# frozen_string_literal: true class SnippetInputAction include ActiveModel::Validations ACTIONS = %w[create update delete move].freeze ACTIONS.each do |action_const| define_method "#{action_const}_action?" do action == action_const end end attr_reader :action, :previous_path, :file_path, :content validates :action, inclusion: { in: ACTIONS, message: "%{value} is not a valid action" } validates :previous_path, presence: true, if: :move_action? validates :file_path, presence: true validates :content, presence: true, if: -> (action) { action.create_action? || action.update_action? } validate :ensure_same_file_path_and_previous_path, if: :update_action? def initialize(action: nil, previous_path: nil, file_path: nil, content: nil) @action = action @previous_path = previous_path @file_path = file_path @content = content end def to_commit_action { action: action&.to_sym, previous_path: build_previous_path, file_path: file_path, content: content } end private def build_previous_path return previous_path unless update_action? previous_path.presence || file_path end def ensure_same_file_path_and_previous_path return if previous_path == file_path errors.add(:file_path, "can't be different from the previous_path attribute") end end