# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Git class Diff TimeoutError = Class.new(StandardError) include Gitlab::EncodingHelper # Diff properties attr_accessor :old_path, :new_path, :a_mode, :b_mode, :diff # Stats properties attr_accessor :new_file, :renamed_file, :deleted_file alias_method :new_file?, :new_file alias_method :deleted_file?, :deleted_file alias_method :renamed_file?, :renamed_file attr_accessor :expanded attr_writer :too_large alias_method :expanded?, :expanded # The default maximum content size to display a diff patch. # # If this value ever changes, make sure to create a migration to update # current records, and default of `ApplicationSettings#diff_max_patch_bytes`. DEFAULT_MAX_PATCH_BYTES = 200.kilobytes # This is a limitation applied on the source (Gitaly), therefore we don't allow # persisting limits over that. MAX_PATCH_BYTES_UPPER_BOUND = 500.kilobytes SERIALIZE_KEYS = %i(diff new_path old_path a_mode b_mode new_file renamed_file deleted_file too_large).freeze BINARY_NOTICE_PATTERN = %r(Binary files a\/(.*) and b\/(.*) differ).freeze class << self def between(repo, head, base, options = {}, *paths) straight = options.delete(:straight) || false common_commit = if straight base else # Only show what is new in the source branch # compared to the target branch, not the other way # around. The linex below with merge_base is # equivalent to diff with three dots (git diff # branch1...branch2) From the git documentation: # "git diff A...B" is equivalent to "git diff # $(git-merge-base A B) B" repo.merge_base(head, base) end options ||= {} actual_options = filter_diff_options(options) repo.diff(common_commit, head, actual_options, *paths) end # Return a copy of the +options+ hash containing only recognized keys. # Allowed options are: # # :ignore_whitespace_change :: # If true, changes in amount of whitespace will be ignored. # # :max_files :: # Limit how many files will patches be allowed for before collapsing # # :max_lines :: # Limit how many patch lines (across all files) will be allowed for # before collapsing # # :limits :: # A hash with additional limits to check before collapsing patches. # Allowed keys are: `max_bytes`, `safe_max_files`, `safe_max_lines` # and `safe_max_bytes` # # :expanded :: # If false, patch raw data will not be included in the diff after # `max_files`, `max_lines` or any of the limits in `limits` are # exceeded def filter_diff_options(options, default_options = {}) allowed_options = [:ignore_whitespace_change, :max_files, :max_lines, :limits, :expanded] if default_options actual_defaults = default_options.dup actual_defaults.keep_if do |key| allowed_options.include?(key) end else actual_defaults = {} end if options filtered_opts = options.dup filtered_opts.keep_if do |key| allowed_options.include?(key) end filtered_opts = actual_defaults.merge(filtered_opts) else filtered_opts = actual_defaults end filtered_opts end # Return a binary diff message like: # # "Binary files a/file/path and b/file/path differ\n" # This is used when we detect that a diff is binary # using CharlockHolmes. def binary_message(old_path, new_path) "Binary files #{old_path} and #{new_path} differ\n" end # Returns the limit of bytes a single diff file can reach before it # appears as 'collapsed' for end-users. # By convention, it's 10% of the persisted `diff_max_patch_bytes`. # # Example: If we have 100k for the `diff_max_patch_bytes`, it will be 10k by # default. # # Patches surpassing this limit should still be persisted in the database. def patch_safe_limit_bytes(limit = patch_hard_limit_bytes) limit / 10 end # Returns the limit for a single diff file (patch). # # Patches surpassing this limit shouldn't be persisted in the database # and will be presented as 'too large' for end-users. def patch_hard_limit_bytes Gitlab::CurrentSettings.diff_max_patch_bytes end def has_binary_notice?(text) return false unless text.present? text.start_with?(BINARY_NOTICE_PATTERN) end end def initialize(raw_diff, expanded: true, replace_invalid_utf8_chars: true) @expanded = expanded case raw_diff when Hash init_from_hash(raw_diff) prune_diff_if_eligible when Gitlab::GitalyClient::Diff init_from_gitaly(raw_diff) prune_diff_if_eligible when Gitaly::CommitDelta init_from_gitaly(raw_diff) when nil raise "Nil as raw diff passed" else raise "Invalid raw diff type: #{raw_diff.class}" end encode_diff_to_utf8(replace_invalid_utf8_chars) end def to_hash hash = {} SERIALIZE_KEYS.each do |key| hash[key] = send(key) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end hash end def mode_changed? a_mode && b_mode && a_mode != b_mode end def submodule? a_mode == '160000' || b_mode == '160000' end def line_count @line_count ||= Util.count_lines(@diff) end def diff_bytesize @diff_bytesize ||= @diff.bytesize end def too_large? if @too_large.nil? @too_large = diff_bytesize >= self.class.patch_hard_limit_bytes else @too_large end end # This is used by `to_hash` and `init_from_hash`. alias_method :too_large, :too_large? def too_large! @diff = '' @line_count = 0 @too_large = true end def collapsed? return @collapsed if defined?(@collapsed) @collapsed = !expanded && diff_bytesize >= self.class.patch_safe_limit_bytes end def collapse! @diff = '' @line_count = 0 @collapsed = true end def json_safe_diff return @diff unless detect_binary?(@diff) # the diff is binary, let's make a message for it Diff.binary_message(@old_path, @new_path) end def has_binary_notice? self.class.has_binary_notice?(@diff) end private def encode_diff_to_utf8(replace_invalid_utf8_chars) return unless Feature.enabled?(:convert_diff_to_utf8_with_replacement_symbol, default_enabled: :yaml) return unless replace_invalid_utf8_chars && diff_should_be_converted? @diff = Gitlab::EncodingHelper.encode_utf8_with_replacement_character(@diff) end def diff_should_be_converted? !detect_binary?(@diff) || !@diff&.valid_encoding? end def init_from_hash(hash) raw_diff = hash.symbolize_keys SERIALIZE_KEYS.each do |key| send(:"#{key}=", raw_diff[key.to_sym]) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end def init_from_gitaly(gitaly_diff) @diff = gitaly_diff.respond_to?(:patch) ? encode!(gitaly_diff.patch) : '' @new_path = encode!(gitaly_diff.to_path.dup) @old_path = encode!(gitaly_diff.from_path.dup) @a_mode = gitaly_diff.old_mode.to_s(8) @b_mode = gitaly_diff.new_mode.to_s(8) @new_file = gitaly_diff.from_id == BLANK_SHA @renamed_file = gitaly_diff.from_path != gitaly_diff.to_path @deleted_file = gitaly_diff.to_id == BLANK_SHA @too_large = gitaly_diff.too_large if gitaly_diff.respond_to?(:too_large) collapse! if gitaly_diff.respond_to?(:collapsed) && gitaly_diff.collapsed end def prune_diff_if_eligible if too_large? ::Gitlab::Metrics.add_event(:patch_hard_limit_bytes_hit) too_large! elsif collapsed? collapse! end end end end end