# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Issuable::BulkUpdateService do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, namespace: user.namespace) } def bulk_update(issuables, extra_params = {}) bulk_update_params = extra_params .reverse_merge(issuable_ids: Array(issuables).map(&:id).join(',')) type = Array(issuables).first.model_name.param_key Issuable::BulkUpdateService.new(project, user, bulk_update_params).execute(type) end describe 'close issues' do let(:issues) { create_list(:issue, 2, project: project) } it 'succeeds and returns the correct number of issues updated' do result = bulk_update(issues, state_event: 'close') expect(result[:success]).to be_truthy expect(result[:count]).to eq(issues.count) end it 'closes all the issues passed' do bulk_update(issues, state_event: 'close') expect(project.issues.opened).to be_empty expect(project.issues.closed).not_to be_empty end context 'when issue for a different project is created' do let(:private_project) { create(:project, :private) } let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: private_project, author: user) } context 'when user has access to the project' do it 'closes all issues passed' do private_project.add_maintainer(user) bulk_update(issues + [issue], state_event: 'close') expect(project.issues.opened).to be_empty expect(project.issues.closed).not_to be_empty expect(private_project.issues.closed).not_to be_empty end end context 'when user does not have access to project' do it 'only closes all issues that the user has access to' do bulk_update(issues + [issue], state_event: 'close') expect(project.issues.opened).to be_empty expect(project.issues.closed).not_to be_empty expect(private_project.issues.closed).to be_empty end end end end describe 'reopen issues' do let(:issues) { create_list(:closed_issue, 2, project: project) } it 'succeeds and returns the correct number of issues updated' do result = bulk_update(issues, state_event: 'reopen') expect(result[:success]).to be_truthy expect(result[:count]).to eq(issues.count) end it 'reopens all the issues passed' do bulk_update(issues, state_event: 'reopen') expect(project.issues.closed).to be_empty expect(project.issues.opened).not_to be_empty end end describe 'updating merge request assignee' do let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, target_project: project, source_project: project, assignees: [user]) } context 'when the new assignee ID is a valid user' do it 'succeeds' do new_assignee = create(:user) project.add_developer(new_assignee) result = bulk_update(merge_request, assignee_ids: [user.id, new_assignee.id]) expect(result[:success]).to be_truthy expect(result[:count]).to eq(1) end it 'updates the assignee to the user ID passed' do assignee = create(:user) project.add_developer(assignee) expect { bulk_update(merge_request, assignee_ids: [assignee.id]) } .to change { merge_request.reload.assignee_ids }.from([user.id]).to([assignee.id]) end end context "when the new assignee ID is #{IssuableFinder::NONE}" do it 'unassigns the issues' do expect { bulk_update(merge_request, assignee_ids: [IssuableFinder::NONE]) } .to change { merge_request.reload.assignee_ids }.to([]) end end context 'when the new assignee ID is not present' do it 'does not unassign' do expect { bulk_update(merge_request, assignee_ids: []) } .not_to change { merge_request.reload.assignee_ids } end end end describe 'updating issue assignee' do let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project, assignees: [user]) } context 'when the new assignee ID is a valid user' do it 'succeeds' do new_assignee = create(:user) project.add_developer(new_assignee) result = bulk_update(issue, assignee_ids: [new_assignee.id]) expect(result[:success]).to be_truthy expect(result[:count]).to eq(1) end it 'updates the assignee to the user ID passed' do assignee = create(:user) project.add_developer(assignee) expect { bulk_update(issue, assignee_ids: [assignee.id]) } .to change { issue.reload.assignees.first }.from(user).to(assignee) end end context "when the new assignee ID is #{IssuableFinder::NONE}" do it "unassigns the issues" do expect { bulk_update(issue, assignee_ids: [IssuableFinder::NONE.to_s]) } .to change { issue.reload.assignees.count }.from(1).to(0) end end context 'when the new assignee ID is not present' do it 'does not unassign' do expect { bulk_update(issue, assignee_ids: []) } .not_to change { issue.reload.assignees } end end end describe 'updating milestones' do let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) } let(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project) } it 'succeeds' do result = bulk_update(issue, milestone_id: milestone.id) expect(result[:success]).to be_truthy expect(result[:count]).to eq(1) end it 'updates the issue milestone' do expect { bulk_update(issue, milestone_id: milestone.id) } .to change { issue.reload.milestone }.from(nil).to(milestone) end end describe 'updating labels' do def create_issue_with_labels(labels) create(:labeled_issue, project: project, labels: labels) end let(:bug) { create(:label, project: project) } let(:regression) { create(:label, project: project) } let(:merge_requests) { create(:label, project: project) } let(:issue_all_labels) { create_issue_with_labels([bug, regression, merge_requests]) } let(:issue_bug_and_regression) { create_issue_with_labels([bug, regression]) } let(:issue_bug_and_merge_requests) { create_issue_with_labels([bug, merge_requests]) } let(:issue_no_labels) { create(:issue, project: