class StorageMigratorWorker include Sidekiq::Worker include DedicatedSidekiqQueue BATCH_SIZE = 100 def perform(start, finish) projects = build_relation(start, finish) projects.with_route.find_each(batch_size: BATCH_SIZE) do |project| "Starting storage migration of #{project.full_path} (ID=#{})..." begin project.migrate_to_hashed_storage! rescue => err Rails.logger.error("#{err.message} migrating storage of #{project.full_path} (ID=#{}), trace - #{err.backtrace}") end end end def build_relation(start, finish) relation = Project table = Project.arel_table relation = relation.where(table[:id].gteq(start)) if start relation = relation.where(table[:id].lteq(finish)) if finish relation end end