# Projects In GitLab, you can create projects for hosting your codebase, use it as an issue tracker, collaborate on code, and continuously build, test, and deploy your app with built-in GitLab CI/CD. Your projects can be [available](../../public_access/public_access.md) publicly, internally, or privately, at your choice. GitLab does not limit the number of private projects you create. ## Project features When you create a project in GitLab, you'll have access to a large number of [features](https://about.gitlab.com/features/): **Issues and merge requests:** - [Issue tracker](issues/index.md): Discuss implementations with your team within issues - [Issue Boards](issue_board.md): Organize and prioritize your workflow - [Multiple Issue Boards](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issue_board.html#multiple-issue-boards): Allow your teams to create their own workflows (Issue Boards) for the same project **[STARTER]** - [Repositories](repository/index.md): Host your code in a fully integrated platform - [Branches](repository/branches/index.md): use Git branching strategies to collaborate on code - [Protected branches](protected_branches.md): Prevent collaborators from messing with history or pushing code without review - [Protected tags](protected_tags.md): Control over who has permission to create tags, and prevent accidental update or deletion - [Signing commits](gpg_signed_commits/index.md): use GPG to sign your commits - [Deploy tokens](deploy_tokens/index.md): Manage project-based deploy tokens that allow permanent access to the repository and Container Registry. - [Merge Requests](merge_requests/index.md): Apply your branching strategy and get reviewed by your team - [Merge Request Approvals](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/merge_request_approvals.html): Ask for approval before implementing a change **[STARTER]** - [Fix merge conflicts from the UI](merge_requests/resolve_conflicts.md): Your Git diff tool right from GitLab's UI - [Review Apps](../../ci/review_apps/index.md): Live preview the results of the changes proposed in a merge request in a per-branch basis - [Labels](labels.md): Organize issues and merge requests by labels - [Time Tracking](../../workflow/time_tracking.md): Track estimate time and time spent on the conclusion of an issue or merge request - [Milestones](milestones/index.md): Work towards a target date - [Description templates](description_templates.md): Define context-specific templates for issue and merge request description fields for your project - [Slash commands (quick actions)](quick_actions.md): Textual shortcuts for common actions on issues or merge requests - [Web IDE](web_ide/index.md) **GitLab CI/CD:** - [GitLab CI/CD](../../ci/README.md): GitLab's built-in [Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/08/05/continuous-integration-delivery-and-deployment-with-gitlab/) tool - [Container Registry](container_registry.md): Build and push Docker images out-of-the-box - [Auto Deploy](../../ci/autodeploy/index.md): Configure GitLab CI/CD to automatically set up your app's deployment - [Enable and disable GitLab CI](../../ci/enable_or_disable_ci.md) - [Pipelines](../../ci/pipelines.md#pipelines): Configure and visualize your GitLab CI/CD pipelines from the UI - [Scheduled Pipelines](pipelines/schedules.md): Schedule a pipeline to start at a chosen time - [Pipeline Graphs](../../ci/pipelines.md#pipeline-graphs): View your entire pipeline from the UI - [Job artifacts](pipelines/job_artifacts.md): Define, browse, and download job artifacts - [Pipeline settings](pipelines/settings.md): Set up Git strategy (choose the default way your repository is fetched from GitLab in a job), timeout (defines the maximum amount of time in minutes that a job is able run), custom path for `.gitlab-ci.yml`, test coverage parsing, pipeline's visibility, and much more - [Kubernetes cluster integration](clusters/index.md): Connecting your GitLab project with a Kubernetes cluster - [GitLab Pages](pages/index.md): Build, test, and deploy your static website with GitLab Pages **Other features:** - [Wiki](wiki/index.md): document your GitLab project in an integrated Wiki. - [Snippets](../snippets.md): store, share and collaborate on code snippets. - [Cycle Analytics](cycle_analytics.md): review your development lifecycle. - [Syntax highlighting](highlighting.md): an alternative to customize your code blocks, overriding GitLab's default choice of language. - [Badges](badges.md): badges for the project overview. - [Releases](releases/index.md): a way to track deliverables in your project as snapshot in time of the source, build output, and other metadata or artifacts associated with a released version of your code. ### Project integrations [Integrate your project](integrations/index.md) with Jira, Mattermost, Kubernetes, Slack, and a lot more. ## New project Learn how to [create a new project](../../gitlab-basics/create-project.md) in GitLab. ### Fork a project You can [fork a project](../../gitlab-basics/fork-project.md) in order to: - Collaborate on code by forking a project and creating a merge request from your fork to the upstream project - Fork a sample project to work on the top of that ## Project settings Set the project's visibility level and the access levels to its various pages and perform actions like archiving, renaming or transferring a project. Read through the documentation on [project settings](settings/index.md). ## Import or export a project - [Import a project](import/index.md) from: - [GitHub to GitLab](import/github.md) - [BitBucket to GitLab](import/bitbucket.md) - [Gitea to GitLab](import/gitea.md) - [FogBugz to GitLab](import/fogbugz.md) - [Export a project from GitLab](settings/import_export.md#exporting-a-project-and-its-data) - [Importing and exporting projects between GitLab instances](settings/import_export.md) ## Project members Learn how to [add members to your projects](members/index.md). ### Leave a project **Leave project** will only display on the project's dashboard when a project is part of a group (under a [group namespace](../group/index.md#namespaces)). If you choose to leave a project you will no longer be a project member, therefore, unable to contribute. ## Redirects when changing repository paths When a repository path changes, it is essential to smoothly transition from the old location to the new one. GitLab provides two kinds of redirects: the web UI and Git push/pull redirects. Depending on the situation, different things apply. When [renaming a user](../profile/index.md#changing-your-username), [changing a group path](../group/index.md#changing-a-groups-path) or [renaming a repository](settings/index.md#renaming-a-repository): - Existing web URLs for the namespace and anything under it (e.g., projects) will redirect to the new URLs. - Starting with GitLab 10.3, existing Git remote URLs for projects under the namespace will redirect to the new remote URL. Every time you push/pull to a repository that has changed its location, a warning message to update your remote will be displayed instead of rejecting your action. This means that any automation scripts, or Git clients will continue to work after a rename, making any transition a lot smoother. - The redirects will be available as long as the original path is not claimed by another group, user or project. ## Use your project as a Go package Any project can be used as a Go package including private projects in subgroups. To use packages hosted in private projects with the `go get` command, use a [`.netrc` file](https://ec.haxx.se/usingcurl-netrc.html) and a [personal access token](../profile/personal_access_tokens.md) in the password field. For example: ```text machine example.gitlab.com login password ``` ## Access project page with project ID > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/53671) in GitLab 11.8. To quickly access a project from the GitLab UI using the project ID, visit the `/projects/:id` URL in your browser or other tool accessing the project. ## Project APIs There are numerous [APIs](../../api/README.md) to use with your projects: - [Badges](../../api/project_badges.md) - [Clusters](../../api/project_clusters.md) - [Discussions](../../api/discussions.md) - [General](../../api/projects.md) - [Import/export](../../api/project_import_export.md) - [Issue Board](../../api/boards.md) - [Labels](../../api/labels.md) - [Markdown](../../api/markdown.md) - [Merge Requests](../../api/merge_requests.md) - [Milestones](../../api/milestones.md) - [Services](../../api/services.md) - [Snippets](../../api/project_snippets.md) - [Templates](../../api/project_templates.md) - [Traffic](../../api/project_statistics.md) - [Variables](../../api/project_level_variables.md)