import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import Api from '~/api'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import { visitUrl, setUrlParams } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import * as types from './mutation_types'; /* private */ const getCount = ({ params, state, activeCount }) => { const globalSearchCountsPath = '/search/count'; const url = Api.buildUrl(globalSearchCountsPath); // count is known for active tab, so return it and skip the Api call if (params.scope === state.query?.scope) { return { scope: params.scope, count: activeCount }; } return axios .get(url, { params }) .then(({ data }) => { return { scope: params.scope, count: data.count }; }) .catch((e) => { throw e; }); }; export const fetchGroups = ({ commit }, search) => { commit(types.REQUEST_GROUPS); Api.groups(search) .then((data) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_GROUPS_SUCCESS, data); }) .catch(() => { createFlash({ message: __('There was a problem fetching groups.') }); commit(types.RECEIVE_GROUPS_ERROR); }); }; export const fetchProjects = ({ commit, state }, search) => { commit(types.REQUEST_PROJECTS); const groupId = state.query?.group_id; const callback = (data) => { if (data) { commit(types.RECEIVE_PROJECTS_SUCCESS, data); } else { createFlash({ message: __('There was an error fetching projects') }); commit(types.RECEIVE_PROJECTS_ERROR); } }; if (groupId) { Api.groupProjects(groupId, search, {}, callback); } else { // The .catch() is due to the API method not handling a rejection properly Api.projects(search, { order_by: 'id' }, callback).catch(() => { callback(); }); } }; export const fetchSearchCounts = ({ commit, state }, { scopeTabs, activeCount }) => { commit(types.REQUEST_SEARCH_COUNTS, { scopeTabs, activeCount }); const promises = => getCount({ params: { ...state.query, scope }, state, activeCount }), ); Promise.all(promises) .then((data) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_SEARCH_COUNTS_SUCCESS, data); }) .catch(() => { createFlash({ message: __('There was an error fetching the Search Counts') }); }); }; export const setQuery = ({ commit }, { key, value }) => { commit(types.SET_QUERY, { key, value }); }; export const applyQuery = ({ state }) => { visitUrl(setUrlParams({ ...state.query, page: null })); }; export const resetQuery = ({ state }, snippets = false) => { let defaultQuery = { page: null, state: null, confidential: null, nav_source: null, }; if (snippets) { defaultQuery = { snippets: true, group_id: null, project_id: null, ...defaultQuery, }; } visitUrl(setUrlParams({ ...state.query, ...defaultQuery })); };