/* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */ import { editor as monacoEditor, languages as monacoLanguages } from 'monaco-editor'; import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises'; import { joinPaths } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import EditorLite from '~/editor/editor_lite'; import { EditorLiteExtension } from '~/editor/extensions/editor_lite_extension_base'; import { DEFAULT_THEME, themes } from '~/ide/lib/themes'; import { EDITOR_LITE_INSTANCE_ERROR_NO_EL, URI_PREFIX, EDITOR_READY_EVENT, } from '~/editor/constants'; describe('Base editor', () => { let editorEl; let editor; let defaultArguments; const blobOriginalContent = 'Foo Foo'; const blobContent = 'Foo Bar'; const blobPath = 'test.md'; const blobGlobalId = 'snippet_777'; const fakeModel = { foo: 'bar', dispose: jest.fn() }; beforeEach(() => { setFixtures('
'); editorEl = document.getElementById('editor'); defaultArguments = { el: editorEl, blobPath, blobContent, blobGlobalId }; editor = new EditorLite(); }); afterEach(() => { editor.dispose(); editorEl.remove(); monacoEditor.getModels().forEach((model) => { model.dispose(); }); }); const uriFilePath = joinPaths('/', URI_PREFIX, blobGlobalId, blobPath); it('initializes Editor with basic properties', () => { expect(editor).toBeDefined(); expect(editor.instances).toEqual([]); }); it('removes `editor-loading` data attribute from the target DOM element', () => { editor.createInstance({ el: editorEl }); expect(editorEl.dataset.editorLoading).toBeUndefined(); }); describe('instance of the Editor Lite', () => { let modelSpy; let instanceSpy; const setModel = jest.fn(); const dispose = jest.fn(); const mockModelReturn = (res = fakeModel) => { modelSpy = jest.spyOn(monacoEditor, 'createModel').mockImplementation(() => res); }; const mockDecorateInstance = (decorations = {}) => { jest.spyOn(EditorLite, 'convertMonacoToELInstance').mockImplementation((inst) => { return Object.assign(inst, decorations); }); }; beforeEach(() => { modelSpy = jest.spyOn(monacoEditor, 'createModel'); }); describe('instance of the Code Editor', () => { beforeEach(() => { instanceSpy = jest.spyOn(monacoEditor, 'create'); }); it('throws an error if no dom element is supplied', () => { mockDecorateInstance(); expect(() => { editor.createInstance(); }).toThrow(EDITOR_LITE_INSTANCE_ERROR_NO_EL); expect(modelSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(instanceSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(EditorLite.convertMonacoToELInstance).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('creates model to be supplied to Monaco editor', () => { mockModelReturn(); mockDecorateInstance({ setModel, }); editor.createInstance(defaultArguments); expect(modelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( blobContent, undefined, expect.objectContaining({ path: uriFilePath, }), ); expect(setModel).toHaveBeenCalledWith(fakeModel); }); it('does not create a model automatically if model is passed as `null`', () => { mockDecorateInstance({ setModel, }); editor.createInstance({ ...defaultArguments, model: null }); expect(modelSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(setModel).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('initializes the instance on a supplied DOM node', () => { editor.createInstance({ el: editorEl }); expect(editor.editorEl).not.toBe(null); expect(instanceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(editorEl, expect.anything()); }); it('with blobGlobalId, creates model with the id in uri', () => { editor.createInstance(defaultArguments); expect(modelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( blobContent, undefined, expect.objectContaining({ path: uriFilePath, }), ); }); it('initializes instance with passed properties', () => { const instanceOptions = { foo: 'bar', }; editor.createInstance({ el: editorEl, ...instanceOptions, }); expect(instanceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( editorEl, expect.objectContaining(instanceOptions), ); }); it('disposes instance when the global editor is disposed', () => { mockDecorateInstance({ dispose, }); editor.createInstance(defaultArguments); expect(dispose).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); editor.dispose(); expect(dispose).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("removes the disposed instance from the global editor's storage and disposes the associated model", () => { mockModelReturn(); mockDecorateInstance({ setModel, }); const instance = editor.createInstance(defaultArguments); expect(editor.instances).toHaveLength(1); expect(fakeModel.dispose).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); instance.dispose(); expect(editor.instances).toHaveLength(0); expect(fakeModel.dispose).