# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../../../tooling/graphql/docs/renderer' RSpec.describe Tooling::Graphql::Docs::Renderer do describe '#contents' do shared_examples 'renders correctly as GraphQL documentation' do it 'contains the expected section' do # duplicative - but much better error messages! section.lines.each { |line| expect(contents).to include(line) } expect(contents).to include(section) end end let(:template) { Rails.root.join('tooling/graphql/docs/templates/default.md.haml') } let(:field_description) { 'List of objects.' } let(:type) { ::GraphQL::Types::Int } let(:query_type) do Class.new(Types::BaseObject) { graphql_name 'Query' }.tap do |t| # this keeps type and field_description in scope. t.field :foo, type, null: true, description: field_description do argument :id, GraphQL::Types::ID, required: false, description: 'ID of the object.' end end end let(:mutation_root) do Class.new(::Types::BaseObject) do include ::Gitlab::Graphql::MountMutation graphql_name 'Mutation' end end let(:mock_schema) do Class.new(GraphQL::Schema) do def resolve_type(obj, ctx) raise 'Not a real schema' end end end subject(:contents) do mock_schema.query(query_type) mock_schema.mutation(mutation_root) if mutation_root.fields.any? described_class.new( mock_schema, output_dir: nil, template: template ).contents end describe 'headings' do it 'contains the expected sections' do expect(contents.lines.map(&:chomp)).to include( '## `Query` type', '## `Mutation` type', '## Connections', '## Object types', '## Enumeration types', '## Scalar types', '## Abstract types', '### Unions', '### Interfaces', '## Input types' ) end end context 'when a field has a list type' do let(:type) do Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'ArrayTest' field :foo, [GraphQL::Types::String], null: false, description: 'A description.' end end specify do type_name = '[String!]!' inner_type = 'string' expectation = <<~DOC ### `ArrayTest` #### Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `foo` | [`#{type_name}`](##{inner_type}) | A description. | DOC is_expected.to include(expectation) end describe 'a top level query field' do let(:expectation) do <<~DOC ### `Query.foo` List of objects. Returns [`ArrayTest`](#arraytest). #### Arguments | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `id` | [`ID`](#id) | ID of the object. | DOC end it 'generates the query with arguments' do expect(subject).to include(expectation) end context 'when description does not end with `.`' do let(:field_description) { 'List of objects' } it 'adds the `.` to the end' do expect(subject).to include(expectation) end end end end describe 'when fields are not defined in alphabetical order' do let(:type) do Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'OrderingTest' field :foo, GraphQL::Types::String, null: false, description: 'A description of foo field.' field :bar, GraphQL::Types::String, null: false, description: 'A description of bar field.' end end it 'lists the fields in alphabetical order' do expectation = <<~DOC ### `OrderingTest` #### Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `bar` | [`String!`](#string) | A description of bar field. | | `foo` | [`String!`](#string) | A description of foo field. | DOC is_expected.to include(expectation) end end context 'when a field has a documentation reference' do let(:type) do wibble = Class.new(::Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'Wibble' field :x, ::GraphQL::Types::Int, null: false end Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'DocRefSpec' description 'Testing doc refs' field :foo, type: GraphQL::Types::String, null: false, description: 'The foo.', see: { 'A list of foos' => 'https://example.com/foos' } field :bar, type: GraphQL::Types::String, null: false, description: 'The bar.', see: { 'A list of bars' => 'https://example.com/bars' } do argument :barity, ::GraphQL::Types::Int, required: false, description: '?' end field :wibbles, type: wibble.connection_type, null: true, description: 'The wibbles', see: { 'wibblance' => 'https://example.com/wibbles' } end end let(:section) do <<~DOC ### `DocRefSpec` Testing doc refs. #### Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `foo` | [`String!`](#string) | The foo. See [A list of foos](https://example.com/foos). | | `wibbles` | [`WibbleConnection`](#wibbleconnection) | The wibbles. See [wibblance](https://example.com/wibbles). (see [Connections](#connections)) | #### Fields with arguments ##### `DocRefSpec.bar` The bar. See [A list of bars](https://example.com/bars). Returns [`String!