class Gitlab::Seeder::Pipelines STAGES = %w[build test deploy notify] BUILDS = [ { name: 'build:linux', stage: 'build', status: :success }, { name: 'build:osx', stage: 'build', status: :success }, { name: 'rspec:linux', stage: 'test', status: :success }, { name: 'rspec:windows', stage: 'test', status: :success }, { name: 'rspec:windows', stage: 'test', status: :success }, { name: 'rspec:osx', stage: 'test', status_event: :success }, { name: 'spinach:linux', stage: 'test', status: :success }, { name: 'spinach:osx', stage: 'test', status: :failed, allow_failure: true}, { name: 'env:alpha', stage: 'deploy', environment: 'alpha', status: :pending }, { name: 'env:beta', stage: 'deploy', environment: 'beta', status: :running }, { name: 'env:gamma', stage: 'deploy', environment: 'gamma', status: :canceled }, { name: 'staging', stage: 'deploy', environment: 'staging', status_event: :success }, { name: 'production', stage: 'deploy', environment: 'production', when: 'manual', status: :skipped }, { name: 'slack', stage: 'notify', when: 'manual', status: :created }, ] def initialize(project) @project = project end def seed! pipelines.each do |pipeline| begin BUILDS.each { |opts| build_create!(pipeline, opts) } commit_status_create!(pipeline, name: 'jenkins', stage: 'test', status: :success) print '.' rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid print 'F' ensure pipeline.build_updated end end end private def pipelines create_master_pipelines + create_merge_request_pipelines end def create_master_pipelines @project.repository.commits('master', limit: 4).map do |commit| create_pipeline!(@project, 'master', commit) end rescue [] end def create_merge_request_pipelines pipelines = @project.merge_requests.first(3).map do |merge_request| project = merge_request.source_project branch = merge_request.source_branch merge_request.commits.last(4).map do |commit| create_pipeline!(project, branch, commit) end end pipelines.flatten rescue [] end def create_pipeline!(project, ref, commit) project.pipelines.create(sha:, ref: ref) end def build_create!(pipeline, opts = {}) attributes = job_attributes(pipeline, opts) .merge(commands: '$ build command') Ci::Build.create!(attributes).tap do |build| setup_artifacts(build) setup_build_log(build) end end def setup_artifacts(build) return unless %w[build test].include?(build.stage) artifacts_cache_file(artifacts_archive_path) do |file| build.artifacts_file = file end artifacts_cache_file(artifacts_metadata_path) do |file| build.artifacts_metadata = file end end def setup_build_log(build) ## # We need to set build trace after saving a build (id required) # That is why we need `#tap` method instead of passing block # directly to `Ci::Build#create!`. # if %w(running success failed).include?(build.status) build.trace = FFaker::Lorem.paragraphs(6).join("\n\n") end end def commit_status_create!(pipeline, opts = {}) attributes = job_attributes(pipeline, opts) GenericCommitStatus.create!(attributes) end def job_attributes(pipeline, opts) { name: 'test build', stage: 'test', stage_idx: stage_index(opts[:stage]), ref: 'master', tag: false, user: build_user, project: @project, pipeline: pipeline, created_at:, updated_at: }.merge(opts) end def build_user end def build_status Ci::Build::AVAILABLE_STATUSES.sample end def stage_index(stage) STAGES.index(stage) || 0 end def artifacts_archive_path Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/' end def artifacts_metadata_path Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/ci_build_artifacts_metadata.gz' end def artifacts_cache_file(file_path) cache_path = file_path.to_s.gsub('ci_', "p#{}_") FileUtils.copy(file_path, cache_path) do |file| yield file end end end Gitlab::Seeder.quiet do Project.all.sample(5).each do |project| project_builds = project_builds.seed! end end