require 'sidekiq/web' require 'sidekiq/cron/web' require 'api/api' Rails.application.routes.draw do if Gitlab::Sherlock.enabled? namespace :sherlock do resources :transactions, only: [:index, :show] do resources :queries, only: [:show] resources :file_samples, only: [:show] collection do delete :destroy_all end end end end if Rails.env.development? # Make the built-in Rails routes available in development, otherwise they'd # get swallowed by the `namespace/project` route matcher below. # # See get '/rails/mailers' => 'rails/mailers#index' get '/rails/mailers/:path' => 'rails/mailers#preview' get '/rails/info/properties' => 'rails/info#properties' get '/rails/info/routes' => 'rails/info#routes' get '/rails/info' => 'rails/info#index' mount LetterOpenerWeb::Engine, at: '/rails/letter_opener' end concern :access_requestable do post :request_access, on: :collection post :approve_access_request, on: :member end namespace :ci do # CI API Ci::API::API.logger Rails.logger mount Ci::API::API => '/api' resource :lint, only: [:show, :create] resources :projects, only: [:index, :show] do member do get :status, to: 'projects#badge' end end root to: 'projects#index' end use_doorkeeper do controllers applications: 'oauth/applications', authorized_applications: 'oauth/authorized_applications', authorizations: 'oauth/authorizations' end # Autocomplete get '/autocomplete/users' => 'autocomplete#users' get '/autocomplete/users/:id' => 'autocomplete#user' get '/autocomplete/projects' => 'autocomplete#projects' # Emojis resources :emojis, only: :index # Search get 'search' => 'search#show' get 'search/autocomplete' => 'search#autocomplete', as: :search_autocomplete # JSON Web Token get 'jwt/auth' => 'jwt#auth' # API API::API.logger Rails.logger mount API::API => '/api' constraint = lambda { |request| request.env['warden'].authenticate? and request.env['warden'].user.admin? } constraints constraint do mount Sidekiq::Web, at: '/admin/sidekiq', as: :sidekiq end # Health check get 'health_check(/:checks)' => 'health_check#index', as: :health_check # Help get 'help' => 'help#index' get 'help/shortcuts' => 'help#shortcuts' get 'help/ui' => 'help#ui' get 'help/*path' => 'help#show', as: :help_page # # Global snippets # resources :snippets do member do get 'raw' end end get '/s/:username', to: redirect('/u/%{username}/snippets'), constraints: { username: /[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+(? 'explore/projects#index' get 'public/projects' => 'explore/projects#index' # # Admin Area # namespace :admin do resources :users, constraints: { id: /[a-zA-Z.\/0-9_\-]+/ } do resources :keys, only: [:show, :destroy] resources :identities, except: [:show] member do get :projects get :keys get :groups put :block put :unblock put :unlock put :confirm post :impersonate patch :disable_two_factor delete 'remove/:email_id', action: 'remove_email', as: 'remove_email' end end resource :impersonation, only: :destroy resources :abuse_reports, only: [:index, :destroy] resources :spam_logs, only: [:index, :destroy] do member do post :mark_as_ham end end resources :applications resources :groups, constraints: { id: /[^\/]+/ } do member do put :members_update end end resources :deploy_keys, only: [:index, :new, :create, :destroy] resources :hooks, only: [:index, :create, :destroy] do get :test end resources :broadcast_messages, only: [:index, :edit, :create, :update, :destroy] do post :preview, on: :collection end resource :logs, only: [:show] resource :health_check, controller: 'health_check', only: [:show] resource :background_jobs, controller: 'background_jobs', only: [:show] resource :system_info, controller: 'system_info', only: [:show] resources :requests_profiles, only: [:index, :show], param: :name, constraints: { name: /.+\.html/ } resources :namespaces, path: '/projects', constraints: { id: /[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+/ }, only: [] do root to: 'projects#index', as: :projects resources(:projects, path: '/', constraints: { id: /[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+/ }, only: [:index, :show]) do root to: 'projects#show' member do put :transfer post :repository_check end resources :runner_projects, only: [:create, :destroy] end end resource :appearances, only: [:show, :create, :update], path: 'appearance' do member do get :preview delete :logo delete :header_logos end end resource :application_settings, only: [:show, :update] do resources :services, only: [:index, :edit, :update] put :reset_runners_token put :reset_health_check_token put :clear_repository_check_states end resources :labels resources :runners, only: [:index, :show, :update, :destroy] do member do get :resume get :pause end end resources :builds, only: :index do collection do post :cancel_all end end root to: 'dashboard#index' end # # Profile Area # resource :profile, only: [:show, :update] do member do get :audit_log get :applications, to: 'oauth/applications#index' put :reset_private_token put :update_username end scope module: :profiles do resource :account, only: [:show] do member do delete :unlink end end resource :notifications, only: [:show, :update] resource :password, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update] do member do put :reset end end resource :preferences, only: [:show, :update] resources :keys, only: [:index, :show, :new, :create, :destroy] resources :emails, only: [:index, :create, :destroy] resource :avatar, only: [:destroy] resources :personal_access_tokens, only: [:index, :create] do member do put :revoke end end resource :two_factor_auth, only: [:show, :create, :destroy] do member do post :create_u2f post :codes patch :skip end end end end scope(path: 'u/:username', as: :user, constraints: { username: /[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+(? 'omniauth_callbacks#omniauth_error', as: :omniauth_error get '/users/almost_there' => 'confirmations#almost_there' end root to: "root#index" # # Project Area # resources :namespaces, path: '/', constraints: { id: /[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+/ }, only: [] do resources(:projects, constraints: { id: /[a-zA-Z.0-9_\-]+(? 'templates#show', as: :template scope do get( '/blob/*id/diff', to: 'blob#diff', constraints: { id: /.+/, format: false }, as: :blob_diff ) get( '/blob/*id', to: 'blob#show', constraints: { id: /.+/, format: false }, as: :blob ) delete( '/blob/*id', to: 'blob#destroy', constraints: { id: /.+/, format: false } ) put( '/blob/*id', to: 'blob#update', constraints: { id: /.+/, format: false } ) post( '/blob/*id', to: 'blob#create', constraints: { id: /.+/, format: false } ) end scope do get( '/raw/*id', to: 'raw#show', constraints: { id: /.+/, format: /(html|js)/ }, as: :raw ) end scope do get( '/tree/*id', to: 'tree#show', constraints: { id: /.+/, format: /(html|js)/ }, as: :tree ) end scope do get( '/find_file/*id', to: 'find_file#show', constraints: { id: /.+/, format: /html/ }, as: :find_file ) end scope do get( '/files/*id', to: 'find_file#list', constraints: { id: /(?:[^.]|\.(?!json$))+/, format: /json/ }, as: :files ) end scope do post( '/create_dir/*id', to: 'tree#create_dir', constraints: { id: /.+/ }, as: 'create_dir' ) end scope do get( '/blame/*id', to: 'blame#show', constraints: { id: /.+/, format: /(html|js)/ }, as: :blame ) end scope do get( '/commits/*id', to: 'commits#show', constraints: { id: /(?:[^.]|\.(?!atom$))+/, format: /atom/ }, as: :commits ) end resource :avatar, only: [:show, :destroy] resources :commit, only: [:show], constraints: { id: /\h{7,40}/ } do member do get :branches get :builds post :cancel_builds post :retry_builds post :revert post :cherry_pick get :diff_for_path end end resources :compare, only: [:index, :create] do collection do get :diff_for_path end end get '/compare/:from...:to', to: 'compare#show', as: 'compare', constraints: { from: /.+/, to: /.+/ } # Don't use format parameter as file extension (old 3.0.x behavior) # See scope format: false do resources :network, only: [:show], constraints: { id: Gitlab::Regex.git_reference_regex } resources :graphs, only: [:show], constraints: { id: Gitlab::Regex.git_reference_regex } do member do get :commits get :ci get :languages end end end resources :snippets, constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do member do get 'raw' end end WIKI_SLUG_ID = { id: /\S+/ } unless defined? WIKI_SLUG_ID scope do # Order matters to give priority to these matches get '/wikis/git_access', to: 'wikis#git_access' get '/wikis/pages', to: 'wikis#pages', as: 'wiki_pages' post '/wikis', to: 'wikis#create' get '/wikis/*id/history', to: 'wikis#history', as: 'wiki_history', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID get '/wikis/*id/edit', to: 'wikis#edit', as: 'wiki_edit', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID get '/wikis/*id', to: 'wikis#show', as: 'wiki', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID delete '/wikis/*id', to: 'wikis#destroy', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID put '/wikis/*id', to: 'wikis#update', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID post '/wikis/*id/preview_markdown', to: 'wikis#preview_markdown', constraints: WIKI_SLUG_ID, as: 'wiki_preview_markdown' end resource :repository, only: [:create] do member do get 'archive', constraints: { format: Gitlab::Regex.archive_formats_regex } end end resources :services, constraints: { id: /[^\/]+/ }, only: [:index, :edit, :update] do member do get :test end end resources :deploy_keys, constraints: { id: /\d+/ }, only: [:index, :new, :create] do member do put :enable put :disable end end resources :forks, only: [:index, :new, :create] resource :import, only: [:new, :create, :show] resources :refs, only: [] do collection do get 'switch' end member do # tree viewer logs get 'logs_tree', constraints: { id: Gitlab::Regex.git_reference_regex } # Directories with leading dots erroneously get rejected if git # ref regex used in constraints. Regex verification now done in controller. get 'logs_tree/*path' => 'refs#logs_tree', as: :logs_file, constraints: { id: /.