# frozen_string_literal: true require 'carrierwave/orm/activerecord' class Issue < ApplicationRecord include AtomicInternalId include IidRoutes include Issuable include Noteable include Referable include Spammable include FasterCacheKeys include RelativePositioning include TimeTrackable include ThrottledTouch include LabelEventable include IgnorableColumns include MilestoneEventable include WhereComposite include StateEventable include IdInOrdered include Presentable include IssueAvailableFeatures include Todoable DueDateStruct = Struct.new(:title, :name).freeze NoDueDate = DueDateStruct.new('No Due Date', '0').freeze AnyDueDate = DueDateStruct.new('Any Due Date', '').freeze Overdue = DueDateStruct.new('Overdue', 'overdue').freeze DueThisWeek = DueDateStruct.new('Due This Week', 'week').freeze DueThisMonth = DueDateStruct.new('Due This Month', 'month').freeze DueNextMonthAndPreviousTwoWeeks = DueDateStruct.new('Due Next Month And Previous Two Weeks', 'next_month_and_previous_two_weeks').freeze SORTING_PREFERENCE_FIELD = :issues_sort # Types of issues that should be displayed on lists across the app # for example, project issues list, group issues list and issue boards. # Some issue types, like test cases, should be hidden by default. TYPES_FOR_LIST = %w(issue incident).freeze belongs_to :project has_one :namespace, through: :project belongs_to :duplicated_to, class_name: 'Issue' belongs_to :closed_by, class_name: 'User' belongs_to :iteration, foreign_key: 'sprint_id' belongs_to :moved_to, class_name: 'Issue' has_one :moved_from, class_name: 'Issue', foreign_key: :moved_to_id has_internal_id :iid, scope: :project, track_if: -> { !importing? }, init: ->(s) { s&.project&.issues&.maximum(:iid) } has_many :events, as: :target, dependent: :delete_all # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :merge_requests_closing_issues, class_name: 'MergeRequestsClosingIssues', dependent: :delete_all # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :issue_assignees has_many :issue_email_participants has_many :assignees, class_name: "User", through: :issue_assignees has_many :zoom_meetings has_many :user_mentions, class_name: "IssueUserMention", dependent: :delete_all # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :sent_notifications, as: :noteable has_many :designs, class_name: 'DesignManagement::Design', inverse_of: :issue has_many :design_versions, class_name: 'DesignManagement::Version', inverse_of: :issue do def most_recent ordered.first end end has_one :issuable_severity has_one :sentry_issue has_one :alert_management_alert, class_name: 'AlertManagement::Alert' has_and_belongs_to_many :self_managed_prometheus_alert_events, join_table: :issues_self_managed_prometheus_alert_events # rubocop: disable Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany has_and_belongs_to_many :prometheus_alert_events, join_table: :issues_prometheus_alert_events # rubocop: disable Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany has_many :prometheus_alerts, through: :prometheus_alert_events accepts_nested_attributes_for :sentry_issue validates :project, presence: true validates :issue_type, presence: true enum issue_type: { issue: 0, incident: 1, test_case: 2 ## EE-only } alias_attribute :parent_ids, :project_id alias_method :issuing_parent, :project scope :in_projects, ->(project_ids) { where(project_id: project_ids) } scope :not_in_projects, ->(project_ids) { where.not(project_id: project_ids) } scope :with_due_date, -> { where.not(due_date: nil) } scope :without_due_date, -> { where(due_date: nil) } scope :due_before, ->(date) { where('issues.due_date < ?', date) } scope :due_between, ->(from_date, to_date) { where('issues.due_date >= ?', from_date).where('issues.due_date <= ?', to_date) } scope :due_tomorrow, -> { where(due_date: Date.tomorrow) } scope :not_authored_by, ->(user) { where.not(author_id: user) } scope :order_due_date_asc, -> { reorder(::Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('due_date', 'ASC')) } scope :order_due_date_desc, -> { reorder(::Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('due_date', 'DESC')) } scope :order_closest_future_date, -> { reorder(Arel.sql('CASE WHEN issues.due_date >= CURRENT_DATE THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ASC, ABS(CURRENT_DATE - issues.due_date) ASC')) } scope :order_relative_position_asc, -> { reorder(::Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('relative_position', 'ASC')) } scope :order_closed_date_desc, -> { reorder(closed_at: :desc) } scope :order_created_at_desc, -> { reorder(created_at: :desc) } scope :order_severity_asc, -> { includes(:issuable_severity).order('issuable_severities.severity ASC NULLS FIRST') } scope :order_severity_desc, -> { includes(:issuable_severity).order('issuable_severities.severity DESC NULLS LAST') } scope :preload_associated_models, -> { preload(:assignees, :labels, project: :namespace) } scope :with_web_entity_associations, -> { preload(:author, :project) } scope :with_api_entity_associations, -> { preload(:timelogs, :assignees, :author, :notes, :labels, project: [:route, { namespace: :route }] ) } scope :with_label_attributes, ->(label_attributes) { joins(:labels).where(labels: label_attributes) } scope :with_alert_management_alerts, -> { joins(:alert_management_alert) } scope :with_prometheus_alert_events, -> { joins(:issues_prometheus_alert_events) } scope :with_self_managed_prometheus_alert_events, -> { joins(:issues_self_managed_prometheus_alert_events) } scope :with_api_entity_associations, -> { preload(:timelogs, :closed_by, :assignees, :author, :notes, :labels, milestone: { project: [:route, { namespace: :route }] }, project: [:route, { namespace: :route }]) } scope :with_issue_type, ->(types) { where(issue_type: types) } scope :public_only, -> { where(confidential: false) } scope :confidential_only, -> { where(confidential: true) } scope :counts_by_state, -> { reorder(nil).group(:state_id).count } scope :service_desk, -> { where(author: ::User.support_bot) } scope :inc_relations_for_view, -> { includes(author: :status) } # An issue can be uniquely identified by project_id and iid # Takes one or more sets of composite IDs, expressed as hash-like records of # `{project_id: x, iid: y}`. # # @see WhereComposite::where_composite # # e.g: # # .by_project_id_and_iid({project_id: 1, iid: 2}) # .by_project_id_and_iid([]) # returns ActiveRecord::NullRelation # .by_project_id_and_iid([ # {project_id: 1, iid: 1}, # {project_id: 2, iid: 1}, # {project_id: 1, iid: 2} # ]) # scope :by_project_id_and_iid, ->(composites) do where_composite(%i[project_id iid], composites) end after_commit :expire_etag_cache, unless: :importing? after_save :ensure_metrics, unless: :importing? after_create_commit :record_create_action, unless: :importing? attr_spammable :title, spam_title: true attr_spammable :description, spam_description: true state_machine :state_id, initial: :opened, initialize: false do event :close do transition [:opened] => :closed end event :reopen do transition closed: :opened end state :opened, value: Issue.available_states[:opened] state :closed, value: Issue.available_states[:closed] before_transition any => :closed do |issue| issue.closed_at = issue.system_note_timestamp end before_transition closed: :opened do |issue| issue.closed_at = nil issue.closed_by = nil end end # Alias to state machine .with_state_id method # This needs to be defined after the state machine block to avoid errors class << self alias_method :with_state, :with_state_id alias_method :with_states, :with_state_ids end def self.relative_positioning_query_base(issue) in_projects(issue.parent_ids) end def self.relative_positioning_parent_column :project_id end def self.reference_prefix '#' end # Pattern used to extract `#123` issue references from text # # This pattern supports cross-project references. def self.reference_pattern @reference_pattern ||= %r{ (#{Project.reference_pattern})? #{Regexp.escape(reference_prefix)}#{Gitlab::Regex.issue} }x end def self.link_reference_pattern @link_reference_pattern ||= super("issues", Gitlab::Regex.issue) end def self.reference_valid?(reference) reference.to_i > 0 && reference.to_i <= Gitlab::Database::MAX_INT_VALUE end def self.project_foreign_key 'project_id' end def self.simple_sorts super.merge( { 'closest_future_date' => -> { order_closest_future_date }, 'closest_future_date_asc' => -> { order_closest_future_date }, 'due_date' => -> { order_due_date_asc.with_order_id_desc }, 'due_date_asc' => -> { order_due_date_asc.with_order_id_desc }, 'due_date_desc' => -> { order_due_date_desc.with_order_id_desc }, 'relative_position' => -> { order_relative_position_asc.with_order_id_desc }, 'relative_position_asc' => -> { order_relative_position_asc.with_order_id_desc } } ) end def self.sort_by_attribute(method, excluded_labels: []) case method.to_s when 'closest_future_date', 'closest_future_date_asc' then order_closest_future_date when 'due_date', 'due_date_asc' then order_due_date_asc.with_order_id_desc when 'due_date_desc' then order_due_date_desc.with_order_id_desc when 'relative_position', 'relative_position_asc' then order_relative_position_asc.with_order_id_desc when 'severity_asc' then order_severity_asc.with_order_id_desc when 'severity_desc' then order_severity_desc.with_order_id_desc else super end end # `with_cte` argument allows sorting when using CTE queries and prevents # errors in postgres when using CTE search optimisation def self.order_by_position_and_priority(with_cte: false) order_labels_priority(with_cte: with_cte) .reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('relative_position', 'ASC'), Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('highest_priority', 'ASC'), "id DESC") end def hook_attrs Gitlab::HookData::IssueBuilder.new(self).build end # `from` argument can be a Namespace or Project. def to_reference(from = nil, full: false) reference = "#{self.class.reference_prefix}#{iid}" "#{project.to_reference_base(from, full: full)}#{reference}" end def suggested_branch_name return to_branch_name unless project.repository.branch_exists?