require 'settingslogic' # We can not use `Rails.root` here, as this file might be loaded without the # full Rails environment being loaded. We can not use `require_relative` either, # as Rails uses `load` for `require_dependency` (used when loading the Rails # environment). This could then lead to this file being loaded twice. require_dependency File.expand_path('../lib/gitlab', __dir__) class Settings < Settingslogic source ENV.fetch('GITLAB_CONFIG') {'..', __dir__)).join('config/gitlab.yml') } namespace ENV.fetch('GITLAB_ENV') { Rails.env } class << self def gitlab_on_standard_port? on_standard_port?(gitlab) end def host_without_www(url) host(url).sub('www.', '') end def build_gitlab_ci_url custom_port = if on_standard_port?(gitlab) nil else ":#{gitlab.port}" end [ gitlab.protocol, "://",, custom_port, gitlab.relative_url_root ].join('') end def build_pages_url base_url(pages).join('') end def build_gitlab_shell_ssh_path_prefix user_host = "#{gitlab_shell.ssh_user}@#{gitlab_shell.ssh_host}" if gitlab_shell.ssh_port != 22 "ssh://#{user_host}:#{gitlab_shell.ssh_port}/" else if gitlab_shell.ssh_host.include? ':' "[#{user_host}]:" else "#{user_host}:" end end end def build_base_gitlab_url base_url(gitlab).join('') end def build_gitlab_url (base_url(gitlab) + [gitlab.relative_url_root]).join('') end def kerberos_protocol kerberos.https ? "https" : "http" end def kerberos_port kerberos.use_dedicated_port ? kerberos.port : gitlab.port end # Curl expects username/password for authentication. However when using GSS-Negotiate not credentials should be needed. # By inserting in the Kerberos dedicated URL ":@", we give to curl an empty username and password and GSS auth goes ahead # Known bug reported in and def build_gitlab_kerberos_url [ kerberos_protocol, "://:@",, ":#{kerberos_port}", gitlab.relative_url_root ].join('') end def alternative_gitlab_kerberos_url? kerberos.enabled && (build_gitlab_kerberos_url != build_gitlab_url) end # check that values in `current` (string or integer) is a contant in `modul`. def verify_constant_array(modul, current, default) values = default || [] unless current.nil? values = [] current.each do |constant| values.push(verify_constant(modul, constant, nil)) end values.delete_if { |value| value.nil? } end values end # check that `current` (string or integer) is a contant in `modul`. def verify_constant(modul, current, default) constant = modul.constants.find { |name| modul.const_get(name) == current } value = constant.nil? ? default : modul.const_get(constant) if current.is_a? String value = modul.const_get(current.upcase) rescue default end value end def absolute(path) File.expand_path(path, Rails.root) end # Ruby 2.4+ requires passing in the exact required length for OpenSSL keys # ( # Previous versions quietly truncated the input. # # Use this when using :per_attribute_iv mode for attr_encrypted. # We have to truncate the string to 32 bytes for a 256-bit cipher. def attr_encrypted_db_key_base_truncated Gitlab::Application.secrets.db_key_base[0..31] end def attr_encrypted_db_key_base_32 Gitlab::Utils.ensure_utf8_size(attr_encrypted_db_key_base, bytes: 32.bytes) end def attr_encrypted_db_key_base_12 Gitlab::Utils.ensure_utf8_size(attr_encrypted_db_key_base, bytes: 12.bytes) end # This should be used for :per_attribute_salt_and_iv mode. There is no # need to truncate the key because the encryptor will use the salt to # generate a hash of the password: # def attr_encrypted_db_key_base Gitlab::Application.secrets.db_key_base end private def base_url(config) custom_port = on_standard_port?(config) ? nil : ":#{config.port}" [ config.protocol, "://",, custom_port ] end def on_standard_port?(config) config.port.to_i == (config.https ? 443 : 80) end # Extract the host part of the given +url+. def host(url) url = url.downcase url = "http://#{url}" unless url.start_with?('http') # Get rid of the path so that we don't even have to encode it url_without_path = url.sub(%r{(https?://[^/]+)/?.*}, '\1') URI.parse(url_without_path).host end # Runs every minute in a random ten-minute period on Sundays, to balance the # load on the server receiving these pings. The usage ping is safe to run # multiple times because of a 24 hour exclusive lock. def cron_for_usage_ping hour = rand(24) minute = rand(6) "#{minute}0-#{minute}9 #{hour} * * 0" end end end