#js-authenticate-u2f %a.btn.btn-block.btn-info#js-login-2fa-device{ href: '#' }= _("Sign in via 2FA code") %script#js-authenticate-u2f-in-progress{ type: "text/template" } %p= _("Trying to communicate with your device. Plug it in (if you haven't already) and press the button on the device now.") %script#js-authenticate-u2f-error{ type: "text/template" } %div %p <%= error_message %> (#{_("error code:")} <%= error_code %>) %a.btn.btn-block.btn-warning#js-u2f-try-again= _("Try again?") %script#js-authenticate-u2f-authenticated{ type: "text/template" } %div %p= _("We heard back from your U2F device. You have been authenticated.") = form_tag(new_user_session_path, method: :post, id: 'js-login-u2f-form') do |f| - resource_params = params[resource_name].presence || params = hidden_field_tag 'user[remember_me]', resource_params.fetch(:remember_me, 0) = hidden_field_tag 'user[device_response]', nil, class: 'form-control', required: true, id: "js-device-response"