# == Schema Information # # Table name: notes # # id :integer not null, primary key # note :text # noteable_type :string(255) # author_id :integer # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # project_id :integer # attachment :string(255) # line_code :string(255) # commit_id :string(255) # noteable_id :integer # system :boolean default(FALSE), not null # st_diff :text # require 'carrierwave/orm/activerecord' require 'file_size_validator' class Note < ActiveRecord::Base include Mentionable include Gitlab::CurrentSettings include Participable default_value_for :system, false attr_mentionable :note participant :author, :mentioned_users belongs_to :project belongs_to :noteable, polymorphic: true belongs_to :author, class_name: "User" delegate :name, to: :project, prefix: true delegate :name, :email, to: :author, prefix: true validates :note, :project, presence: true validates :line_code, format: { with: /\A[a-z0-9]+_\d+_\d+\Z/ }, allow_blank: true # Attachments are deprecated and are handled by Markdown uploader validates :attachment, file_size: { maximum: :max_attachment_size } validates :noteable_id, presence: true, if: ->(n) { n.noteable_type.present? && n.noteable_type != 'Commit' } validates :commit_id, presence: true, if: ->(n) { n.noteable_type == 'Commit' } mount_uploader :attachment, AttachmentUploader # Scopes scope :for_commit_id, ->(commit_id) { where(noteable_type: "Commit", commit_id: commit_id) } scope :inline, ->{ where("line_code IS NOT NULL") } scope :not_inline, ->{ where(line_code: [nil, '']) } scope :system, ->{ where(system: true) } scope :user, ->{ where(system: false) } scope :common, ->{ where(noteable_type: ["", nil]) } scope :fresh, ->{ order(created_at: :asc, id: :asc) } scope :inc_author_project, ->{ includes(:project, :author) } scope :inc_author, ->{ includes(:author) } serialize :st_diff before_create :set_diff, if: ->(n) { n.line_code.present? } after_update :set_references class << self def create_status_change_note(noteable, project, author, status, source) body = "Status changed to #{status}#{' by ' + source.gfm_reference if source}" create( noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body, system: true ) end # +noteable+ was referenced from +mentioner+, by including GFM in either # +mentioner+'s description or an associated Note. # Create a system Note associated with +noteable+ with a GFM back-reference # to +mentioner+. def create_cross_reference_note(noteable, mentioner, author) gfm_reference = mentioner_gfm_ref(noteable, mentioner) note_options = { project: noteable.project, author: author, note: cross_reference_note_content(gfm_reference), system: true } if noteable.kind_of?(Commit) note_options.merge!(noteable_type: 'Commit', commit_id: noteable.id) else note_options.merge!(noteable: noteable) end create(note_options) unless cross_reference_disallowed?(noteable, mentioner) end def create_milestone_change_note(noteable, project, author, milestone) body = if milestone.nil? 'Milestone removed' else "Milestone changed to #{milestone.title}" end create( noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body, system: true ) end def create_assignee_change_note(noteable, project, author, assignee) body = assignee.nil? ? 'Assignee removed' : "Reassigned to @#{assignee.username}" create({ noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body, system: true }) end def create_labels_change_note(noteable, project, author, added_labels, removed_labels) labels_count = added_labels.count + removed_labels.count added_labels = added_labels.map{ |label| "~#{label.id}" }.join(' ') removed_labels = removed_labels.map{ |label| "~#{label.id}" }.join(' ') message = '' if added_labels.present? message << "added #{added_labels}" end if added_labels.present? && removed_labels.present? message << ' and ' end if removed_labels.present? message << "removed #{removed_labels}" end message << ' ' << 'label'.pluralize(labels_count) body = "#{message.capitalize}" create( noteable: noteable, project: project, author: author, note: body, system: true ) end def create_new_commits_note(merge_request, project, author, new_commits, existing_commits = [], oldrev = nil) total_count = new_commits.length + existing_commits.length commits_text = ActionController::Base.helpers.pluralize(total_count, 'commit') body = "Added #{commits_text}:\n\n" if existing_commits.length > 0 commit_ids = if existing_commits.length == 1 existing_commits.first.short_id else if oldrev "#{Commit.truncate_sha(oldrev)}...