# frozen_string_literal: true module Repositories # A service class for generating a changelog section. class ChangelogService DEFAULT_TRAILER = 'Changelog' DEFAULT_FILE = 'CHANGELOG.md' # The maximum number of commits allowed to fetch in `from` and `to` range. # # This value is arbitrarily chosen. Increasing it means more Gitaly calls # and more presure on Gitaly services. # # This number is 3x of the average number of commits per GitLab releases. # Some examples for GitLab's own releases: # # * 13.6.0: 4636 commits # * 13.5.0: 5912 commits # * 13.4.0: 5541 commits COMMITS_LIMIT = 15_000 # The `project` specifies the `Project` to generate the changelog section # for. # # The `user` argument specifies a `User` to use for committing the changes # to the Git repository. # # The `version` arguments must be a version `String` using semantic # versioning as the format. # # The arguments `from` and `to` must specify a Git ref or SHA to use for # fetching the commits to include in the changelog. The SHA/ref set in the # `from` argument isn't included in the list. # # The `date` argument specifies the date of the release, and defaults to the # current time/date. # # The `branch` argument specifies the branch to commit the changes to. The # branch must already exist. # # The `trailer` argument is the Git trailer to use for determining what # commits to include in the changelog. # # The `file` arguments specifies the name/path of the file to commit the # changes to. If the file doesn't exist, it's created automatically. # # The `message` argument specifies the commit message to use when committing # the changelog changes. # # rubocop: disable Metrics/ParameterLists def initialize( project, user, version:, branch: project.default_branch_or_main, from: nil, to: branch, date: DateTime.now, trailer: DEFAULT_TRAILER, file: DEFAULT_FILE, message: "Add changelog for version #{version}" ) @project = project @user = user @version = version @from = from @to = to @date = date @branch = branch @trailer = trailer @file = file @message = message end # rubocop: enable Metrics/ParameterLists def execute(commit_to_changelog: true) config = Gitlab::Changelog::Config.from_git(@project, @user) from = start_of_commit_range(config) # For every entry we want to only include the merge request that # originally introduced the commit, which is the oldest merge request that # contains the commit. We fetch there merge requests in batches, reducing # the number of SQL queries needed to get this data. mrs_finder = MergeRequests::OldestPerCommitFinder.new(@project) release = Gitlab::Changelog::Release .new(version: @version, date: @date, config: config) commits = ChangelogCommitsFinder.new(project: @project, from: from, to: @to) verify_commit_range!(from, @to) commits.each_page(@trailer) do |page| mrs = mrs_finder.execute(page) # Preload the authors. This ensures we only need a single SQL query per # batch of commits, instead of needing a query for every commit. page.each(&:lazy_author) # Preload author permissions @project.team.max_member_access_for_user_ids(page.map(&:author).compact.map(&:id)) page.each do |commit| release.add_entry( title: commit.title, commit: commit, category: commit.trailers.fetch(@trailer), author: commit.author, merge_request: mrs[commit.id] ) end end if commit_to_changelog Gitlab::Changelog::Committer .new(@project, @user) .commit(release: release, file: @file, branch: @branch, message: @message) else Gitlab::Changelog::Generator.new.add(release) end end def start_of_commit_range(config) return @from if @from finder = ChangelogTagFinder.new(@project, regex: config.tag_regex) if (prev_tag = finder.execute(@version)) return prev_tag.target_commit.id end raise( Gitlab::Changelog::Error, 'The commit start range is unspecified, and no previous tag ' \ 'could be found to use instead' ) end def verify_commit_range!(from, to) return unless Feature.enabled?(:changelog_commits_limitation, @project) _, commits_count = @project.repository.diverging_commit_count(from, to) if commits_count > COMMITS_LIMIT raise Gitlab::Changelog::Error, "The commits range exceeds #{COMMITS_LIMIT} elements." end end end end