# frozen_string_literal: true require 'digest/md5' require 'uri' module ApplicationHelper # See https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/ee_features.html#code-in-appviews # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord # We allow partial to be nil so that collection views can be passed in # `render partial: 'some/view', collection: @some_collection` def render_if_exists(partial = nil, **options) return unless partial_exists?(partial || options[:partial]) if partial.nil? render(**options) else render(partial, options) end end def partial_exists?(partial) lookup_context.exists?(partial, [], true) end def template_exists?(template) lookup_context.exists?(template, [], false) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord # Check if a particular controller is the current one # # args - One or more controller names to check (using path notation when inside namespaces) # # Examples # # # On TreeController # current_controller?(:tree) # => true # current_controller?(:commits) # => false # current_controller?(:commits, :tree) # => true # # # On Admin::ApplicationController # current_controller?(:application) # => true # current_controller?('admin/application') # => true # current_controller?('gitlab/application') # => false def current_controller?(*args) args.any? do |v| Gitlab::Utils.safe_downcase!(v.to_s) == controller.controller_name || Gitlab::Utils.safe_downcase!(v.to_s) == controller.controller_path end end # Check if a particular action is the current one # # args - One or more action names to check # # Examples # # # On Projects#new # current_action?(:new) # => true # current_action?(:create) # => false # current_action?(:new, :create) # => true def current_action?(*args) args.any? { |v| Gitlab::Utils.safe_downcase!(v.to_s) == action_name } end def admin_section? controller.class.ancestors.include?(Admin::ApplicationController) end def last_commit(project) if project.repo_exists? time_ago_with_tooltip(project.repository.commit.committed_date) else 'Never' end rescue StandardError 'Never' end # Define whenever show last push event # with suggestion to create MR # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def show_last_push_widget?(event) # Skip if event is not about added or modified non-master branch return false unless event && event.last_push_to_non_root? && !event.rm_ref? project = event.project # Skip if project repo is empty or MR disabled return false unless project && !project.empty_repo? && project.feature_available?(:merge_requests, current_user) # Skip if user already created appropriate MR return false if project.merge_requests.where(source_branch: event.branch_name).opened.any? # Skip if user removed branch right after that return false unless project.repository.branch_exists?(event.branch_name) true end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def hexdigest(string) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest string end def simple_sanitize(str) sanitize(str, tags: %w(a span)) end def body_data { page: body_data_page, page_type_id: controller.params[:id], find_file: find_file_path, group: @group&.path }.merge(project_data) end def project_data return {} unless @project { project_id: @project.id, project: @project.path, group: @project.group&.path, namespace_id: @project.namespace&.id } end def body_data_page [*controller.controller_path.split('/'), controller.action_name].compact.join(':') end # shortcut for gitlab config def gitlab_config Gitlab.config.gitlab end # shortcut for gitlab extra config def extra_config Gitlab.config.extra end # shortcut for gitlab registry config def registry_config Gitlab.config.registry end # Render a `time` element with Javascript-based relative date and tooltip # # time - Time object # placement - Tooltip placement String (default: "top") # html_class - Custom class for `time` element (default: "time_ago") # # By default also includes a `script` element with Javascript necessary to # initialize the `timeago` jQuery extension. If this method is called many # times, for example rendering hundreds of commits, it's advisable to disable # this behavior using the `skip_js` argument and re-initializing `timeago` # manually once all of the elements have been rendered. # # A `js-timeago` class is always added to the element, even when a custom # `html_class` argument is provided. # # Returns an HTML-safe String def time_ago_with_tooltip(time, placement: 'top', html_class: '', short_format: false) css_classes = [short_format ? 'js-short-timeago' : 'js-timeago'] css_classes << html_class unless html_class.blank? content_tag :time, l(time, format: "%b %d, %Y"), class: css_classes.join(' '), title: l(time.to_time.in_time_zone, format: :timeago_tooltip), datetime: time.to_time.getutc.iso8601, data: { toggle: 'tooltip', placement: placement, container: 'body' } end def edited_time_ago_with_tooltip(object, placement: 'top', html_class: 'time_ago', exclude_author: false) return unless object.edited? content_tag :small, class: 'edited-text' do output = content_tag(:span, 'Edited ') output << time_ago_with_tooltip(object.last_edited_at, placement: placement, html_class: html_class) if !exclude_author && object.last_edited_by output << content_tag(:span, ' by ') output << link_to_member(object.project, object.last_edited_by, avatar: false, author_class: nil) end output end end # This needs to be used outside of Rails def self.promo_host 'about.gitlab.com' end # Convenient method for Rails helper def promo_host ApplicationHelper.promo_host end def promo_url 'https://' + promo_host end def support_url Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings.help_page_support_url.presence || promo_url + '/getting-help/' end def