# Guard API with OAuth 2.0 Access Token require 'rack/oauth2' module API module APIGuard extend ActiveSupport::Concern PRIVATE_TOKEN_HEADER = "HTTP_PRIVATE_TOKEN".freeze PRIVATE_TOKEN_PARAM = :private_token included do |base| # OAuth2 Resource Server Authentication use Rack::OAuth2::Server::Resource::Bearer, 'The API' do |request| # The authenticator only fetches the raw token string # Must yield access token to store it in the env request.access_token end helpers HelperMethods install_error_responders(base) end class_methods do # Set the authorization scope(s) allowed for an API endpoint. # # A call to this method maps the given scope(s) to the current API # endpoint class. If this method is called multiple times on the same class, # the scopes are all aggregated. def allow_access_with_scope(scopes, options = {}) Array(scopes).each do |scope| allowed_scopes << Scope.new(scope, options) end end def allowed_scopes @scopes ||= [] end end # Helper Methods for Grape Endpoint module HelperMethods def find_current_user! user = find_user_from_access_token || find_user_from_warden return unless user forbidden!('User is blocked') unless Gitlab::UserAccess.new(user).allowed? && user.can?(:access_api) user end def access_token return @access_token if defined?(@access_token) @access_token = find_oauth_access_token || find_personal_access_token end def validate_access_token!(scopes: []) return unless access_token case AccessTokenValidationService.new(access_token, request: request).validate(scopes: scopes) when AccessTokenValidationService::INSUFFICIENT_SCOPE raise InsufficientScopeError.new(scopes) when AccessTokenValidationService::EXPIRED raise ExpiredError when AccessTokenValidationService::REVOKED raise RevokedError end end private def find_user_from_access_token return unless access_token validate_access_token! access_token.user || raise(UnauthorizedError) end # Check the Rails session for valid authentication details def find_user_from_warden warden.try(:authenticate) if verified_request? end def warden env['warden'] end # Check if the request is GET/HEAD, or if CSRF token is valid. def verified_request? Gitlab::RequestForgeryProtection.verified?(env) end def find_oauth_access_token token = Doorkeeper::OAuth::Token.from_request(doorkeeper_request, *Doorkeeper.configuration.access_token_methods) return unless token # Expiration, revocation and scopes are verified in `find_user_by_access_token` access_token = OauthAccessToken.by_token(token) raise UnauthorizedError unless access_token access_token.revoke_previous_refresh_token! access_token end def find_personal_access_token token = (params[PRIVATE_TOKEN_PARAM] || env[PRIVATE_TOKEN_HEADER]).to_s return unless token.present? # Expiration, revocation and scopes are verified in `find_user_by_access_token` access_token = PersonalAccessToken.find_by(token: token) raise UnauthorizedError unless access_token access_token end def doorkeeper_request @doorkeeper_request ||= ActionDispatch::Request.new(env) end # An array of scopes that were registered (using `allow_access_with_scope`) # for the current endpoint class. It also returns scopes registered on # `API::API`, since these are meant to apply to all API routes. def scopes_registered_for_endpoint @scopes_registered_for_endpoint ||= begin endpoint_classes = [options[:for].presence, ::API::API].compact endpoint_classes.reduce([]) do |memo, endpoint| if endpoint.respond_to?(:allowed_scopes) memo.concat(endpoint.allowed_scopes) else memo end end end end end module ClassMethods private def install_error_responders(base) error_classes = [MissingTokenError, TokenNotFoundError, ExpiredError, RevokedError, InsufficientScopeError] base.__send__(:rescue_from, *error_classes, oauth2_bearer_token_error_handler) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def oauth2_bearer_token_error_handler proc do |e| response = case e when MissingTokenError Rack::OAuth2::Server::Resource::Bearer::Unauthorized.new when TokenNotFoundError Rack::OAuth2::Server::Resource::Bearer::Unauthorized.new( :invalid_token, "Bad Access Token.") when ExpiredError Rack::OAuth2::Server::Resource::Bearer::Unauthorized.new( :invalid_token, "Token is expired. You can either do re-authorization or token refresh.") when RevokedError Rack::OAuth2::Server::Resource::Bearer::Unauthorized.new( :invalid_token, "Token was revoked. You have to re-authorize from the user.") when InsufficientScopeError # FIXME: ForbiddenError (inherited from Bearer::Forbidden of Rack::Oauth2) # does not include WWW-Authenticate header, which breaks the standard. Rack::OAuth2::Server::Resource::Bearer::Forbidden.new( :insufficient_scope, Rack::OAuth2::Server::Resource::ErrorMethods::DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION[:insufficient_scope], { scope: e.scopes }) end response.finish end end end # # Exceptions # MissingTokenError = Class.new(StandardError) TokenNotFoundError = Class.new(StandardError) ExpiredError = Class.new(StandardError) RevokedError = Class.new(StandardError) UnauthorizedError = Class.new(StandardError) class InsufficientScopeError < StandardError attr_reader :scopes def initialize(scopes) @scopes = scopes.map { |s| s.try(:name) || s } end end end end