delete a diff comment' do find('.note').hover find(".js-note-delete").click end step 'I haven\'t written any diff comment text' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do fill_in "note[note]", with: "" end end step 'I leave a diff comment like "Typo, please fix"' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do click_diff_line(sample_commit.line_code) page.within("form[id$='#{sample_commit.line_code}']") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "Typo, please fix" find(".js-comment-button").trigger("click") sleep 0.05 end end end step 'I leave a diff comment in a parallel view on the left side like "Old comment"' do click_parallel_diff_line(sample_commit.line_code, 'old') page.within("#{diff_file_selector} form[id$='#{sample_commit.line_code}']") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "Old comment" find(".js-comment-button").trigger("click") end end step 'I leave a diff comment in a parallel view on the right side like "New comment"' do click_parallel_diff_line(sample_commit.line_code, 'new') page.within("#{diff_file_selector} form[id$='#{sample_commit.line_code}']") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "New comment" find(".js-comment-button").trigger("click") end end step 'I preview a diff comment text like "Should fix it :smile:"' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do click_diff_line(sample_commit.line_code) page.within("form[id$='#{sample_commit.line_code}']") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "Should fix it :smile:" find('.js-md-preview-button').click end end end step 'I preview another diff comment text like "DRY this up"' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do click_diff_line(sample_commit.del_line_code) page.within("form[id$='#{sample_commit.del_line_code}']") do fill_in "note[note]", with: "DRY this up" find('.js-md-preview-button').click end end end step 'I open a diff comment form' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do click_diff_line(sample_commit.line_code) end end step 'I open another diff comment form' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do click_diff_line(sample_commit.del_line_code) end end step 'I write a diff comment like ":-1: I don\'t like this"' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do fill_in "note[note]", with: ":-1: I don\'t like this" end end step 'I write a diff comment like ":smile:"' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do click_diff_line(sample_commit.line_code) page.within("form[id$='#{sample_commit.line_code}']") do fill_in 'note[note]', with: ':smile:' click_button('Add Comment') end end end step 'I submit the diff comment' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do click_button("Add Comment") end end step 'I should not see the diff comment form' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do expect(page).not_to have_css("form.new_note") end end step 'The diff comment preview tab should say there is nothing to do' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do find('.js-md-preview-button').click expect(find('.js-md-preview')).to have_content('Nothing to preview.') end end step 'I should not see the diff comment text field' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do expect(find('.js-note-text')).not_to be_visible end end step 'I should only see one diff form' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do expect(page).to have_css("form.new_note", count: 1) end end step 'I should see a diff comment form with ":-1: I don\'t like this"' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do expect(page).to have_field("note[note]", with: ":-1: I don\'t like this") end end step 'I should see a diff comment saying "Typo, please fix"' do page.within("#{diff_file_selector} .note") do expect(page).to have_content("Typo, please fix") end end step 'I should see a diff comment on the left side saying "Old comment"' do page.within("#{diff_file_selector} .notes_content.parallel.old") do expect(page).to have_content("Old comment") end end step 'I should see a diff comment on the right side saying "New comment"' do page.within("#{diff_file_selector}") do expect(page).to have_content("New comment") end end step 'I should see a discussion reply button' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do expect(page).to have_button('Reply') end end step 'I should see a temporary diff comment form' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do expect(page).to have_css(".js-temp-notes-holder form.new_note") end end step 'I should see add a diff comment button' do expect(page).to have_css('.js-add-diff-note-button') end step 'I should see an empty diff comment form' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do expect(page).to have_field("note[note]", with: "") end end step 'I should see the cancel comment button' do page.within("#{diff_file_selector} form") do expect(page).to have_css(".js-close-discussion-note-form", text: "Cancel") end end step 'I should see the diff comment preview' do page.within("#{diff_file_selector} form") do expect(page).to have_css('.js-md-preview', visible: true) end end step 'I should see the diff comment write tab' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do expect(page).to have_css('.js-md-write-button', visible: true) end end step 'The diff comment preview tab should display rendered Markdown' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do find('.js-md-preview-button').click expect(find('.js-md-preview')).to have_css('img.emoji', visible: true) end end step 'I should see two separate previews' do page.within(diff_file_selector) do expect(page).to have_css('.js-md-preview', visible: true, count: 2) expect(page).to have_content('Should fix it') expect(page).to have_content('DRY this up') end end step 'I should see a diff comment with an emoji image' do page.within("#{diff_file_selector} .note") do expect(page).to have_xpath("//img[@alt=':smile:']") end end step 'I click side-by-side diff button' do find('#parallel-diff-btn').trigger('click') end step 'I see side-by-side diff button' do expect(page).to have_content "Side-by-side" end def diff_file_selector '.diff-file:nth-of-type(1)' end def click_diff_line(code) find("button[data-line-code='#{code}']").click end def click_parallel_diff_line(code, line_type) find("button[data-line-code='#{code}'][data-line-type='#{line_type}']").trigger('click') end end