# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Types::Ci::DetailedStatusType do include GraphqlHelpers specify { expect(described_class.graphql_name).to eq('DetailedStatus') } it 'has all fields' do expect(described_class).to have_graphql_fields(:id, :group, :icon, :favicon, :details_path, :has_details, :label, :text, :tooltip, :action) end let_it_be(:stage) { create(:ci_stage_entity, status: :skipped) } describe 'id field' do it 'correctly renders the field' do parent_object = double(:parent_object, object: stage) parent = double(:parent, object: parent_object) status = stage.detailed_status(stage.pipeline.user) expected_id = "#{status.id}-#{stage.id}" expect(resolve_field('id', status, extras: { parent: parent })).to eq(expected_id) end end describe 'action field' do it 'correctly renders the field' do status = stage.detailed_status(stage.pipeline.user) expected_status = { button_title: status.action_button_title, icon: status.action_icon, method: status.action_method, path: status.action_path, title: status.action_title } expect(resolve_field('action', status)).to eq(expected_status) end end end