project) } let(:issues) { [issue_all_labels, issue_bug_and_regression, issue_bug_and_merge_requests, issue_no_labels] } let(:labels) { [] } let(:add_labels) { [] } let(:remove_labels) { [] } let(:bulk_update_params) do { label_ids: labels.map(&:id), add_label_ids: add_labels.map(&:id), remove_label_ids: remove_labels.map(&:id) } end before do bulk_update(issues, bulk_update_params) end context 'when label_ids are passed' do let(:issues) { [issue_all_labels, issue_no_labels] } let(:labels) { [bug, regression] } it 'updates the labels of all issues passed to the labels passed' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids)).to all(match_array(labels.map(&:id))) end it 'does not update issues not passed in' do expect(issue_bug_and_regression.label_ids).to contain_exactly(bug.id, regression.id) end context 'when those label IDs are empty' do let(:labels) { [] } it 'updates the issues passed to have no labels' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids)).to all(be_empty) end end end context 'when add_label_ids are passed' do let(:issues) { [issue_all_labels, issue_bug_and_merge_requests, issue_no_labels] } let(:add_labels) { [bug, regression, merge_requests] } it 'adds those label IDs to all issues passed' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids)).to all(include(*add_labels.map(&:id))) end it 'does not update issues not passed in' do expect(issue_bug_and_regression.label_ids).to contain_exactly(bug.id, regression.id) end end context 'when remove_label_ids are passed' do let(:issues) { [issue_all_labels, issue_bug_and_merge_requests, issue_no_labels] } let(:remove_labels) { [bug, regression, merge_requests] } it 'removes those label IDs from all issues passed' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids)).to all(be_empty) end it 'does not update issues not passed in' do expect(issue_bug_and_regression.label_ids).to contain_exactly(bug.id, regression.id) end end context 'when add_label_ids and remove_label_ids are passed' do let(:issues) { [issue_all_labels, issue_bug_and_merge_requests, issue_no_labels] } let(:add_labels) { [bug] } let(:remove_labels) { [merge_requests] } it 'adds the label IDs to all issues passed' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids)).to all(include(bug.id)) end it 'removes the label IDs from all issues passed' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids).flatten).not_to include(merge_requests.id) end it 'does not update issues not passed in' do expect(issue_bug_and_regression.label_ids).to contain_exactly(bug.id, regression.id) end end context 'when add_label_ids and label_ids are passed' do let(:issues) { [issue_all_labels, issue_bug_and_regression, issue_bug_and_merge_requests] } let(:labels) { [merge_requests] } let(:add_labels) { [regression] } it 'adds the label IDs to all issues passed' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids)).to all(include(regression.id)) end it 'ignores the label IDs parameter' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids)).to all(include(bug.id)) end it 'does not update issues not passed in' do expect(issue_no_labels.label_ids).to be_empty end end context 'when remove_label_ids and label_ids are passed' do let(:issues) { [issue_no_labels, issue_bug_and_regression] } let(:labels) { [merge_requests] } let(:remove_labels) { [regression] } it 'removes the label IDs from all issues passed' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids).flatten).not_to include(regression.id) end it 'ignores the label IDs parameter' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids).flatten).not_to include(merge_requests.id) end it 'does not update issues not passed in' do expect(issue_all_labels.label_ids).to contain_exactly(bug.id, regression.id, merge_requests.id) end end context 'when add_label_ids, remove_label_ids, and label_ids are passed' do let(:issues) { [issue_bug_and_merge_requests, issue_no_labels] } let(:labels) { [regression] } let(:add_labels) { [bug] } let(:remove_labels) { [merge_requests] } it 'adds the label IDs to all issues passed' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids)).to all(include(bug.id)) end it 'removes the label IDs from all issues passed' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids).flatten).not_to include(merge_requests.id) end it 'ignores the label IDs parameter' do expect(issues.map(&:reload).map(&:label_ids).flatten).not_to include(regression.id) end it 'does not update issues not passed in' do expect(issue_bug_and_regression.label_ids).to contain_exactly(bug.id, regression.id) end end end describe 'subscribe to issues' do let(:issues) { create_list(:issue, 2, project: project) } it 'subscribes the given user' do bulk_update(issues, subscription_event: 'subscribe') expect(issues).to all(be_subscribed(user, project)) end end describe 'unsubscribe from issues' do let(:issues) do create_list(:closed_issue, 2, project: project) do |issue| issue.subscriptions.create(user: user, project: project, subscribed: true) end end it 'unsubscribes the given user' do bulk_update(issues, subscription_event: 'unsubscribe') issues.each do |issue| expect(issue).not_to be_subscribed(user, project) end end end end