#{existing_commits.last.short_id}" else "#{existing_commits.first.short_id}..#{existing_commits.last.short_id}" end end commits_text = ActionController::Base.helpers.pluralize(existing_commits.length, 'commit') branch = if merge_request.for_fork? "#{merge_request.target_project_namespace}:#{merge_request.target_branch}" else merge_request.target_branch end message = "* #{commit_ids} - #{commits_text} from branch `#{branch}`" body << message body << "\n" end new_commits.each do |commit| message = "* #{commit.short_id} - #{commit.title}" body << message body << "\n" end create( noteable: merge_request, project: project, author: author, note: body, system: true ) end def discussions_from_notes(notes) discussion_ids = [] discussions = [] notes.each do |note| next if discussion_ids.include?(note.discussion_id) # don't group notes for the main target if !note.for_diff_line? && note.noteable_type == "MergeRequest" discussions << [note] else discussions << notes.select do |other_note| note.discussion_id == other_note.discussion_id end discussion_ids << note.discussion_id end end discussions end def build_discussion_id(type, id, line_code) [:discussion, type.try(:underscore), id, line_code].join("-").to_sym end # Determine if cross reference note should be created. # eg. mentioning a commit in MR comments which exists inside a MR # should not create "mentioned in" note. def cross_reference_disallowed?(noteable, mentioner) if mentioner.kind_of?(MergeRequest) mentioner.commits.map(&:id).include? noteable.id end end # Determine whether or not a cross-reference note already exists. def cross_reference_exists?(noteable, mentioner) gfm_reference = mentioner_gfm_ref(noteable, mentioner, true) notes = if noteable.is_a?(Commit) where(commit_id: noteable.id, noteable_type: 'Commit') else where(noteable_id: noteable.id, noteable_type: noteable.class) end notes.where('note like ?', cross_reference_note_pattern(gfm_reference)). system.any? end def search(query) where("note like :query", query: "%#{query}%") end def cross_reference_note_prefix 'mentioned in ' end private def cross_reference_note_content(gfm_reference) cross_reference_note_prefix + "#{gfm_reference}" end def cross_reference_note_pattern(gfm_reference) # Older cross reference notes contained underscores for emphasis "%" + cross_reference_note_content(gfm_reference) + "%" end # Prepend the mentioner's namespaced project path to the GFM reference for # cross-project references. For same-project references, return the # unmodified GFM reference. def mentioner_gfm_ref(noteable, mentioner, cross_reference = false) if mentioner.is_a?(Commit) && cross_reference return mentioner.gfm_reference.sub('commit ', 'commit %') end full_gfm_reference(mentioner.project, noteable.project, mentioner) end # Return the +mentioner+ GFM reference. If the mentioner and noteable # projects are not the same, add the mentioning project's path to the # returned value. def full_gfm_reference(mentioning_project, noteable_project, mentioner) if mentioning_project == noteable_project mentioner.gfm_reference else if mentioner.is_a?(Commit) mentioner.gfm_reference.sub( /(commit )/, "\\1#{mentioning_project.path_with_namespace}@" ) else mentioner.gfm_reference.sub( /(issue |merge request )/, "\\1#{mentioning_project.path_with_namespace}" ) end end end end def max_attachment_size current_application_settings.max_attachment_size.megabytes.to_i end def cross_reference? note.start_with?(self.class.cross_reference_note_prefix) end def find_diff return nil unless noteable && noteable.diffs.present? @diff ||= noteable.diffs.find do |d| Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(d.new_path) == diff_file_index if d.new_path end end def hook_attrs attributes end def set_diff # First lets find notes with same diff # before iterating over all mr diffs diff = diff_for_line_code unless for_merge_request? diff ||= find_diff self.st_diff = diff.to_hash if diff end def diff @diff ||= Gitlab::Git::Diff.new(st_diff) if st_diff.respond_to?