import { renameKey, getReferrersCache, addExperimentContext, addReferrersCacheEntry, filterOldReferrersCacheEntries, } from '~/tracking/utils'; import { TRACKING_CONTEXT_SCHEMA } from '~/experimentation/constants'; import { REFERRER_TTL, URLS_CACHE_STORAGE_KEY } from '~/tracking/constants'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; jest.mock('~/experimentation/utils', () => ({ getExperimentData: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({}), })); describe('~/tracking/utils', () => { beforeEach(() => { = || {}; = {}; }); describe('addExperimentContext', () => { const options = { category: 'root:index', action: 'generic', }; it('returns same options if no experiment is provided', () => { expect(addExperimentContext({ options })).toStrictEqual({ options }); }); it('adds experiment if provided', () => { const experiment = 'TEST_EXPERIMENT_NAME'; expect(addExperimentContext({ experiment, ...options })).toStrictEqual({ ...options, context: { data: {}, schema: TRACKING_CONTEXT_SCHEMA }, }); }); }); describe('renameKey', () => { it('renames a given key', () => { expect(renameKey({ allow: [] }, 'allow', 'permit')).toStrictEqual({ permit: [] }); }); }); describe('referrers cache', () => { describe('filterOldReferrersCacheEntries', () => { it('removes entries with old or no timestamp', () => { const now =; const cache = [{ timestamp: now }, { timestamp: now - REFERRER_TTL }, { referrer: '' }]; expect(filterOldReferrersCacheEntries(cache)).toStrictEqual([{ timestamp: now }]); }); }); describe('getReferrersCache', () => { beforeEach(() => { localStorage.removeItem(URLS_CACHE_STORAGE_KEY); }); it('returns an empty array if cache is not found', () => { expect(getReferrersCache()).toHaveLength(0); }); it('returns an empty array if cache is invalid', () => { localStorage.setItem(URLS_CACHE_STORAGE_KEY, 'Invalid JSON'); expect(getReferrersCache()).toHaveLength(0); }); it('returns parsed entries if valid', () => { localStorage.setItem( URLS_CACHE_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify([{ referrer: '', timestamp: }]), ); expect(getReferrersCache()).toHaveLength(1); }); }); describe('addReferrersCacheEntry', () => { it('unshifts entry and adds timestamp', () => { const now =; addReferrersCacheEntry([{ referrer: '', originalUrl: TEST_HOST, timestamp: now }], { referrer: TEST_HOST, }); const cache = getReferrersCache(); expect(cache).toHaveLength(2); expect(cache[0].referrer).toBe(TEST_HOST); expect(cache[0].timestamp).toBeDefined(); }); }); }); });