# frozen_string_literal: true class Key < ApplicationRecord include AfterCommitQueue include Sortable include ShaAttribute include Expirable include FromUnion sha256_attribute :fingerprint_sha256 belongs_to :user before_validation :generate_fingerprint validates :title, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 } validates :key, presence: true, length: { maximum: 5000 }, format: { with: /\A(#{Gitlab::SSHPublicKey.supported_algorithms.join('|')})/ } validates :fingerprint_sha256, uniqueness: true, presence: { message: 'cannot be generated' } validate :key_meets_restrictions validate :expiration, on: :create validate :banned_key, if: :key_changed? delegate :name, :email, to: :user, prefix: true after_commit :add_to_authorized_keys, on: :create after_create :post_create_hook after_create :refresh_user_cache after_commit :remove_from_authorized_keys, on: :destroy after_destroy :post_destroy_hook after_destroy :refresh_user_cache alias_attribute :fingerprint_md5, :fingerprint scope :preload_users, -> { preload(:user) } scope :for_user, -> (user) { where(user: user) } scope :order_last_used_at_desc, -> { reorder(arel_table[:last_used_at].desc.nulls_last) } # Date is set specifically in this scope to improve query time. scope :expired_today_and_not_notified, -> { where(["date(expires_at AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') = CURRENT_DATE AND expiry_notification_delivered_at IS NULL"]) } scope :expiring_soon_and_not_notified, -> { where(["date(expires_at AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') > CURRENT_DATE AND date(expires_at AT TIME ZONE 'UTC') < ? AND before_expiry_notification_delivered_at IS NULL", DAYS_TO_EXPIRE.days.from_now.to_date]) } def self.regular_keys where(type: ['Key', nil]) end def key=(value) write_attribute(:key, value.present? ? Gitlab::SSHPublicKey.sanitize(value) : nil) @public_key = nil end def publishable_key # Strip out the keys comment so we don't leak email addresses # Replace with simple ident of user_name (hostname) self.key.split[0..1].push("#{self.user_name} (#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.host})").join(' ') end # projects that has this key def projects user.authorized_projects end def shell_id "key-#{id}" end # EE overrides this def can_delete? true end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def update_last_used_at Keys::LastUsedService.new(self).execute end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def add_to_authorized_keys return unless Gitlab::CurrentSettings.authorized_keys_enabled? AuthorizedKeysWorker.perform_async(:add_key, shell_id, key) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def post_create_hook SystemHooksService.new.execute_hooks_for(self, :create) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def remove_from_authorized_keys return unless Gitlab::CurrentSettings.authorized_keys_enabled? AuthorizedKeysWorker.perform_async(:remove_key, shell_id) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def refresh_user_cache return unless user Users::KeysCountService.new(user).refresh_cache end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def post_destroy_hook SystemHooksService.new.execute_hooks_for(self, :destroy) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def public_key @public_key ||= Gitlab::SSHPublicKey.new(key) end private def generate_fingerprint self.fingerprint = nil self.fingerprint_sha256 = nil return unless public_key.valid? self.fingerprint_md5 = public_key.fingerprint unless Gitlab::FIPS.enabled? self.fingerprint_sha256 = public_key.fingerprint_sha256.gsub("SHA256:", "") end def key_meets_restrictions restriction = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.key_restriction_for(public_key.type) if restriction == ApplicationSetting::FORBIDDEN_KEY_VALUE errors.add(:key, forbidden_key_type_message) elsif public_key.bits < restriction errors.add(:key, "must be at least #{restriction} bits") end end def banned_key return unless public_key.banned? help_page_url = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.help_page_url( 'security/ssh_keys_restrictions', anchor: 'block-banned-or-compromised-keys' ) errors.add( :key, _('cannot be used because it belongs to a compromised private key. Stop using this key and generate a new one.'), help_page_url: help_page_url ) end def forbidden_key_type_message allowed_types = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.allowed_key_types.map(&:upcase) "type is forbidden. Must be #{Gitlab::Utils.to_exclusive_sentence(allowed_types)}" end def expiration errors.add(:key, message: 'has expired') if expired? end end Key.prepend_mod_with('Key')