--- stage: Configure group: Configure info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # Cluster cost management (DEPRECATED) **(ULTIMATE)** > - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/216737) in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 13.5. > - [Deprecated](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/configure/-/epics/8) in GitLab 14.5. WARNING: This feature was [deprecated](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/configure/-/epics/8) in GitLab 14.5. Cluster cost management provides insights into cluster resource usage. GitLab provides an example [`kubecost-cost-model`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-examples/kubecost-cost-model/) project that uses the GitLab Prometheus integration and [Kubecost's `cost-model`](https://github.com/kubecost/cost-model) to provide cluster cost insights within GitLab: ![Example dashboard](img/kubecost_v13_5.png) ## Configure cluster cost management To get started with cluster cost management, you need [Maintainer](../permissions.md) permissions in a project or group. 1. Clone the [`kubecost-cost-model`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-examples/kubecost-cost-model/) example repository, which contains minor modifications to the upstream Kubecost `cost-model` project: - Configures your Prometheus endpoint to the GitLab-managed Prometheus. You may need to change this value if you use a non-managed Prometheus. - Adds the necessary annotations to the deployment manifest to be scraped by GitLab-managed Prometheus. - Changes the Google Pricing API access key to the GitLab access key. - Contains definitions for a custom GitLab Metrics dashboard to show the cost insights. 1. Connect GitLab with Prometheus, depending on your configuration: - *If Prometheus is already configured,* navigate to **Settings > Integrations > Prometheus** to provide the API endpoint of your Prometheus server. - *To use the Prometheus cluster integration,* navigate to your cluster's **Details** page, select the **Integrations** tab, and follow the instructions to enable the Prometheus cluster integration. 1. Set up the Prometheus integration on the cloned example project. 1. Add the Kubecost `cost-model` to your cluster: - *For non-managed clusters*, deploy it with GitLab CI/CD. - *To deploy it manually*, use the following commands: ```shell kubectl create namespace cost-model kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ --namespace cost-model ``` To access the cost insights, navigate to **Monitor > Metrics** and select the `default_costs.yml` dashboard. You can [customize](#customize-the-cost-dashboard) this dashboard. ### Customize the cost dashboard You can customize the cost dashboard by editing the `.gitlab/dashboards/default_costs.yml` file or creating similar dashboard configuration files. To learn more, read about [customizing dashboards in our documentation](/ee/operations/metrics/dashboards/). #### Available metrics Metrics contain both instance and node labels. The instance label is scheduled for deprecation in a future version. - `node_cpu_hourly_cost` - Hourly cost per vCPU on this node. - `node_gpu_hourly_cost` - Hourly cost per GPU on this node. - `node_ram_hourly_cost` - Hourly cost per gigabyte of memory on this node. - `node_total_hourly_cost` - Total node cost per hour. - `container_cpu_allocation` - Average number of CPUs requested/used over the previous minute. - `container_gpu_allocation` - Average number of GPUs requested over the previous minute. - `container_memory_allocation_bytes` - Average bytes of RAM requested/used over the previous minute. - `pod_pvc_allocation` - Bytes provisioned for a PVC attached to a pod. - `pv_hourly_cost` - Hourly cost per GB on a persistent volume. Some examples are provided in the [`kubecost-cost-model` repository](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-examples/kubecost-cost-model/-/blob/master/PROMETHEUS.md#example-queries).