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('instance of the Diff Editor', () => { beforeEach(() => { instanceSpy = jest.spyOn(monacoEditor, 'createDiffEditor'); }); it('Diff Editor goes through the normal path of Code Editor just with the flag ON', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(editor, 'createInstance').mockImplementation(() => {}); editor.createDiffInstance(); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( expect.objectContaining({ isDiff: true, }), ); }); it('initializes the instance on a supplied DOM node', () => { const wrongInstanceSpy = jest.spyOn(monacoEditor, 'create').mockImplementation(() => ({})); editor.createDiffInstance({ ...defaultArguments, blobOriginalContent }); expect(editor.editorEl).not.toBe(null); expect(wrongInstanceSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(instanceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(editorEl, expect.anything()); }); it('creates correct model for the Diff Editor', () => { const instance = editor.createDiffInstance({ ...defaultArguments, blobOriginalContent }); const getDiffModelValue = (model) => instance.getModel()[model].getValue(); expect(modelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(modelSpy.mock.calls[0]).toEqual([ blobContent, undefined, expect.objectContaining({ path: uriFilePath, }), ]); expect(modelSpy.mock.calls[1]).toEqual([blobOriginalContent, 'markdown']); expect(getDiffModelValue('original')).toBe(blobOriginalContent); expect(getDiffModelValue('modified')).toBe(blobContent); }); it('correctly disposes the diff editor model', () => { const modifiedModel = fakeModel; const originalModel = { ...fakeModel }; mockDecorateInstance({ getModel: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ original: originalModel, modified: modifiedModel, }), }); const instance = editor.createDiffInstance({ ...defaultArguments, blobOriginalContent }); expect(editor.instances).toHaveLength(1); expect(originalModel.dispose).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(modifiedModel.dispose).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); instance.dispose(); expect(editor.instances).toHaveLength(0); expect(originalModel.dispose).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(modifiedModel.dispose).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('multiple instances', () => { let instanceSpy; let inst1Args; let inst2Args; let editorEl1; let editorEl2; let inst1; let inst2; const readOnlyIndex = '68'; // readOnly option has the internal index of 68 in the editor's options beforeEach(() => { setFixtures('
'); editorEl1 = document.getElementById('editor1'); editorEl2 = document.getElementById('editor2'); inst1Args = { el: editorEl1, }; inst2Args = { el: editorEl2, blobContent, blobPath, }; editor = new EditorLite(); instanceSpy = jest.spyOn(monacoEditor, 'create'); }); afterEach(() => { editor.dispose(); }); it('can initialize several instances of the same editor', () => { editor.createInstance(inst1Args); expect(editor.instances).toHaveLength(1); editor.createInstance(inst2Args); expect(instanceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(editor.instances).toHaveLength(2); }); it('sets independent models on independent instances', () => { inst1 = editor.createInstance(inst1Args); inst2 = editor.createInstance(inst2Args); const model1 = inst1.getModel(); const model2 = inst2.getModel(); expect(model1).toBeDefined(); expect(model2).toBeDefined(); expect(model1).not.toEqual(model2); }); it('does not create a new model if a model for the path & globalId combo already exists', () => { const modelSpy = jest.spyOn(monacoEditor, 'createModel'); inst1 = editor.createInstance({ ...inst2Args, blobGlobalId }); inst2 = editor.createInstance({ ...inst2Args, el: editorEl1, blobGlobalId }); const model1 = inst1.getModel(); const model2 = inst2.getModel(); expect(modelSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(model1).toBe(model2); }); it('shares global editor options among all instances', () => { editor = new EditorLite({ readOnly: true, }); inst1 = editor.createInstance(inst1Args); expect(inst1.getOption(readOnlyIndex)).toBe(true); inst2 = editor.createInstance(inst2Args); expect(inst2.getOption(readOnlyIndex)).toBe(true); }); it('allows overriding editor options on the instance level', () => { editor = new EditorLite({ readOnly: true, }); inst1 = editor.createInstance({ ...inst1Args, readOnly: false, }); expect(inst1.getOption(readOnlyIndex)).toBe(false); }); it('disposes instances and relevant models independently from each other', () => { inst1 = editor.createInstance(inst1Args); inst2 = editor.createInstance(inst2Args); expect(inst1.getModel()).not.toBe(null); expect(inst2.getModel()).not.toBe(null); expect(editor.instances).toHaveLength(2); expect(monacoEditor.getModels()).toHaveLength(2); inst1.dispose(); expect(inst1.getModel()).toBe(null); expect(inst2.getModel()).not.toBe(null); expect(editor.instances).toHaveLength(1); expect(monacoEditor.getModels()).toHaveLength(1); }); }); describe('implementation', () => { let