import $ from 'jquery'; import { delay } from 'lodash'; import axios from '../lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { __, s__ } from '~/locale'; import toast from '~/vue_shared/plugins/global_toast'; import initForm from './edit'; import eventHub from './edit/event_hub'; export default class IntegrationSettingsForm { constructor(formSelector) { this.$form = $(formSelector); this.formActive = false; this.vue = null; // Form Metadata this.testEndPoint = this.$'testUrl'); } init() { // Init Vue component this.vue = initForm( document.querySelector('.js-vue-integration-settings'), document.querySelector('.js-vue-default-integration-settings'), ); eventHub.$on('toggle', (active) => { this.formActive = active; this.toggleServiceState(); }); eventHub.$on('testIntegration', () => { this.testIntegration(); }); eventHub.$on('saveIntegration', () => { this.saveIntegration(); }); eventHub.$on('getJiraIssueTypes', () => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-serialize this.getJiraIssueTypes(this.$form.serialize()); }); eventHub.$emit('formInitialized'); } saveIntegration() { // Save Service if not active and check the following if active; // 1) If form contents are valid // 2) If this service can be saved // If both conditions are true, we override form submission // and save the service using provided configuration. const formValid = this.$form.get(0).checkValidity() || this.formActive === false; if (formValid) { delay(() => { this.$form.trigger('submit'); }, 100); } else { eventHub.$emit('validateForm'); this.vue.$store.dispatch('setIsSaving', false); } } testIntegration() { // Service was marked active so now we check; // 1) If form contents are valid // 2) If this service can be tested // If both conditions are true, we override form submission // and test the service using provided configuration. if (this.$form.get(0).checkValidity()) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-serialize this.testSettings(this.$form.serialize()); } else { eventHub.$emit('validateForm'); this.vue.$store.dispatch('setIsTesting', false); } } /** * Change Form's validation enforcement based on service status (active/inactive) */ toggleServiceState() { if (this.formActive) { this.$form.removeAttr('novalidate'); } else if (!this.$form.attr('novalidate')) { this.$form.attr('novalidate', 'novalidate'); } } /** * Get a list of Jira issue types for the currently configured project * * @param {string} formData - URL encoded string containing the form data * * @return {Promise} */ getJiraIssueTypes(formData) { const { $store: { dispatch }, } = this.vue; dispatch('requestJiraIssueTypes'); return this.fetchTestSettings(formData) .then( ({ data: { issuetypes, error, message = s__('Integrations|Connection failed. Please check your settings.'), }, }) => { if (error || !issuetypes?.length) { eventHub.$emit('validateForm'); throw new Error(message); } dispatch('receiveJiraIssueTypesSuccess', issuetypes); }, ) .catch(({ message = __('Something went wrong on our end.') }) => { dispatch('receiveJiraIssueTypesError', message); }); } /** * Send request to the test endpoint which checks if the current config is valid */ fetchTestSettings(formData) { return axios.put(this.testEndPoint, formData); } /** * Test Integration config */ testSettings(formData) { return this.fetchTestSettings(formData) .then(({ data }) => { if (data.error) { toast(`${data.message} ${data.service_response}`); } else { this.vue.$store.dispatch('receiveJiraIssueTypesSuccess', data.issuetypes); toast(s__('Integrations|Connection successful.')); } }) .catch(() => { toast(__('Something went wrong on our end.')); }) .finally(() => { this.vue.$store.dispatch('setIsTesting', false); }); } }