# frozen_string_literal: true # Ensure that a SQL command to lock this row(s) was requested. # Ensure a transaction also occurred. # Be careful! This form of spec is not foolproof, but better than nothing. RSpec.shared_examples 'locked row' do it "has locked row" do table_name = row.class.table_name ids_regex = /SELECT.*FROM.*#{table_name}.*"#{table_name}"."id" = #{row.id}.+FOR NO KEY UPDATE/m expect(recorded_queries.log).to include a_string_matching 'SAVEPOINT' expect(recorded_queries.log).to include a_string_matching ids_regex end end RSpec.shared_examples 'locked rows' do it "has locked rows" do table_name = rows.first.class.table_name row_ids = rows.map(&:id).join(', ') ids_regex = /SELECT.+FROM.+"#{table_name}".+"#{table_name}"."id" IN \(#{row_ids}\).+FOR UPDATE/m expect(recorded_queries.log).to include a_string_matching 'SAVEPOINT' expect(recorded_queries.log).to include a_string_matching ids_regex end end