# == Schema Information # # Table name: merge_requests # # id :integer not null, primary key # target_branch :string(255) not null # source_branch :string(255) not null # source_project_id :integer not null # author_id :integer # assignee_id :integer # title :string(255) # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # milestone_id :integer # state :string(255) # merge_status :string(255) # target_project_id :integer not null # iid :integer # description :text # position :integer default(0) # locked_at :datetime # require Rails.root.join("app/models/commit") require Rails.root.join("lib/static_model") class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base include Issuable include Taskable include InternalId include Sortable belongs_to :target_project, foreign_key: :target_project_id, class_name: "Project" belongs_to :source_project, foreign_key: :source_project_id, class_name: "Project" has_one :merge_request_diff, dependent: :destroy after_create :create_merge_request_diff after_update :update_merge_request_diff delegate :commits, :diffs, :last_commit, :last_commit_short_sha, to: :merge_request_diff, prefix: nil attr_accessor :should_remove_source_branch # When this attribute is true some MR validation is ignored # It allows us to close or modify broken merge requests attr_accessor :allow_broken # Temporary fields to store compare vars # when creating new merge request attr_accessor :can_be_created, :compare_failed, :compare_commits, :compare_diffs state_machine :state, initial: :opened do event :close do transition [:reopened, :opened] => :closed end event :merge do transition [:reopened, :opened, :locked] => :merged end event :reopen do transition closed: :reopened end event :lock_mr do transition [:reopened, :opened] => :locked end event :unlock_mr do transition locked: :reopened end after_transition any => :locked do |merge_request, transition| merge_request.locked_at = Time.now merge_request.save end after_transition locked: (any - :locked) do |merge_request, transition| merge_request.locked_at = nil merge_request.save end state :opened state :reopened state :closed state :merged state :locked end state_machine :merge_status, initial: :unchecked do event :mark_as_unchecked do transition [:can_be_merged, :cannot_be_merged] => :unchecked end event :mark_as_mergeable do transition unchecked: :can_be_merged end event :mark_as_unmergeable do transition unchecked: :cannot_be_merged end state :unchecked state :can_be_merged state :cannot_be_merged end validates :source_project, presence: true, unless: :allow_broken validates :source_branch, presence: true validates :target_project, presence: true validates :target_branch, presence: true validate :validate_branches validate :validate_fork scope :of_group, ->(group) { where("source_project_id in (:group_project_ids) OR target_project_id in (:group_project_ids)", group_project_ids: group.project_ids) } scope :of_user_team, ->(team) { where("(source_project_id in (:team_project_ids) OR target_project_id in (:team_project_ids) AND assignee_id in (:team_member_ids))", team_project_ids: team.project_ids, team_member_ids: team.member_ids) } scope :merged, -> { with_state(:merged) } scope :by_branch, ->(branch_name) { where("(source_branch LIKE :branch) OR (target_branch LIKE :branch)", branch: branch_name) } scope :cared, ->(user) { where('assignee_id = :user OR author_id = :user', user: user.id) } scope :by_milestone, ->(milestone) { where(milestone_id: milestone) } scope :in_projects, ->(project_ids) { where("source_project_id in (:project_ids) OR target_project_id in (:project_ids)", project_ids: project_ids) } scope :of_projects, ->(ids) { where(target_project_id: ids) } # Closed scope for merge request should return # both merged and closed mr's scope :closed, -> { with_states(:closed, :merged) } scope :declined, -> { with_states(:closed) } def validate_branches if target_project == source_project && target_branch == source_branch errors.add :branch_conflict, "You can not use same project/branch for source and target" end if opened? || reopened? similar_mrs = self.target_project.merge_requests.where(source_branch: source_branch, target_branch: target_branch, source_project_id: source_project.id).opened similar_mrs = similar_mrs.where('id not in (?)', self.id) if self.id if similar_mrs.any? errors.add :validate_branches, "Cannot Create: This merge request already exists: #{ similar_mrs.pluck(:title) }" end end end def validate_fork return true unless target_project && source_project if target_project == source_project true else # If source and target projects are different # we should check if source project is actually a fork of target project if source_project.forked_from?