(:map) end def diff_for_line_code Note.where(noteable_id: noteable_id, noteable_type: noteable_type, line_code: line_code).last.try(:diff) end # Check if such line of code exists in merge request diff # If exists - its active discussion # If not - its outdated diff def active? return true unless self.diff return false unless noteable noteable.diffs.each do |mr_diff| next unless mr_diff.new_path == self.diff.new_path lines = Gitlab::Diff::Parser.new.parse(mr_diff.diff.lines.to_a) lines.each do |line| if line.text == diff_line return true end end end false end def outdated? !active? end def diff_file_index line_code.split('_')[0] if line_code end def diff_file_name diff.new_path if diff end def file_path if diff.new_path.present? diff.new_path elsif diff.old_path.present? diff.old_path end end def diff_old_line line_code.split('_')[1].to_i if line_code end def diff_new_line line_code.split('_')[2].to_i if line_code end def generate_line_code(line) Gitlab::Diff::LineCode.generate(file_path, line.new_pos, line.old_pos) end def diff_line return @diff_line if @diff_line if diff diff_lines.each do |line| if generate_line_code(line) == self.line_code @diff_line = line.text end end end @diff_line end def diff_line_type return @diff_line_type if @diff_line_type if diff diff_lines.each do |line| if generate_line_code(line) == self.line_code @diff_line_type = line.type end end end @diff_line_type end def truncated_diff_lines max_number_of_lines = 16 prev_match_line = nil prev_lines = [] diff_lines.each do |line| if line.type == "match" prev_lines.clear prev_match_line = line else prev_lines << line break if generate_line_code(line) == self.line_code prev_lines.shift if prev_lines.length >= max_number_of_lines end end prev_lines end def diff_lines @diff_lines ||= Gitlab::Diff::Parser.new.parse(diff.diff.lines.to_a) end def discussion_id @discussion_id ||= Note.build_discussion_id(noteable_type, noteable_id || commit_id, line_code) end # Returns true if this is a downvote note, # otherwise false is returned def downvote? votable? && (note.start_with?('-1') || note.start_with?(':-1:') || note.start_with?(':thumbsdown:') || note.start_with?(':thumbs_down_sign:') ) end def for_commit? noteable_type == "Commit" end def for_commit_diff_line? for_commit? && for_diff_line? end def for_diff_line? line_code.present? end def for_issue? noteable_type == "Issue" end def for_merge_request? noteable_type == "MergeRequest" end def for_merge_request_diff_line? for_merge_request? && for_diff_line? end def for_project_snippet? noteable_type == "Snippet" end # override to return commits, which are not active record def noteable if for_commit? project.commit(commit_id) else super end # Temp fix to prevent app crash # if note commit id doesn't exist rescue nil end # Returns true if this is an upvote note, # otherwise false is returned def upvote? votable? && (note.start_with?('+1') || note.start_with?(':+1:') || note.start_with?(':thumbsup:') || note.start_with?(':thumbs_up_sign:') ) end def superceded?(notes) return false unless vote? notes.each do |note| next if note == self if note.vote? && self[:author_id] == note[:author_id] && self[:created_at] <= note[:created_at] return true end end false end def vote? upvote? || downvote? end def votable? for_issue? || (for_merge_request? && !for_diff_line?) end # Mentionable override. def gfm_reference noteable.gfm_reference end # Mentionable override. def local_reference noteable end def noteable_type_name if noteable_type.present? noteable_type.downcase end end # FIXME: Hack for polymorphic associations with STI # For more information visit http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Associations/ClassMethods.html#label-Polymorphic+Associations def noteable_type=(sType) super(sType.to_s.classify.constantize.base_class.to_s) end # Reset notes events cache # # Since we do cache @event we need to reset cache in special cases: # * when a note is updated # * when a note is removed # Events cache stored like events/23-20130109142513. # The cache key includes updated_at timestamp. # Thus it will automatically generate a new fragment # when the event is updated because the key changes. def reset_events_cache Event.reset_event_cache_for(self) end def set_references notice_added_references(project, author) end def editable? !read_attribute(:system) end end