# Check a user's access to perform a git action. All public methods in this # class return an instance of `GitlabAccessStatus` module Gitlab class GitAccess UnauthorizedError = Class.new(StandardError) NotFoundError = Class.new(StandardError) ProjectMovedError = Class.new(NotFoundError) ERROR_MESSAGES = { upload: 'You are not allowed to upload code for this project.', download: 'You are not allowed to download code from this project.', deploy_key_upload: 'This deploy key does not have write access to this project.', no_repo: 'A repository for this project does not exist yet.', project_not_found: 'The project you were looking for could not be found.', account_blocked: 'Your account has been blocked.', command_not_allowed: "The command you're trying to execute is not allowed.", upload_pack_disabled_over_http: 'Pulling over HTTP is not allowed.', receive_pack_disabled_over_http: 'Pushing over HTTP is not allowed.' }.freeze DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS = %w{ git-upload-pack git-upload-archive }.freeze PUSH_COMMANDS = %w{ git-receive-pack }.freeze ALL_COMMANDS = DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS + PUSH_COMMANDS attr_reader :actor, :project, :protocol, :authentication_abilities, :redirected_path def initialize(actor, project, protocol, authentication_abilities:, redirected_path: nil) @actor = actor @project = project @protocol = protocol @redirected_path = redirected_path @authentication_abilities = authentication_abilities end def check(cmd, changes) check_valid_actor! check_protocol! check_active_user! check_project_accessibility! check_project_moved! check_command_disabled!(cmd) check_command_existence!(cmd) check_repository_existence! case cmd when *DOWNLOAD_COMMANDS check_download_access! when *PUSH_COMMANDS check_push_access!(changes) end true end def guest_can_download_code? Guest.can?(:download_code, project) end def user_can_download_code? authentication_abilities.include?(:download_code) && user_access.can_do_action?(:download_code) end def build_can_download_code? authentication_abilities.include?(:build_download_code) && user_access.can_do_action?(:build_download_code) end def protocol_allowed? Gitlab::ProtocolAccess.allowed?(protocol) end private def check_valid_actor! return unless actor.is_a?(Key) unless actor.valid? raise UnauthorizedError, "Your SSH key #{actor.errors[:key].first}." end end def check_protocol! unless protocol_allowed? raise UnauthorizedError, "Git access over #{protocol.upcase} is not allowed" end end def check_active_user! return if deploy_key? if user && !user_access.allowed? raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:account_blocked] end end def check_project_accessibility! if project.blank? || !can_read_project? raise NotFoundError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:project_not_found] end end def check_project_moved! return unless redirected_path url = protocol == 'ssh' ? project.ssh_url_to_repo : project.http_url_to_repo message = <<-MESSAGE.strip_heredoc Project '#{redirected_path}' was moved to '#{project.full_path}'. Please update your Git remote and try again: git remote set-url origin #{url} MESSAGE raise ProjectMovedError, message end def check_command_disabled!(cmd) if upload_pack?(cmd) check_upload_pack_disabled! elsif receive_pack?(cmd) check_receive_pack_disabled! end end def check_upload_pack_disabled! if http? && upload_pack_disabled_over_http? raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:upload_pack_disabled_over_http] end end def check_receive_pack_disabled! if http? && receive_pack_disabled_over_http? raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:receive_pack_disabled_over_http] end end def check_command_existence!(cmd) unless ALL_COMMANDS.include?(cmd) raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:command_not_allowed] end end def check_repository_existence! unless project.repository.exists? raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:no_repo] end end def check_download_access! return if deploy_key? passed = user_can_download_code? || build_can_download_code? || guest_can_download_code? unless passed raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:download] end end def check_push_access!(changes) if deploy_key check_deploy_key_push_access! elsif user check_user_push_access! else raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:upload] end return if changes.blank? # Allow access. check_change_access!(changes) end def check_user_push_access! unless authentication_abilities.include?(:push_code) raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:upload] end end def check_deploy_key_push_access! unless deploy_key.can_push_to?(project) raise UnauthorizedError, ERROR_MESSAGES[:deploy_key_upload] end end def check_change_access!(changes) changes_list = Gitlab::ChangesList.new(changes) # Iterate over all changes to find if user allowed all of them to be applied changes_list.each do |change| # If user does not have access to make at least one change, cancel all # push by allowing the exception to bubble up check_single_change_access(change) end end def check_single_change_access(change) Checks::ChangeAccess.new( change, user_access: user_access, project: project, skip_authorization: deploy_key?, protocol: protocol ).exec end def matching_merge_request?(newrev, branch_name) Checks::MatchingMergeRequest.new(newrev, branch_name, project).match? end def deploy_key actor if deploy_key? end def deploy_key? actor.is_a?(DeployKey) end def ci? actor == :ci end def can_read_project? if deploy_key? deploy_key.has_access_to?(project) elsif user user.can?(:read_project, project) elsif ci? true # allow CI (build without a user) for backwards compatibility end || Guest.can?(:read_project, project) end def http? protocol == 'http' end def upload_pack?(command) command == 'git-upload-pack' end def receive_pack?(command) command == 'git-receive-pack' end def upload_pack_disabled_over_http? !Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.upload_pack end def receive_pack_disabled_over_http? !Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.receive_pack end protected def user return @user if defined?(@user) @user = case actor when User actor when Key actor.user unless actor.is_a?(DeployKey) when :ci nil end end def user_access @user_access ||= if ci? CiAccess.new else UserAccess.new(user, project: project) end end end end