require 'rspec/mocks' module TestEnv extend self # Test environment # # all repositories and namespaces stored at # RAILS_APP/tmp/test-git-base-path # # Next shell methods are stubbed and return true # - mv_repository # - remove_repository # - add_key # - remove_key # def init(opts = {}) RSpec::Mocks::setup(self) # Disable observers to improve test speed # # You can enable it in whole test case where needed by next string: # # before(:each) { enable_observers } # disable_observers if opts[:observers] == false # Disable mailer for spinach tests disable_mailer if opts[:mailer] == false setup_stubs clear_test_repo_dir if opts[:init_repos] == true setup_test_repos(opts) if opts[:repos] == true end def enable_observers ActiveRecord::Base.observers.enable(:all) end def disable_observers ActiveRecord::Base.observers.disable(:all) end def disable_mailer NotificationService.any_instance.stub(mailer: double.as_null_object) end def enable_mailer NotificationService.any_instance.unstub(:mailer) end def setup_stubs() # Use tmp dir for FS manipulations repos_path = testing_path() GollumWiki.any_instance.stub(:init_repo) do |path| create_temp_repo(File.join(repos_path, "#{path}.git")) end Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.stub(repos_path: repos_path) Gitlab.config.satellites.stub(path: satellite_path) Gitlab::Git::Repository.stub(repos_path: repos_path) Gitlab::Shell.any_instance.stub( add_repository: true, mv_repository: true, remove_repository: true, update_repository_head: true, add_key: true, remove_key: true, version: '6.3.0' ) Gitlab::Satellite::MergeAction.any_instance.stub( merge!: true, ) Gitlab::Satellite::Satellite.any_instance.stub( exists?: true, destroy: true, create: true, lock_files_dir: repos_path ) MergeRequest.any_instance.stub( check_if_can_be_merged: true ) Repository.any_instance.stub( size: 12.45 ) ActivityObserver.any_instance.stub( current_user: double("current_user", id: 1) ) end def clear_repo_dir(namespace, name) setup_stubs # Clean any .wiki.git that may have been created FileUtils.rm_rf File.join(testing_path(), "#{name}.wiki.git") end def reset_satellite_dir setup_stubs [ %W(git reset --hard --quiet), %W(git clean -fx --quiet), %W(git checkout --quiet origin/master) ].each do |git_cmd| system(*git_cmd, chdir: seed_satellite_path) end end # Create a repo and it's satellite def create_repo(namespace, name) setup_stubs repo = repo(namespace, name) # Symlink tmp/repositories/gitlabhq to tmp/test-git-base-path/gitlabhq FileUtils.ln_sf(seed_repo_path, repo) create_satellite(repo, namespace, name) end private def testing_path Rails.root.join('tmp', 'test-git-base-path') end def seed_repo_path Rails.root.join('tmp', 'repositories', 'gitlabhq') end def seed_satellite_path Rails.root.join('tmp', 'satellite', 'gitlabhq') end def satellite_path "#{testing_path()}/satellite" end def repo(namespace, name) unless (namespace.nil? || namespace.path.nil? || namespace.path.strip.empty?) repo = File.join(testing_path(), "#{namespace.path}/#{name}.git") else repo = File.join(testing_path(), "#{name}.git") end end def satellite(namespace, name) unless (namespace.nil? || namespace.path.nil? || namespace.path.strip.empty?) satellite_repo = File.join(satellite_path, namespace.path, name) else satellite_repo = File.join(satellite_path, name) end end def setup_test_repos(opts ={}) create_repo(nil, 'gitlabhq') #unless opts[:repo].nil? || !opts[:repo].include?('') create_repo(nil, 'source_gitlabhq') #unless opts[:repo].nil? || !opts[:repo].include?('source_') create_repo(nil, 'target_gitlabhq') #unless opts[:repo].nil? || !opts[:repo].include?('target_') end def clear_test_repo_dir setup_stubs # Use tmp dir for FS manipulations repos_path = testing_path() # Remove tmp/test-git-base-path FileUtils.rm_rf Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path # Recreate tmp/test-git-base-path FileUtils.mkdir_p Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.repos_path # Since much more is happening in satellites FileUtils.mkdir_p Gitlab.config.satellites.path end # Create a testing satellite, and clone the source repo into it def create_satellite(source_repo, namespace, satellite_name) satellite_repo = satellite(namespace, satellite_name) # Symlink tmp/satellite/gitlabhq to tmp/test-git-base-path/satellite/gitlabhq, create the directory if it doesn't exist already satellite_dir = File.dirname(satellite_repo) FileUtils.mkdir_p(satellite_dir) unless File.exists?(satellite_dir) FileUtils.ln_sf(seed_satellite_path, satellite_repo) end def create_temp_repo(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p path system(*%W(git init --quiet --bare -- #{path})) end end