# Gitlab::VisibilityLevel module # # Define allowed public modes that can be used for # GitLab projects to determine project public mode # module Gitlab module VisibilityLevel extend CurrentSettings extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do scope :public_only, -> { where(visibility_level: PUBLIC) } scope :public_and_internal_only, -> { where(visibility_level: [PUBLIC, INTERNAL] ) } scope :non_public_only, -> { where.not(visibility_level: PUBLIC) } scope :public_to_user, -> (user) { user && !user.external ? public_and_internal_only : public_only } end PRIVATE = 0 unless const_defined?(:PRIVATE) INTERNAL = 10 unless const_defined?(:INTERNAL) PUBLIC = 20 unless const_defined?(:PUBLIC) class << self def values options.values end def options { 'Private' => PRIVATE, 'Internal' => INTERNAL, 'Public' => PUBLIC } end def highest_allowed_level restricted_levels = current_application_settings.restricted_visibility_levels allowed_levels = self.values - restricted_levels allowed_levels.max || PRIVATE end def allowed_for?(user, level) user.is_admin? || allowed_level?(level.to_i) end # Return true if the specified level is allowed for the current user. # Level should be a numeric value, e.g. `20`. def allowed_level?(level) valid_level?(level) && non_restricted_level?(level) end def non_restricted_level?(level) restricted_levels = current_application_settings.restricted_visibility_levels if restricted_levels.nil? true else !restricted_levels.include?(level) end end def valid_level?(level) options.has_value?(level) end def level_name(level) level_name = 'Unknown' options.each do |name, lvl| level_name = name if lvl == level.to_i end level_name end end def private? visibility_level_field == PRIVATE end def internal? visibility_level_field == INTERNAL end def public? visibility_level_field == PUBLIC end end end