# frozen_string_literal: true module SnippetsHelper def snippets_upload_path(snippet, user) return unless user if snippet&.persisted? upload_path('personal_snippet', id: snippet.id) else upload_path('user', id: user.id) end end def download_raw_snippet_button(snippet) link_to(icon('download'), gitlab_raw_snippet_path(snippet, inline: false), target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer', class: "btn btn-sm has-tooltip", title: 'Download', data: { container: 'body' }) end # Return the path of a snippets index for a user or for a project # # @returns String, path to snippet index def subject_snippets_path(subject = nil, opts = nil) if subject.is_a?(Project) project_snippets_path(subject, opts) else # assume subject === User dashboard_snippets_path(opts) end end # Get an array of line numbers surrounding a matching # line, bounded by min/max. # # @returns Array of line numbers def bounded_line_numbers(line, min, max, surrounding_lines) lower = line - surrounding_lines > min ? line - surrounding_lines : min upper = line + surrounding_lines < max ? line + surrounding_lines : max (lower..upper).to_a end # Returns a sorted set of lines to be included in a snippet preview. # This ensures matching adjacent lines do not display duplicated # surrounding code. # # @returns Array, unique and sorted. def matching_lines(lined_content, surrounding_lines, query) used_lines = [] lined_content.each_with_index do |line, line_number| used_lines.concat bounded_line_numbers( line_number, 0, lined_content.size, surrounding_lines ) if line.downcase.include?(query.downcase) end used_lines.uniq.sort end # 'Chunkify' entire snippet. Splits the snippet data into matching lines + # surrounding_lines() worth of unmatching lines. # # @returns a hash with {snippet_object, snippet_chunks:{data,start_line}} def chunk_snippet(snippet, query, surrounding_lines = 3) lined_content = snippet.content.split("\n") used_lines = matching_lines(lined_content, surrounding_lines, query) snippet_chunk = [] snippet_chunks = [] snippet_start_line = 0 last_line = -1 # Go through each used line, and add consecutive lines as a single chunk # to the snippet chunk array. used_lines.each do |line_number| if last_line < 0 # Start a new chunk. snippet_start_line = line_number snippet_chunk << lined_content[line_number] elsif last_line == line_number - 1 # Consecutive line, continue chunk. snippet_chunk << lined_content[line_number] else # Non-consecutive line, add chunk to chunk array. snippet_chunks << { data: snippet_chunk.join("\n"), start_line: snippet_start_line + 1 } # Start a new chunk. snippet_chunk = [lined_content[line_number]] snippet_start_line = line_number end last_line = line_number end # Add final chunk to chunk array snippet_chunks << { data: snippet_chunk.join("\n"), start_line: snippet_start_line + 1 } # Return snippet with chunk array { snippet_object: snippet, snippet_chunks: snippet_chunks } end def snippet_embed_tag(snippet) content_tag(:script, nil, src: gitlab_snippet_url(snippet, format: :js)) end def snippet_badge(snippet) return unless attrs = snippet_badge_attributes(snippet) css_class, text = attrs tag.span(class: ['badge', 'badge-gray']) do concat(tag.i(class: ['fa', css_class])) concat(' ') concat(text) end end def snippet_badge_attributes(snippet) if snippet.private? ['fa-lock', _('private')] end end def embedded_raw_snippet_button blob = @snippet.blob return if blob.empty? || blob.binary? || blob.stored_externally? link_to(external_snippet_icon('doc-code'), gitlab_raw_snippet_url(@snippet), class: 'btn', target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener noreferrer', title: 'Open raw') end def embedded_snippet_download_button link_to(external_snippet_icon('download'), gitlab_raw_snippet_url(@snippet, inline: false), class: 'btn', target: '_blank', title: 'Download', rel: 'noopener noreferrer') end end