# frozen_string_literal: true # This class is intended to help with relation renames within Gitlab versions # and allow compatibility between versions. # If you have to change one relationship name that is imported/exported, # you should add it to the RENAMES constant indicating the old name and the # new one. # The behavior of these renamed relationships should be transient and it should # only last one release until you completely remove the renaming from the list. # # When importing, this class will check the hash and: # - if only the old relationship name is found, it will rename it with the new one # - if only the new relationship name is found, it will do nothing # - if it finds both, it will use the new relationship data # # When exporting, this class will duplicate the keys in the resulting file. # This way, if we open the file in an old version of the exporter it will work # and also it will with the newer versions. module Gitlab module ImportExport class RelationRenameService RENAMES = { 'pipelines' => 'ci_pipelines' # Added in 11.6, remove in 11.7 }.freeze def self.rename(tree_hash) return unless tree_hash&.present? RENAMES.each do |old_name, new_name| old_entry = tree_hash.delete(old_name) next if tree_hash[new_name] next unless old_entry tree_hash[new_name] = old_entry end end def self.add_new_associations(tree_hash) RENAMES.each do |old_name, new_name| next if tree_hash.key?(old_name) tree_hash[old_name] = tree_hash[new_name] end end end end end