Feature: Public Projects Feature Background: Given public project "Community" And internal project "Internal" And private project "Enterprise" Scenario: I visit public area When I visit the public projects area Then I should see project "Community" And I should not see project "Internal" And I should not see project "Enterprise" Scenario: I visit public project page When I visit project "Community" page Then I should see project "Community" home page Scenario: I visit internal project page When I visit project "Internal" page Then I should be redirected to sign in page Scenario: I visit private project page When I visit project "Enterprise" page Then I should be redirected to sign in page Scenario: I visit an empty public project page Given public empty project "Empty Public Project" When I visit empty project page Then I should see empty public project details Scenario: I visit public area as user Given I sign in as a user When I visit the public projects area Then I should see project "Community" And I should see project "Internal" And I should not see project "Enterprise" Scenario: I visit internal project page as user Given I sign in as a user When I visit project "Internal" page Then I should see project "Internal" home page Scenario: I visit public project page When I visit project "Community" page Then I should see project "Community" home page And I should see a http link to the repository Scenario: I visit public area as user Given I sign in as a user When I visit project "Community" page Then I should see project "Community" home page And I should see a ssh link to the repository