class AdminGroups < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedPaths include SharedUser include SharedActiveTab include Select2Helper When 'I visit admin group page' do visit admin_group_path(current_group) end When 'I click new group link' do click_link "New Group" end And 'I have group with projects' do @group = create(:group) @project = create(:project, group: @group) @event = create(:closed_issue_event, project: @project) << [current_user, :master] end And 'submit form with new group info' do fill_in 'group_name', with: 'gitlab' fill_in 'group_description', with: 'Group description' click_button "Create group" end Then 'I should see newly created group' do page.should have_content "Group: gitlab" page.should have_content "Group description" end Then 'I should be redirected to group page' do current_path.should == admin_group_path(Group.last) end When 'I select user "John Doe" from user list as "Reporter"' do user = User.find_by(name: "John Doe") select2(, from: "#user_ids", multiple: true) within "#new_team_member" do select "Reporter", from: "group_access" end click_button "Add users into group" end Then 'I should see "John Doe" in team list in every project as "Reporter"' do within ".group-users-list" do page.should have_content "John Doe" page.should have_content "Reporter" end end step 'I should be all groups' do Group.all.each do |group| page.should have_content end end protected def current_group @group ||= Group.first end end