# frozen_string_literal: true module EmailsHelper include AppearancesHelper # Google Actions # https://developers.google.com/gmail/markup/reference/go-to-action def email_action(url) name = action_title(url) if name data = { "@context" => "http://schema.org", "@type" => "EmailMessage", "action" => { "@type" => "ViewAction", "name" => name, "url" => url } } content_tag :script, type: 'application/ld+json' do data.to_json.html_safe end end end def action_title(url) return unless url %w(merge_requests issues commit).each do |action| if url.split("/").include?(action) return "View #{action.humanize.singularize}" end end nil end def sanitize_name(name) if name =~ URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.regexp[:URI_REF] name.tr('.', '_') else name end end def password_reset_token_valid_time valid_hours = Devise.reset_password_within / 60 / 60 if valid_hours >= 24 unit = 'day' valid_length = (valid_hours / 24).floor else unit = 'hour' valid_length = valid_hours.floor end pluralize(valid_length, unit) end def reset_token_expire_message link_tag = link_to('request a new one', new_user_password_url(user_email: @user.email)) "This link is valid for #{password_reset_token_valid_time}. " \ "After it expires, you can #{link_tag}." end def header_logo if current_appearance&.header_logo? image_tag( current_appearance.header_logo_path, style: 'height: 50px' ) else image_tag( image_url('mailers/gitlab_header_logo.gif'), size: '55x50', alt: 'GitLab' ) end end def email_default_heading(text) content_tag :h1, text, style: [ "font-family:'Helvetica Neue',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif", 'color:#333333', 'font-size:18px', 'font-weight:400', 'line-height:1.4', 'padding:0', 'margin:0', 'text-align:center' ].join(';') end def closure_reason_text(closed_via, format: nil) case closed_via when MergeRequest merge_request = MergeRequest.find(closed_via[:id]).present case format when :html " via merge request #{link_to(merge_request.to_reference, merge_request.web_url)}" else # If it's not HTML nor text then assume it's text to be safe " via merge request #{merge_request.to_reference} (#{merge_request.web_url})" end when String # Technically speaking this should be Commit but per # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/15610#note_163812339 # we can't deserialize Commit without custom serializer for ActiveJob " via #{closed_via}" else "" end end # "You are receiving this email because #{reason}" def notification_reason_text(reason) string = case reason when NotificationReason::OWN_ACTIVITY 'of your activity' when NotificationReason::ASSIGNED 'you have been assigned an item' when NotificationReason::MENTIONED 'you have been mentioned' else 'of your account' end "#{string} on #{Gitlab.config.gitlab.host}" end def create_list_id_string(project, list_id_max_length = 255) project_path_as_domain = project.full_path.downcase .split('/').reverse.join('/') .gsub(%r{[^a-z0-9\/]}, '-') .gsub(%r{\/+}, '.') .gsub(/(\A\.+|\.+\z)/, '') max_domain_length = list_id_max_length - Gitlab.config.gitlab.host.length - project.id.to_s.length - 2 if max_domain_length < 3 return project.id.to_s + "..." + Gitlab.config.gitlab.host end if project_path_as_domain.length > max_domain_length project_path_as_domain = project_path_as_domain.slice(0, max_domain_length) last_dot_index = project_path_as_domain[0..-2].rindex(".") last_dot_index ||= max_domain_length - 2 project_path_as_domain = project_path_as_domain.slice(0, last_dot_index).concat("..") end project.id.to_s + "." + project_path_as_domain + "." + Gitlab.config.gitlab.host end def html_header_message return unless show_header? render_message(:header_message, style: '') end def html_footer_message return unless show_footer? render_message(:footer_message, style: '') end def text_header_message return unless show_header? strip_tags(render_message(:header_message, style: '')) end def text_footer_message return unless show_footer? strip_tags(render_message(:footer_message, style: '')) end private def show_footer? email_header_and_footer_enabled? && current_appearance&.show_footer? end def show_header? email_header_and_footer_enabled? && current_appearance&.show_header? end def email_header_and_footer_enabled? current_appearance&.email_header_and_footer_enabled? end end