`](#string). ###### Arguments | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `barity` | [`Int`](#int) | ?. | DOC end it_behaves_like 'renders correctly as GraphQL documentation' end context 'when an argument is deprecated' do let(:type) do Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'DeprecatedTest' description 'A thing we used to use, but no longer support' field :foo, type: GraphQL::Types::String, null: false, description: 'A description.' do argument :foo_arg, GraphQL::Types::String, required: false, description: 'The argument.', deprecated: { reason: 'Bad argument', milestone: '101.2' } end end end let(:section) do <<~DOC ##### `DeprecatedTest.foo` A description. Returns [`String!`](#string). ###### Arguments | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `fooArg` **{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 101.2. Bad argument. | DOC end it_behaves_like 'renders correctly as GraphQL documentation' end context 'when a field is deprecated' do let(:type) do Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'DeprecatedTest' description 'A thing we used to use, but no longer support' field :foo, type: GraphQL::Types::String, null: false, deprecated: { reason: 'This is deprecated', milestone: '1.10' }, description: 'A description.' field :foo_with_args, type: GraphQL::Types::String, null: false, deprecated: { reason: 'Do not use', milestone: '1.10', replacement: 'X.y' }, description: 'A description.' do argument :arg, GraphQL::Types::Int, required: false, description: 'Argity' end field :bar, type: GraphQL::Types::String, null: false, description: 'A description.', deprecated: { reason: :renamed, milestone: '1.10', replacement: 'Query.boom' } end end let(:section) do <<~DOC ### `DeprecatedTest` A thing we used to use, but no longer support. #### Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `bar` **{warning-solid}** | [`String!`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 1.10. This was renamed. Use: [`Query.boom`](#queryboom). | | `foo` **{warning-solid}** | [`String!`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 1.10. This is deprecated. | #### Fields with arguments ##### `DeprecatedTest.fooWithArgs` A description. WARNING: **Deprecated** in 1.10. Do not use. Use: [`X.y`](#xy). Returns [`String!`](#string). ###### Arguments | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `arg` | [`Int`](#int) | Argity. | DOC end it_behaves_like 'renders correctly as GraphQL documentation' end context 'when a Query.field is deprecated' do before do query_type.field( name: :bar, type: type, null: true, description: 'A bar', deprecated: { reason: :renamed, milestone: '10.11', replacement: 'Query.foo' } ) end let(:type) { ::GraphQL::Types::Int } let(:section) do <<~DOC ### `Query.bar` A bar. WARNING: **Deprecated** in 10.11. This was renamed. Use: [`Query.foo`](#queryfoo). Returns [`Int`](#int). DOC end it_behaves_like 'renders correctly as GraphQL documentation' end context 'when a field has an Enumeration type' do let(:type) do enum_type = Class.new(Types::BaseEnum) do graphql_name 'MyEnum' description 'A test of an enum.' value 'BAZ', description: 'A description of BAZ.' value 'BAR', description: 'A description of BAR.', deprecated: { reason: 'This is deprecated', milestone: '1.10' } value 'BOOP', description: 'A description of BOOP.', deprecated: { reason: :renamed, replacement: 'MyEnum.BAR', milestone: '1.10' } end Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'EnumTest' field :foo, enum_type, null: false, description: 'A description of foo field.' end end let(:section) do <<~DOC ### `MyEnum` A test of an enum. | Value | Description | | ----- | ----------- | | `BAR` **{warning-solid}** | **Deprecated** in 1.10. This is deprecated. | | `BAZ` | A description of BAZ. | | `BOOP` **{warning-solid}** | **Deprecated** in 1.10. This was renamed. Use: [`MyEnum.BAR`](#myenumbar). | DOC end it_behaves_like 'renders correctly as GraphQL documentation' end context 'when a field has a global ID type' do let(:type) do Class.new(Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'IDTest' description 'A test for rendering IDs.' field :foo, ::Types::GlobalIDType[::User], null: true, description: 'A user foo.' end end describe 'section for IDTest' do let(:section) do <<~DOC ### `IDTest` A test for rendering IDs. #### Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `foo` | [`UserID`](#userid) | A user foo. | DOC end it_behaves_like 'renders correctly as GraphQL documentation' end describe 'section for UserID' do let(:section) do <<~DOC ### `UserID` A `UserID` is a global ID. It is encoded as a string. An example `UserID` is: `"gid://gitlab/User/1"`. DOC end it_behaves_like 'renders correctly as GraphQL documentation' end end context 'when there is a mutation' do let(:mutation) do mutation = Class.new(::Mutations::BaseMutation) mutation.graphql_name 'MakeItPretty' mutation.description 'Make everything very