require 'digest/md5' require 'uri' module ApplicationHelper COLOR_SCHEMES = { 1 => 'white', 2 => 'dark', 3 => 'solarized-dark', 4 => 'monokai', } COLOR_SCHEMES.default = 'white' # Helper method to access the COLOR_SCHEMES # # The keys are the `color_scheme_ids` # The values are the `name` of the scheme. # # The preview images are `name-scheme-preview.png` # The stylesheets should use the css class `.name` def color_schemes COLOR_SCHEMES.freeze end # Check if a particular controller is the current one # # args - One or more controller names to check # # Examples # # # On TreeController # current_controller?(:tree) # => true # current_controller?(:commits) # => false # current_controller?(:commits, :tree) # => true def current_controller?(*args) args.any? { |v| v.to_s.downcase == controller.controller_name } end # Check if a particular action is the current one # # args - One or more action names to check # # Examples # # # On Projects#new # current_action?(:new) # => true # current_action?(:create) # => false # current_action?(:new, :create) # => true def current_action?(*args) args.any? { |v| v.to_s.downcase == action_name } end def group_icon(group_path) group = Group.find_by(path: group_path) if group && group.avatar.present? group.avatar.url else image_path('no_group_avatar.png') end end def avatar_icon(user_email = '', size = nil) user = User.find_by(email: user_email) if user user.avatar_url(size) || default_avatar else gravatar_icon(user_email, size) end end def gravatar_icon(user_email = '', size = nil), size) || default_avatar end def default_avatar image_path('no_avatar.png') end def last_commit(project) if project.repo_exists? time_ago_with_tooltip(project.repository.commit.committed_date) else "Never" end rescue "Never" end def grouped_options_refs repository = @project.repository options = [ ["Branches", repository.branch_names], ["Tags", VersionSorter.rsort(repository.tag_names)] ] # If reference is commit id - we should add it to branch/tag selectbox if(@ref && !options.flatten.include?(@ref) && @ref =~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z]{6,52}$/) options << ["Commit", [@ref]] end grouped_options_for_select(options, @ref || @project.default_branch) end def emoji_autocomplete_source # should be an array of strings # so to_s can be called, because it is sufficient and to_json is too slow Emoji.names.to_s end def app_theme Gitlab::Theme.css_class_by_id(current_user.try(:theme_id)) end def user_color_scheme_class COLOR_SCHEMES[current_user.try(:color_scheme_id)] if defined?(current_user) end # Define whenever show last push event # with suggestion to create MR def show_last_push_widget?(event) # Skip if event is not about added or modified non-master branch return false unless event && event.last_push_to_non_root? && !event.rm_ref? project = event.project # Skip if project repo is empty or MR disabled return false unless project && !project.empty_repo? && project.merge_requests_enabled # Skip if user already created appropriate MR return false if project.merge_requests.where(source_branch: event.branch_name).opened.any? # Skip if user removed branch right after that return false unless project.repository.branch_names.include?(event.branch_name) true end def hexdigest(string) Digest::SHA1.hexdigest string end def authbutton(provider, size = 64) file_name = "#{provider.to_s.split('_').first}_#{size}.png" image_tag(image_path("authbuttons/#{file_name}"), alt: "Sign in with #{provider.to_s.titleize}") end def simple_sanitize(str) sanitize(str, tags: %w(a span)) end def body_data_page path = controller.controller_path.split('/') namespace = path.first if path.second [namespace, controller.controller_name, controller.action_name].compact.join(":") end # shortcut for gitlab config def gitlab_config Gitlab.config.gitlab end # shortcut for gitlab extra config def extra_config Gitlab.config.extra end def search_placeholder if @project && @project.persisted? "Search in this project" elsif @snippet || @snippets || @show_snippets 'Search snippets' elsif @group && @group.persisted? "Search in this group" else "Search" end end def broadcast_message BroadcastMessage.current end def highlight_js(&block) string = capture(&block) content_tag :div, class: "highlighted-data #{user_color_scheme_class}" do content_tag :div, class: 'highlight' do content_tag :pre do content_tag :code do string.html_safe end end end end end def time_ago_with_tooltip(date, placement = 'top', html_class = 'time_ago') capture_haml do haml_tag :time, date.to_s, class: html_class, datetime: date.getutc.iso8601, title: date.stamp("Aug 21, 2011 9:23pm"), data: { toggle: 'tooltip', placement: placement } haml_tag :script, "$('." + html_class + "').timeago().tooltip()" end.html_safe end def render_markup(file_name, file_content) GitHub::Markup.render(file_name, file_content). force_encoding(file_content.encoding).html_safe rescue RuntimeError simple_format(file_content) end def markup?(filename) Gitlab::MarkdownHelper.markup?(filename) end def gitlab_markdown?(filename) Gitlab::MarkdownHelper.gitlab_markdown?(filename) end def spinner(text = nil, visible = false) css_class = "loading" css_class << " hide" unless visible content_tag :div, class: css_class do content_tag(:i, nil, class: 'fa fa-spinner fa-spin') + text end end def link_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block) begin uri = URI(options) host = absolute_uri = uri.absolute? rescue URI::InvalidURIError, ArgumentError host = nil absolute_uri = nil end # Add "nofollow" only to external links if host && host != && absolute_uri if html_options if html_options[:rel] html_options[:rel] << " nofollow" else html_options.merge!(rel: "nofollow") end else html_options = html_options[:rel] = "nofollow" end end super end def escaped_autolink(text) auto_link ERB::Util.html_escape(text), link: :urls end end