(target_project) true else errors.add :validate_fork, 'Source project is not a fork of target project' end end end def update_merge_request_diff if source_branch_changed? || target_branch_changed? reload_code mark_as_unchecked end end def reload_code if merge_request_diff && open? merge_request_diff.reload_content end end def check_if_can_be_merged if Gitlab::Satellite::MergeAction.new(self.author, self).can_be_merged? mark_as_mergeable else mark_as_unmergeable end end def merge_event self.target_project.events.where(target_id: self.id, target_type: "MergeRequest", action: Event::MERGED).last end def closed_event self.target_project.events.where(target_id: self.id, target_type: "MergeRequest", action: Event::CLOSED).last end def automerge!(current_user, commit_message = nil) MergeRequests::AutoMergeService. new(target_project, current_user). execute(self, commit_message) end def open? opened? || reopened? end def mr_and_commit_notes # Fetch comments only from last 100 commits commits_for_notes_limit = 100 commit_ids = commits.last(commits_for_notes_limit).map(&:id) project.notes.where( "(noteable_type = 'MergeRequest' AND noteable_id = :mr_id) OR (noteable_type = 'Commit' AND commit_id IN (:commit_ids))", mr_id: id, commit_ids: commit_ids ) end # Returns the raw diff for this merge request # # see "git diff" def to_diff(current_user) Gitlab::Satellite::MergeAction.new(current_user, self).diff_in_satellite end # Returns the commit as a series of email patches. # # see "git format-patch" def to_patch(current_user) Gitlab::Satellite::MergeAction.new(current_user, self).format_patch end def hook_attrs attrs = { source: source_project.hook_attrs, target: target_project.hook_attrs, last_commit: nil } unless last_commit.nil? attrs.merge!(last_commit: last_commit.hook_attrs(source_project)) end attributes.merge!(attrs) end def for_fork? target_project != source_project end def project target_project end # Return the set of issues that will be closed if this merge request is accepted. def closes_issues if target_branch == project.default_branch issues = commits.flat_map { |c| c.closes_issues(project) } issues.push(*Gitlab::ClosingIssueExtractor. closed_by_message_in_project(description, project)) issues.uniq.sort_by(&:id) else [] end end # Mentionable override. def gfm_reference "merge request !#{iid}" end def target_project_path if target_project target_project.path_with_namespace else "(removed)" end end def source_project_path if source_project source_project.path_with_namespace else "(removed)" end end def source_project_namespace if source_project && source_project.namespace source_project.namespace.path else "(removed)" end end def target_project_namespace if target_project && target_project.namespace target_project.namespace.path else "(removed)" end end def source_branch_exists? return false unless self.source_project self.source_project.repository.branch_names.include?(self.source_branch) end def target_branch_exists? return false unless self.target_project self.target_project.repository.branch_names.include?(self.target_branch) end # Reset merge request events cache # # Since we do cache @event we need to reset cache in special cases: # * when a merge request is updated # Events cache stored like events/23-20130109142513. # The cache key includes updated_at timestamp. # Thus it will automatically generate a new fragment # when the event is updated because the key changes. def reset_events_cache Event.reset_event_cache_for(self) end def merge_commit_message message = "Merge branch '#{source_branch}' into '#{target_branch}'" message << "\n\n" message << title.to_s message << "\n\n" message << description.to_s message << "\n\n" message << "See merge request !#{iid}" message end # Return array of possible target branches # depends on target project of MR def target_branches if target_project.nil? [] else target_project.repository.branch_names end end # Return array of possible source branches # depends on source project of MR def source_branches if source_project.nil? [] else source_project.repository.branch_names end end def locked_long_ago? locked_at && locked_at < (Time.now - 1.day) end end