pretty.' mutation.argument :prettiness_factor, type: GraphQL::FLOAT_TYPE, required: true, description: 'How much prettier?' mutation.argument :pulchritude, type: GraphQL::FLOAT_TYPE, required: false, description: 'How much prettier?', deprecated: { reason: :renamed, replacement: 'prettinessFactor', milestone: '72.34' } mutation.field :everything, type: GraphQL::Types::String, null: true, description: 'What we made prettier.' mutation.field :omnis, type: GraphQL::Types::String, null: true, description: 'What we made prettier.', deprecated: { reason: :renamed, replacement: 'everything', milestone: '72.34' } mutation end before do mutation_root.mount_mutation mutation end it_behaves_like 'renders correctly as GraphQL documentation' do let(:section) do <<~DOC ### `Mutation.makeItPretty` Make everything very pretty. Input type: `MakeItPrettyInput` #### Arguments | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `clientMutationId` | [`String`](#string) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. | | `prettinessFactor` | [`Float!`](#float) | How much prettier?. | | `pulchritude` **{warning-solid}** | [`Float`](#float) | **Deprecated:** This was renamed. Please use `prettinessFactor`. Deprecated in 72.34. | #### Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `clientMutationId` | [`String`](#string) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. | | `errors` | [`[String!]!`](#string) | Errors encountered during execution of the mutation. | | `everything` | [`String`](#string) | What we made prettier. | | `omnis` **{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated:** This was renamed. Please use `everything`. Deprecated in 72.34. | DOC end end it 'does not render the automatically generated payload type' do expect(contents).not_to include('MakeItPrettyPayload') end it 'does not render the automatically generated input type as its own section' do expect(contents).not_to include('# `MakeItPrettyInput`') end end context 'when there is an input type' do let(:type) do Class.new(::Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'Foo' field :wibble, type: ::GraphQL::Types::Int, null: true do argument :date_range, type: ::Types::TimeframeInputType, required: true, description: 'When the foo happened.' end end end let(:section) do <<~DOC ### `Timeframe` A time-frame defined as a closed inclusive range of two dates. #### Arguments | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `end` | [`Date!`](#date) | End of the range. | | `start` | [`Date!`](#date) | Start of the range. | DOC end it_behaves_like 'renders correctly as GraphQL documentation' end context 'when there is an interface and a union' do let(:type) do user = Class.new(::Types::BaseObject) user.graphql_name 'User' user.field :user_field, ::GraphQL::Types::String, null: true group = Class.new(::Types::BaseObject) group.graphql_name 'Group' group.field :group_field, ::GraphQL::Types::String, null: true union = Class.new(::Types::BaseUnion) union.graphql_name 'UserOrGroup' union.description 'Either a user or a group.' union.possible_types user, group interface = Module.new interface.include(::Types::BaseInterface) interface.graphql_name 'Flying' interface.description 'Something that can fly.' interface.field :flight_speed, GraphQL::Types::Int, null: true, description: 'Speed in mph.' african_swallow = Class.new(::Types::BaseObject) african_swallow.graphql_name 'AfricanSwallow' african_swallow.description 'A swallow from Africa.' african_swallow.implements interface interface.orphan_types african_swallow Class.new(::Types::BaseObject) do graphql_name 'AbstractTypeTest' description 'A test for abstract types.' field :foo, union, null: true, description: 'The foo.' field :flying, interface, null: true, description: 'A flying thing.' end end it 'lists the fields correctly, and includes descriptions of all the types' do type_section = <<~DOC ### `AbstractTypeTest` A test for abstract types. #### Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `flying` | [`Flying`](#flying) | A flying thing. | | `foo` | [`UserOrGroup`](#userorgroup) | The foo. | DOC union_section = <<~DOC #### `UserOrGroup` Either a user or a group. One of: - [`Group`](#group) - [`User`](#user) DOC interface_section = <<~DOC #### `Flying` Something that can fly. Implementations: - [`AfricanSwallow`](#africanswallow) ##### Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `flightSpeed` | [`Int`](#int) | Speed in mph. | DOC implementation_section = <<~DOC ### `AfricanSwallow` A swallow from Africa. #### Fields | Name | Type | Description | | ---- | ---- | ----------- | | `flightSpeed` | [`Int`](#int) | Speed in mph. | DOC is_expected.to include( type_section, union_section, interface_section, implementation_section ) end end end end