.review-docs: extends: - .default-retry - .docs:rules:review-docs image: ruby:2.7-alpine stage: review needs: [] variables: # We're cloning the repo instead of downloading the script for now # because some repos are private and CI_JOB_TOKEN cannot access files. # See https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/191273 GIT_DEPTH: 1 environment: name: review-docs/$DOCS_GITLAB_REPO_SUFFIX-$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID # DOCS_REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN and DOCS_GITLAB_REPO_SUFFIX are CI variables # Discussion: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/merge_requests/14236/diffs#note_40140693 auto_stop_in: 2 weeks url: http://docs-preview-$DOCS_GITLAB_REPO_SUFFIX-$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID.$DOCS_REVIEW_APPS_DOMAIN/$DOCS_GITLAB_REPO_SUFFIX on_stop: review-docs-cleanup before_script: - apk add --update openssl - gem install httparty --no-document --version 0.17.3 - gem install gitlab --no-document --version 4.13.0 # Always trigger a docs build in gitlab-docs only on docs-only branches. # Useful to preview the docs changes live. review-docs-deploy: extends: .review-docs script: - ./scripts/trigger-build docs deploy # Cleanup remote environment of gitlab-docs review-docs-cleanup: extends: .review-docs environment: name: review-docs/$DOCS_GITLAB_REPO_SUFFIX-$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID action: stop script: - ./scripts/trigger-build docs cleanup docs-lint markdown: extends: - .default-retry - .docs:rules:docs-lint # When updating the image version here, update it in /scripts/lint-doc.sh too. image: "registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/lint-markdown:alpine-3.12-vale-2.8.0-markdownlint-0.26.0" stage: test needs: [] script: - scripts/lint-doc.sh docs-lint links: extends: - .default-retry - .docs:rules:docs-lint image: "registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/lint-html:alpine-3.12-ruby-2.7.2" stage: test needs: [] script: # Prepare docs for build # The path must be 'ee/' because we have hardcoded links relying on it # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/-/blob/887850752fc0e72856da6632db132f005ba77f16/content/index.erb#L44-63 - mv doc/ /tmp/gitlab-docs/content/ee - cd /tmp/gitlab-docs # Build HTML from Markdown - bundle exec nanoc # Check the internal links - bundle exec nanoc check internal_links - bundle exec nanoc check internal_anchors # Delete the redirect files, rebuild, and check internal links again, to see if we are linking to redirects. # Don't delete the documentation/index.md, which is a false positive for the simple grep. - grep -rl "redirect_to:" /tmp/gitlab-docs/content/ee/ | grep -v "development/documentation/index.md" | xargs rm -f - bundle exec nanoc - echo -e "\e[1;96mThe following test fails when a doc links to a redirect file." - echo -e "\e[1;96mMake sure all links point to the correct page." - bundle exec nanoc check internal_links # Check the internal anchor links ui-docs-links lint: extends: - .docs:rules:docs-lint - .static-analysis-base stage: test needs: [] script: - bundle exec haml-lint -i DocumentationLinks