require 'spec_helper' describe EmailsHelper do describe 'password_reset_token_valid_time' do def validate_time_string(time_limit, expected_string) Devise.reset_password_within = time_limit expect(password_reset_token_valid_time).to eq(expected_string) end context 'when time limit is less than 2 hours' do it 'displays the time in hours using a singular unit' do validate_time_string(1.hour, '1 hour') end end context 'when time limit is 2 or more hours' do it 'displays the time in hours using a plural unit' do validate_time_string(2.hours, '2 hours') end end context 'when time limit contains fractions of an hour' do it 'rounds down to the nearest hour' do validate_time_string(96.minutes, '1 hour') end end context 'when time limit is 24 or more hours' do it 'displays the time in days using a singular unit' do validate_time_string(24.hours, '1 day') end end context 'when time limit is 2 or more days' do it 'displays the time in days using a plural unit' do validate_time_string(2.days, '2 days') end end context 'when time limit contains fractions of a day' do it 'rounds down to the nearest day' do validate_time_string(57.hours, '2 days') end end end end