# frozen_string_literal: true # This class relies on Common Table Expressions to efficiently get all data, # including data for nested groups. module Gitlab class ProjectAuthorizations attr_reader :user # user - The User object for which to calculate the authorizations. def initialize(user) @user = user end def calculate cte = recursive_cte cte_alias = cte.table.alias(Group.table_name) projects = Project.arel_table links = ProjectGroupLink.arel_table relations = [ # The project a user has direct access to. user.projects.select_for_project_authorization, # The personal projects of the user. user.personal_projects.select_as_maintainer_for_project_authorization, # Projects that belong directly to any of the groups the user has # access to. Namespace .unscoped .select([alias_as_column(projects[:id], 'project_id'), cte_alias[:access_level]]) .from(cte_alias) .joins(:projects), # Projects shared with any of the namespaces the user has access to. Namespace .unscoped .select([ links[:project_id], least(cte_alias[:access_level], links[:group_access], 'access_level') ]) .from(cte_alias) .joins('INNER JOIN project_group_links ON project_group_links.group_id = namespaces.id') .joins('INNER JOIN projects ON projects.id = project_group_links.project_id') .joins('INNER JOIN namespaces p_ns ON p_ns.id = projects.namespace_id') .where('p_ns.share_with_group_lock IS FALSE') ] ProjectAuthorization .unscoped .with .recursive(cte.to_arel) .select_from_union(relations) end private # Builds a recursive CTE that gets all the groups the current user has # access to, including any nested groups and any shared groups. def recursive_cte cte = Gitlab::SQL::RecursiveCTE.new(:namespaces_cte) members = Member.arel_table namespaces = Namespace.arel_table # Namespaces the user is a member of. cte << user.groups .select([namespaces[:id], members[:access_level]]) .except(:order) if Feature.enabled?(:share_group_with_group, default_enabled: true) # Namespaces shared with any of the group cte << Group.select([namespaces[:id], 'group_group_links.group_access AS access_level']) .joins(join_group_group_links) .joins(join_members_on_group_group_links) end # Sub groups of any groups the user is a member of. cte << Group.select([ namespaces[:id], greatest(members[:access_level], cte.table[:access_level], 'access_level') ]) .joins(join_cte(cte)) .joins(join_members_on_namespaces) .except(:order) cte end # Builds a LEFT JOIN to join optional memberships onto the CTE. def join_members_on_namespaces members = Member.arel_table namespaces = Namespace.arel_table cond = members[:source_id] .eq(namespaces[:id]) .and(members[:source_type].eq('Namespace')) .and(members[:requested_at].eq(nil)) .and(members[:user_id].eq(user.id)) Arel::Nodes::OuterJoin.new(members, Arel::Nodes::On.new(cond)) end def join_group_group_links group_group_links = GroupGroupLink.arel_table namespaces = Namespace.arel_table cond = group_group_links[:shared_group_id].eq(namespaces[:id]) Arel::Nodes::InnerJoin.new(group_group_links, Arel::Nodes::On.new(cond)) end def join_members_on_group_group_links group_group_links = GroupGroupLink.arel_table members = Member.arel_table cond = group_group_links[:shared_with_group_id].eq(members[:source_id]) .and(members[:user_id].eq(user.id)) Arel::Nodes::InnerJoin.new(members, Arel::Nodes::On.new(cond)) end # Builds an INNER JOIN to join namespaces onto the CTE. def join_cte(cte) namespaces = Namespace.arel_table cond = cte.table[:id].eq(namespaces[:parent_id]) Arel::Nodes::InnerJoin.new(cte.table, Arel::Nodes::On.new(cond)) end def greatest(left, right, column_alias) sql_function('GREATEST', [left, right], column_alias) end def least(left, right, column_alias) sql_function('LEAST', [left, right], column_alias) end def sql_function(name, args, column_alias) alias_as_column(Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new(name, args), column_alias) end def alias_as_column(value, alias_to) Arel::Nodes::As.new(value, Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral.new(alias_to)) end end end