instance_review_permitted? ::Gitlab::CurrentSettings.instance_review_permitted? && current_user&.admin? end def static_objects_external_storage_enabled? Gitlab::CurrentSettings.static_objects_external_storage_enabled? end def external_storage_url_or_path(path, project = @project) return path if @snippet || !static_objects_external_storage_enabled? uri = URI(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.static_objects_external_storage_url) path = URI(path) # `path` could have query parameters, so we need to split query and path apart query = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(path.query) query['token'] = current_user.static_object_token unless project.public? uri.path = path.path uri.query = query.to_query unless query.empty? uri.to_s end def page_filter_path(options = {}) without = options.delete(:without) options = request.query_parameters.merge(options) if without.present? without.each do |key| options.delete(key) end end "#{request.path}?#{options.compact.to_param}" end def stylesheet_link_tag_defer(path) stylesheet_link_tag(path, media: "print", crossorigin: ActionController::Base.asset_host ? 'anonymous' : nil) end def outdated_browser? browser.ie? end def path_to_key(key, admin = false) if admin admin_user_key_path(@user, key) else profile_key_path(key) end end def truncate_first_line(message, length = 50) truncate(message.each_line.first.chomp, length: length) if message end # While similarly named to Rails's `link_to_if`, this method behaves quite differently. # If `condition` is truthy, a link will be returned with the result of the block # as its body. If `condition` is falsy, only the result of the block will be returned. def conditional_link_to(condition, options, html_options = {}, &block) if condition link_to options, html_options, &block else capture(&block) end end def page_class class_names = [] class_names << 'issue-boards-page gl-overflow-auto' if current_controller?(:boards) class_names << 'epic-boards-page gl-overflow-auto' if current_controller?(:epic_boards) class_names << 'environment-logs-page' if current_controller?(:logs) class_names << 'with-performance-bar' if performance_bar_enabled? class_names << system_message_class class_names << marketing_header_experiment_class class_names end def system_message_class class_names = [] return class_names unless appearance class_names << 'with-system-header' if appearance.show_header? class_names << 'with-system-footer' if appearance.show_footer? class_names end # Returns active css class when condition returns true # otherwise returns nil. # # Example: # %li{ class: active_when(params[:filter] == '1') } def active_when(condition) 'active' if condition end def show_callout?(name) cookies[name] != 'true' end def linkedin_url(user) name = user.linkedin if name =~ %r{\Ahttps?://(www\.)?linkedin\.com/in/} name else "https://www.linkedin.com/in/#{name}" end end def twitter_url(user) name = user.twitter if name =~ %r{\Ahttps?://(www\.)?twitter\.com/} name else "https://twitter.com/#{name}" end end def collapsed_sidebar? cookies["sidebar_collapsed"] == "true" end def locale_path asset_path("locale/#{Gitlab::I18n.locale}/app.js") end # Overridden in EE def read_only_message return unless Gitlab::Database.read_only? _('You are on a read-only GitLab instance.') end def client_class_list "gl-browser-#{browser.id} gl-platform-#{browser.platform.id}" end def client_js_flags { "is#{browser.id.to_s.titlecase}": true, "is#{browser.platform.id.to_s.titlecase}": true } end def add_page_specific_style(path, defer: true) content_for :page_specific_styles do if defer stylesheet_link_tag_defer path else stylesheet_link_tag path end end end def page_startup_api_calls @api_startup_calls end def add_page_startup_api_call(api_path, options: {}) @api_startup_calls ||= {} @api_startup_calls[api_path] = options end def autocomplete_data_sources(object, noteable_type) return {} unless object && noteable_type if object.is_a?(Group) { members: members_group_autocomplete_sources_path(object, type: noteable_type, type_id: params[:id]), issues: issues_group_autocomplete_sources_path(object), mergeRequests: merge_requests_group_autocomplete_sources_path(object), labels: labels_group_autocomplete_sources_path(object, type: noteable_type, type_id: params[:id]), milestones: milestones_group_autocomplete_sources_path(object), commands: commands_group_autocomplete_sources_path(object, type: noteable_type, type_id: params[:id]) } else { members: members_project_autocomplete_sources_path(object, type: noteable_type, type_id: params[:id]), issues: issues_project_autocomplete_sources_path(object), mergeRequests: merge_requests_project_autocomplete_sources_path(object), labels: labels_project_autocomplete_sources_path(object, type: noteable_type, type_id: params[:id]), milestones: milestones_project_autocomplete_sources_path(object), commands: commands_project_autocomplete_sources_path(object, type: noteable_type, type_id: params[:id]), snippets: snippets_project_autocomplete_sources_path(object) } end end def asset_to_string(name) app = Rails.application if Rails.configuration.assets.compile app.assets.find_asset(name).to_s else controller.view_context.render(file: Rails.root.join('public/assets', app.assets_manifest.assets[name]).to_s) end end def gitlab_ui_form_for(record, *args, &block) options = args.extract_options! form_for(record, *(args << options.merge({ builder: ::Gitlab::FormBuilders::GitlabUiFormBuilder })), &block) end private def appearance ::Appearance.current end def marketing_header_experiment_class return if current_user experiment(:logged_out_marketing_header, actor: nil) do |e| e.candidate { 'logged-out-marketing-header-candidate' } e.control {} e.run end end end ApplicationHelper.prepend_mod