*/, path: /.*/ } end end resources :merge_requests, constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do member do get :commits get :diffs get :builds get :merge_check post :merge post :cancel_merge_when_build_succeeds get :ci_status post :toggle_subscription post :toggle_award_emoji post :remove_wip get :diff_for_path end collection do get :branch_from get :branch_to get :update_branches get :diff_for_path end end resources :branches, only: [:index, :new, :create, :destroy], constraints: { id: Gitlab::Regex.git_reference_regex } resources :tags, only: [:index, :show, :new, :create, :destroy], constraints: { id: Gitlab::Regex.git_reference_regex } do resource :release, only: [:edit, :update] end resources :protected_branches, only: [:index, :show, :create, :update, :destroy], constraints: { id: Gitlab::Regex.git_reference_regex } resources :variables, only: [:index, :show, :update, :create, :destroy] resources :triggers, only: [:index, :create, :destroy] resources :pipelines, only: [:index, :new, :create, :show] do collection do resource :pipelines_settings, path: 'settings', only: [:show, :update] end member do post :cancel post :retry end end resources :environments resources :builds, only: [:index, :show], constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do collection do post :cancel_all end member do get :status post :cancel post :retry post :play post :erase get :trace get :raw end resource :artifacts, only: [] do get :download get :browse, path: 'browse(/*path)', format: false get :file, path: 'file/*path', format: false post :keep end end resources :hooks, only: [:index, :create, :destroy], constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do member do get :test end end resources :container_registry, only: [:index, :destroy], constraints: { id: Gitlab::Regex.container_registry_reference_regex } resources :milestones, constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do member do put :sort_issues put :sort_merge_requests end end resources :labels, except: [:show], constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do collection do post :generate post :set_priorities end member do post :toggle_subscription delete :remove_priority end end resources :issues, constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do member do post :toggle_subscription post :toggle_award_emoji post :mark_as_spam get :referenced_merge_requests get :related_branches get :can_create_branch end collection do post :bulk_update end end resources :project_members, except: [:show, :new, :edit], constraints: { id: /[a-zA-Z.\/0-9_\-#%+]+/ }, concerns: :access_requestable do collection do delete :leave # Used for import team # from another project get :import post :apply_import end member do post :resend_invite end end resources :group_links, only: [:index, :create, :destroy], constraints: { id: /\d+/ } resources :notes, only: [:index, :create, :destroy, :update], constraints: { id: /\d+/ } do member do post :toggle_award_emoji delete :delete_attachment end end resource :board, only: [:show] do resources :issues, only: [:update], controller: :board_issues resources :lists, only: [:create, :update, :destroy], controller: :board_lists do resources :issues, only: [:index], controller: :board_issues end end resources :todos, only: [:create] resources :uploads, only: [:create] do collection do get ":secret/:filename", action: :show, as: :show, constraints: { filename: /[^\/]+/ } end end resources :runners, only: [:index, :edit, :update, :destroy, :show] do member do get :resume get :pause end collection do post :toggle_shared_runners end end resources :runner_projects, only: [:create, :destroy] resources :badges, only: [:index] do collection do scope '*ref', constraints: { ref: Gitlab::Regex.git_reference_regex } do constraints format: /svg/ do get :build get :coverage end end end end end end end # Get all keys of user get ':username.keys' => 'profiles/keys#get_keys', constraints: { username: /.*/ } get ':id' => 'namespaces#show', constraints: { id: /(?:[^.]|\.(?!atom$))+/, format: /atom/ } end