(to_branch_name) start_counting_from = 2 Uniquify.new(start_counting_from).string(-> (counter) { "#{to_branch_name}-#{counter}" }) do |suggested_branch_name| project.repository.branch_exists?(suggested_branch_name) end end # Returns boolean if a related branch exists for the current issue # ignores merge requests branchs def has_related_branch? project.repository.branch_names.any? do |branch| /\A#{iid}-(?!\d+-stable)/i =~ branch end end # To allow polymorphism with MergeRequest. def source_project project end def moved? !moved_to_id.nil? end def duplicated? !duplicated_to_id.nil? end def can_move?(user, to_project = nil) if to_project return false unless user.can?(:admin_issue, to_project) end !moved? && persisted? && user.can?(:admin_issue, self.project) end def to_branch_name if self.confidential? "#{iid}-confidential-issue" else branch_name = "#{iid}-#{title.parameterize}" if branch_name.length > 100 truncated_string = branch_name[0, 100] # Delete everything dangling after the last hyphen so as not to risk # existence of unintended words in the branch name due to mid-word split. branch_name = truncated_string[0, truncated_string.rindex("-")] end branch_name end end def related_issues(current_user, preload: nil) related_issues = ::Issue .select(['issues.*', 'issue_links.id AS issue_link_id', 'issue_links.link_type as issue_link_type_value', 'issue_links.target_id as issue_link_source_id']) .joins("INNER JOIN issue_links ON (issue_links.source_id = issues.id AND issue_links.target_id = #{id}) OR (issue_links.target_id = issues.id AND issue_links.source_id = #{id})") .preload(preload) .reorder('issue_link_id') cross_project_filter = -> (issues) { issues.where(project: project) } Ability.issues_readable_by_user(related_issues, current_user, filters: { read_cross_project: cross_project_filter }) end def can_be_worked_on? !self.closed? && !self.project.forked? end # Returns `true` if the current issue can be viewed by either a logged in User # or an anonymous user. def visible_to_user?(user = nil) return false unless project && project.feature_available?(:issues, user) return publicly_visible? unless user return false unless readable_by?(user) user.can_read_all_resources? || ::Gitlab::ExternalAuthorization.access_allowed?( user, project.external_authorization_classification_label) end def check_for_spam? publicly_visible? && (title_changed? || description_changed? || confidential_changed?) end def as_json(options = {}) super(options).tap do |json| if options.key?(:labels) json[:labels] = labels.as_json( project: project, only: [:id, :title, :description, :color, :priority], methods: [:text_color] ) end end end def etag_caching_enabled? true end def discussions_rendered_on_frontend? true end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def update_project_counter_caches Projects::OpenIssuesCountService.new(project).refresh_cache end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def merge_requests_count(user = nil) ::MergeRequestsClosingIssues.count_for_issue(self.id, user) end def labels_hook_attrs labels.map(&:hook_attrs) end def previous_updated_at previous_changes['updated_at']&.first || updated_at end def banzai_render_context(field) super.merge(label_url_method: :project_issues_url) end def design_collection @design_collection ||= ::DesignManagement::DesignCollection.new(self) end def from_service_desk? author.id == User.support_bot.id end def issue_link_type return unless respond_to?(:issue_link_type_value) && respond_to?(:issue_link_source_id) type = IssueLink.link_types.key(issue_link_type_value) || IssueLink::TYPE_RELATES_TO return type if issue_link_source_id == id IssueLink.inverse_link_type(type) end def relocation_target moved_to || duplicated_to end private def ensure_metrics super metrics.record! end def record_create_action Gitlab::UsageDataCounters::IssueActivityUniqueCounter.track_issue_created_action(author: author) end # Returns `true` if the given User can read the current Issue. # # This method duplicates the same check of issue_policy.rb # for performance reasons, check commit: 002ad215818450d2cbbc5fa065850a953dc7ada8 # Make sure to sync this method with issue_policy.rb def readable_by?(user) if user.can_read_all_resources? true elsif project.owner == user true elsif confidential? && !assignee_or_author?(user) project.team.member?(user, Gitlab::Access::REPORTER) else project.public? || project.internal? && !user.external? || project.team.member?(user) end end # Returns `true` if this Issue is visible to everybody. def publicly_visible? project.public? && !confidential? && !::Gitlab::ExternalAuthorization.enabled? end def expire_etag_cache key = Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.realtime_changes_project_issue_path(project, self) Gitlab::EtagCaching::Store.new.touch(key) end def could_not_move(exception) # Symptom of running out of space - schedule rebalancing IssueRebalancingWorker.perform_async(nil, project_id) end end Issue.prepend_if_ee('EE::Issue')