# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Ci::RetryJobService do let_it_be(:reporter) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:developer) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be(:pipeline) do create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: 'b83d6e391c22777fca1ed3012fce84f633d7fed0') end let_it_be(:stage) do create(:ci_stage_entity, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'test') end let(:user) { developer } let(:service) { described_class.new(project, user) } before_all do project.add_developer(developer) project.add_reporter(reporter) end shared_context 'retryable bridge' do let_it_be(:downstream_project) { create(:project, :repository) } let_it_be_with_refind(:job) do create( :ci_bridge, :success, pipeline: pipeline, downstream: downstream_project, description: 'a trigger job', stage_id: stage.id ) end let_it_be(:job_to_clone) { job } before do job.update!(retried: false) end end shared_context 'retryable build' do let_it_be_with_refind(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, pipeline: pipeline, stage_id: stage.id) } let_it_be(:another_pipeline) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project) } let_it_be(:job_to_clone) do create(:ci_build, :failed, :picked, :expired, :erased, :queued, :coverage, :tags, :allowed_to_fail, :on_tag, :triggered, :teardown_environment, :resource_group, description: 'my-job', stage: 'test', stage_id: stage.id, pipeline: pipeline, auto_canceled_by: another_pipeline, scheduled_at: 10.seconds.since) end before do job.update!(retried: false, status: :success) job_to_clone.update!(retried: false, status: :success) end end shared_examples_for 'clones the job' do let(:job) { job_to_clone } before_all do # Make sure that job has both `stage_id` and `stage` job_to_clone.update!(stage: 'test', stage_id: stage.id) create(:ci_build_need, build: job_to_clone) end context 'when the user has ability to execute job' do before do stub_not_protect_default_branch end context 'when there is a failed job ToDo for the MR' do let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, author: user, head_pipeline: pipeline) } let!(:todo) { create(:todo, :build_failed, user: user, project: project, author: user, target: merge_request) } it 'resolves the ToDo for the failed job' do expect do service.execute(job) end.to change { todo.reload.state }.from('pending').to('done') end end context 'when the job has needs' do before do create(:ci_build_need, build: job, name: 'build1') create(:ci_build_need, build: job, name: 'build2') end it 'bulk inserts all the needs' do expect(Ci::BuildNeed).to receive(:bulk_insert!).and_call_original new_job end end it 'marks the old job as retried' do expect(new_job).to be_latest expect(job).to be_retried expect(job).to be_processed end end context 'when the user does not have permission to execute the job' do let(:user) { reporter } it 'raises an error' do expect { service.execute(job) } .to raise_error Gitlab::Access::AccessDeniedError end end end shared_examples_for 'retries the job' do it_behaves_like 'clones the job' it 'enqueues the new job' do expect(new_job).to be_pending end context 'when there are subsequent processables that are skipped' do let!(:subsequent_build) do create(:ci_build, :skipped, stage_idx: 2, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy') end let!(:subsequent_bridge) do create(:ci_bridge, :skipped, stage_idx: 2, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy') end it 'resumes pipeline processing in the subsequent stage' do service.execute(job) expect(subsequent_build.reload).to be_created expect(subsequent_bridge.reload).to be_created end it 'updates ownership for subsequent builds' do expect { service.execute(job) }.to change { subsequent_build.reload.user }.to(user) end it 'updates ownership for subsequent bridges' do expect { service.execute(job) }.to change { subsequent_bridge.reload.user }.to(user) end end context 'when the pipeline has other jobs' do let!(:stage2) { create(:ci_stage_entity, project: project, pipeline: pipeline, name: 'deploy') } let!(:build2) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_id: stage.id ) } let!(:deploy) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, stage_id: stage2.id) } let!(:deploy_needs_build2) { create(:ci_build_need, build: deploy, name: build2.name) } context 'when job has a nil scheduling_type' do before do job.pipeline.processables.update_all(scheduling_type: nil) job.reload end it 'populates scheduling_type of processables' do expect(new_job.scheduling_type).to eq('stage') expect(job.reload.scheduling_type).to eq('stage') expect(build2.reload.scheduling_type).to eq('stage') expect(deploy.reload.scheduling_type).to eq('dag') end end context 'when job has scheduling_type' do it 'does not call populate_scheduling_type!' do expect(job.pipeline).not_to receive(:ensure_scheduling_type!) expect(new_job.scheduling_type).to eq('stage') end end end context 'when the pipeline is a child pipeline and the bridge uses strategy:depend' do let!(:parent_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) } let!(:bridge) { create(:ci_bridge, :strategy_depend, pipeline: parent_pipeline, status: 'success') } let!(:source_pipeline) { create(:ci_sources_pipeline, pipeline: pipeline, source_job: bridge) } it 'marks the source bridge as pending' do service.execute(job) expect(bridge.reload).to be_pending end end end describe '#clone!' do let(:new_job) { service.clone!(job) } it 'raises an error when an unexpected class is passed' do expect { service.clone!(create(:ci_build).present) }.to raise_error(TypeError) end context 'when the job to be cloned is a bridge' do include_context 'retryable bridge' it_behaves_like 'clones the job' end context 'when the job to be cloned is a build' do include_context 'retryable build' let(:job) { job_to_clone } it_behaves_like 'clones the job' context 'when a build with a deployment is retried' do let!(:job) do create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, :deploy_to_production, pipeline: pipeline, stage_id: stage.id, project: project) end it 'creates a new deployment' do expect { new_job }.to change { Deployment.count }.by(1) end it 'does not create a new environment' do expect { new_job }.not_to change { Environment.count } end end context 'when a build with a dynamic environment is retried' do let_it_be(:other_developer) { create(:user).tap { |u| project.add_developer(u) } } let(:environment_name) { 'review/$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG-$GITLAB_USER_ID' } let!(:job) do create(:ci_build, :with_deployment, environment: environment_name, options: { environment: { name: environment_name } }, pipeline: pipeline, stage_id: stage.id, project: project, user: other_developer) end it 'creates a new deployment' do expect { new_job }.to change { Deployment.count }.by(1) end it 'does not create a new environment' do expect { new_job }.not_to change { Environment.count } end end end end describe '#execute' do let(:new_job) { service.execute(job)[:job] } context 'when the job to be retried is a bridge' do include_context 'retryable bridge' it_behaves_like 'retries the job' end context 'when the job to be retried is a build' do include_context 'retryable build' it_behaves_like 'retries the job' context 'when there are subsequent jobs that are skipped' do let!(:subsequent_build) do create(:ci_build, :skipped, stage_idx: 2, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy') end let!(:subsequent_bridge) do create(:ci_bridge, :skipped, stage_idx: 2, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy') end it 'does not cause an N+1 when updating the job ownership' do control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new(skip_cached: false) { service.execute(job) }.count create_list(:ci_build, 2, :skipped, stage_idx: job.stage_idx + 1, pipeline: pipeline, stage: 'deploy') expect { service.execute(job) }.not_to exceed_all_query_limit(control_count) end end end end end