instance; beforeEach(() => { instance = editor.createInstance({ el: editorEl, blobPath, blobContent }); }); it('correctly proxies value from the model', () => { expect(instance.getValue()).toBe(blobContent); }); it('is capable of changing the language of the model', () => { // ignore warnings and errors Monaco posts during setup // (due to being called from Jest/Node.js environment) jest.spyOn(console, 'warn').mockImplementation(() => {}); jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); const blobRenamedPath = 'test.js'; expect(instance.getModel().getLanguageIdentifier().language).toBe('markdown'); instance.updateModelLanguage(blobRenamedPath); expect(instance.getModel().getLanguageIdentifier().language).toBe('javascript'); }); it('falls back to plaintext if there is no language associated with an extension', () => { const blobRenamedPath = 'test.myext'; const spy = jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {}); instance.updateModelLanguage(blobRenamedPath); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(instance.getModel().getLanguageIdentifier().language).toBe('plaintext'); }); }); describe('extensions', () => { let instance; const alphaRes = jest.fn(); const betaRes = jest.fn(); const fooRes = jest.fn(); const barRes = jest.fn(); class AlphaClass { constructor() { this.res = alphaRes; } alpha() { return this?.nonExistentProp || alphaRes; } } class BetaClass { beta() { return this?.nonExistentProp || betaRes; } } class WithStaticMethod { constructor({ instance: inst, ...options } = {}) { Object.assign(inst, options); } static computeBoo(a) { return a + 1; } boo() { return WithStaticMethod.computeBoo(this.base); } } class WithStaticMethodExtended extends EditorLiteExtension { static computeBoo(a) { return a + 1; } boo() { return WithStaticMethodExtended.computeBoo(this.base); } } const AlphaExt = new AlphaClass(); const BetaExt = new BetaClass(); const FooObjExt = { foo() { return fooRes; }, }; const BarObjExt = { bar() { return barRes; }, }; describe('basic functionality', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance = editor.createInstance({ el: editorEl, blobPath, blobContent }); }); it('does not fail if no extensions supplied', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(global.console, 'error'); instance.use(); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("does not extend instance with extension's constructor", () => { expect(instance.constructor).toBeDefined(); const { constructor } = instance; expect(AlphaExt.constructor).toBeDefined(); expect(AlphaExt.constructor).not.toEqual(constructor); instance.use(AlphaExt); expect(instance.constructor).toBe(constructor); }); it.each` type | extensions | methods | expectations ${'ES6 classes'} | ${AlphaExt} | ${['alpha']} | ${[alphaRes]} ${'multiple ES6 classes'} | ${[AlphaExt, BetaExt]} | ${['alpha', 'beta']} | ${[alphaRes, betaRes]} ${'simple objects'} | ${FooObjExt} | ${['foo']} | ${[fooRes]} ${'multiple simple objects'} | ${[FooObjExt, BarObjExt]} | ${['foo', 'bar']} | ${[fooRes, barRes]} ${'combination of ES6 classes and objects'} | ${[AlphaExt, BarObjExt]} | ${['alpha', 'bar']} | ${[alphaRes, barRes]} `('is extensible with $type', ({ extensions, methods, expectations } = {}) => { methods.forEach((method) => { expect(instance[method]).toBeUndefined(); }); instance.use(extensions); methods.forEach((method) => { expect(instance[method]).toBeDefined(); }); expectations.forEach((expectation, i) => { expect(instance[methods[i]].call()).toEqual(expectation); }); }); it('does not extend instance with private data of an extension', () => { const ext = new WithStaticMethod({ instance }); ext.staticMethod = () => { return 'foo'; }; ext.staticProp = 'bar'; expect(instance.boo).toBeUndefined(); expect(instance.staticMethod).toBeUndefined(); expect(instance.staticProp).toBeUndefined(); instance.use(ext); expect(instance.boo).toBeDefined(); expect(instance.staticMethod).toBeUndefined(); expect(instance.staticProp).toBeUndefined(); }); it.each([WithStaticMethod, WithStaticMethodExtended])( 'properly resolves data for an extension with private data', (ExtClass) => { const base = 1; expect(instance.base).toBeUndefined(); expect(instance.boo).toBeUndefined(); const ext = new ExtClass({ instance, base }); instance.use(ext); expect(instance.base).toBe(1); expect(instance.boo()).toBe(2); }, ); it('uses the last definition of a method in case of an overlap', () => { const FooObjExt2 = { foo: 'foo2' }; instance.use([FooObjExt, BarObjExt, FooObjExt2]); expect(instance).toMatchObject({ foo: 'foo2', ...BarObjExt, }); }); it('correctly resolves references withing extensions', () => { const FunctionExt = { inst() { return this; }, mod() { return this.getModel(); }, }; instance.use(FunctionExt); expect(instance.inst()).toEqual(editor.instances[0]); }); }); describe('extensions as an instance parameter', () => { let editorExtensionSpy; const instanceConstructor = (extensions = []) => { return editor.createInstance({ el: editorEl, blobPath, blobContent, extensions, }); }; beforeEach(() => { editorExtensionSpy = jest .spyOn(EditorLite, 'pushToImportsArray') .mockImplementation((arr) => { arr.push( Promise.resolve({ default: {}, }), ); }); }); it.each([undefined, [], [''], ''])( 'does not fail and makes no fetch if extensions is %s', () => { instance = instanceConstructor(null); expect(editorExtensionSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }, ); it.each` type | value | callsCount ${'simple string'} | ${'foo'} | ${1} ${'combined string'} | ${'foo, bar'} | ${2} ${'array of strings'} | ${['foo', 'bar']} | ${2} `('accepts $type as an extension parameter', ({ value, callsCount }) => { instance = instanceConstructor(value); expect(editorExtensionSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(editorExtensionSpy.mock.calls).toHaveLength(callsCount); }); it.each` desc | path | expectation ${'~/editor'} | ${'foo'} | ${'~/editor/foo'} ${'~/CUSTOM_PATH with leading slash'} | ${'/my_custom_path/bar'} | ${'~/my_custom_path/bar'} ${'~/CUSTOM_PATH without leading slash'} | ${'my_custom_path/delta'} | ${'~/my_custom_path/delta'} `('fetches extensions from $desc path', ({ path, expectation }) => { instance = instanceConstructor(path); expect(editorExtensionSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expect.any(Array), expectation); }); it('emits EDITOR_READY_EVENT event after all extensions were applied', async () => { const calls = []; const eventSpy = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { calls.push('event'); }); const useSpy = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { calls.push('use'); }); jest.spyOn(EditorLite, 'convertMonacoToELInstance').mockImplementation((inst) => { const decoratedInstance = inst; decoratedInstance.use = useSpy; return decoratedInstance; }); editorEl.addEventListener(EDITOR_READY_EVENT, eventSpy); instance = instanceConstructor('foo, bar'); await waitForPromises(); expect(useSpy.mock.calls).toHaveLength(2); expect(calls).toEqual(['use', 'use', 'event']); }); }); describe('multiple instances', () => { let inst1; let inst2; let editorEl1; let editorEl2; beforeEach(() => { setFixtures('
'); editorEl1 = document.getElementById('editor1'); editorEl2 = document.getElementById('editor2'); inst1 = editor.createInstance({ el: editorEl1, blobPath: `foo-${blobPath}` }); inst2 = editor.createInstance({ el: editorEl2, blobPath: `bar-${blobPath}` }); }); afterEach(() => { editor.dispose(); editorEl1.remove(); editorEl2.remove(); }); it('extends all instances if no specific instance is passed', () => { editor.use(AlphaExt); expect(inst1.alpha()).toEqual(alphaRes); expect(inst2.alpha()).toEqual(alphaRes); }); }); }); describe('languages', () => { it('registers custom languages defined with Monaco', () => { expect(monacoLanguages.getLanguages()).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ id: 'vue', }), ]), ); }); }); describe('syntax highlighting theme', () => { let themeDefineSpy; let themeSetSpy; let defaultScheme; beforeEach(() => { themeDefineSpy = jest.spyOn(monacoEditor, 'defineTheme').mockImplementation(() => {}); themeSetSpy = jest.spyOn(monacoEditor, 'setTheme').mockImplementation(() => {}); defaultScheme = window.gon.user_color_scheme; }); afterEach(() => { window.gon.user_color_scheme = defaultScheme; }); it('sets default syntax highlighting theme', () => { const expectedTheme = themes.find((t) => t.name === DEFAULT_THEME); editor = new EditorLite(); expect(themeDefineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DEFAULT_THEME, expectedTheme.data); expect(themeSetSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DEFAULT_THEME); }); it('sets correct theme if it is set in users preferences', () => { const expectedTheme = themes.find((t) => t.name !== DEFAULT_THEME); expect(expectedTheme.name).not.toBe(DEFAULT_THEME); window.gon.user_color_scheme = expectedTheme.name; editor = new EditorLite(); expect(themeDefineSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedTheme.name, expectedTheme.data); expect(themeSetSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedTheme.name); }); it('falls back to default theme if a selected one is not supported yet', () => { const name = 'non-existent-theme'; const nonExistentTheme = { name }; window.gon.user_color_scheme = nonExistentTheme.name; editor = new EditorLite(); expect(themeDefineSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(themeSetSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DEFAULT_THEME); }); }); });