# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module GithubImport module BulkImporting attr_reader :project, :client # project - An instance of `Project`. # client - An instance of `Gitlab::GithubImport::Client`. def initialize(project, client) @project = project @client = client end # Builds and returns an Array of objects to bulk insert into the # database. # # enum - An Enumerable that returns the objects to turn into database # rows. def build_database_rows(enum) rows = enum.each_with_object([]) do |(object, _), result| result << build(object) unless already_imported?(object) end log_and_increment_counter(rows.size, :fetched) rows end # Bulk inserts the given rows into the database. def bulk_insert(model, rows, batch_size: 100) rows.each_slice(batch_size) do |slice| Gitlab::Database.main.bulk_insert(model.table_name, slice) # rubocop:disable Gitlab/BulkInsert log_and_increment_counter(slice.size, :imported) end end def object_type raise NotImplementedError end private def log_and_increment_counter(value, operation) Gitlab::Import::Logger.info( import_source: :github, project_id: project.id, importer: self.class.name, message: "#{value} #{object_type.to_s.pluralize} #{operation}" ) Gitlab::GithubImport::ObjectCounter.increment( project, object_type, operation, value: value ) end end end end