module Gitlab module Database module MultiThreadedMigration MULTI_THREAD_AR_CONNECTION = :thread_local_ar_connection # This overwrites the default connection method so that every thread can # use a thread-local connection, while still supporting all of Rails' # migration methods. def connection Thread.current[MULTI_THREAD_AR_CONNECTION] || ActiveRecord::Base.connection end # Starts a thread-pool for N threads, along with N threads each using a # single connection. The provided block is yielded from inside each # thread. # # Example: # # with_multiple_threads(4) do # execute('SELECT ...') # end # # thread_count - The number of threads to start. # # join - When set to true this method will join the threads, blocking the # caller until all threads have finished running. # # Returns an Array containing the started threads. def with_multiple_threads(thread_count, join: true) pool = Gitlab::Database.create_connection_pool(thread_count) threads = do do pool.with_connection do |connection| begin Thread.current[MULTI_THREAD_AR_CONNECTION] = connection yield ensure Thread.current[MULTI_THREAD_AR_CONNECTION] = nil end end end end threads.each(&:join) if join threads end end end end